PHP Класс Mnemo_Driver_Kolab, horde

Copyright 2004-2015 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you did not receive this file, see
Автор: Gunnar Wrobel ([email protected])
Автор: Thomas Jarosch ([email protected])
Автор: Stuart Binge ([email protected])
Наследование: extends Mnemo_Driver
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( string $notepad, array $params = [] ) Construct a new Kolab storage object.
get ( string $noteId, string $passphrase = null ) : array Retrieves one note from the backend.
getByUID ( string $uid, string $passphrase = null ) : array Retrieves one note from the backend by UID.
retrieve ( ) Retrieves all of the notes of the current notepad from the backend.
synchronize ( mixed $token = false ) Synchronize with the Kolab backend.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
_add ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : string Adds a note to the backend storage.
_buildNote ( array $note, string $passphrase = null ) : array Build a note based on data array
_buildObject ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : object Converts a note hash to a Kolab hash.
_delete ( $noteId ) : string Deletes a note permanently.
_deleteAll ( ) : array Deletes all notes from the current notepad.
_generateId ( ) : string Generates a local note ID.
_getData ( boolean $force = false ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data Return the Kolab data handler for the current notepad.
_getDataForNotepad ( string $notepad ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data Return the Kolab data handler for the specified notepad.
_modify ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : string Modifies an existing note.
_move ( string $noteId, string $newNotepad ) : string Moves a note to a new notepad.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

Construct a new Kolab storage object.
public __construct ( string $notepad, array $params = [] )
$notepad string The name of the notepad to load/save notes from.
$params array The connection parameters

_add() защищенный Метод

Adds a note to the backend storage.
protected _add ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : string
$noteId string The ID of the new note.
$desc string The first line of the note.
$body string The whole note body.
$tags string The tags of the note.
Результат string The unique ID of the new note.

_buildNote() защищенный Метод

Build a note based on data array
protected _buildNote ( array $note, string $passphrase = null ) : array
$note array The data for the note
$passphrase string A passphrase for decrypting a note
Результат array The converted data array representing the note

_buildObject() защищенный Метод

Converts a note hash to a Kolab hash.
protected _buildObject ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : object
$noteId string The note to modify.
$desc string The first line of the note.
$body string The whole note body.
$tags string The tags of the note.
Результат object The Kolab hash.

_delete() защищенный Метод

Deletes a note permanently.
protected _delete ( $noteId ) : string
Результат string The note's UID.

_deleteAll() защищенный Метод

Deletes all notes from the current notepad.
protected _deleteAll ( ) : array
Результат array An array of uids that have been removed.

_generateId() защищенный Метод

Generates a local note ID.
protected _generateId ( ) : string
Результат string A new note ID.

_getData() защищенный Метод

Return the Kolab data handler for the current notepad.
protected _getData ( boolean $force = false ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data
$force boolean Force returning a new handler.
Результат Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data The data handler.

_getDataForNotepad() защищенный Метод

Return the Kolab data handler for the specified notepad.
protected _getDataForNotepad ( string $notepad ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data
$notepad string The notepad name.
Результат Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data The data handler.

_modify() защищенный Метод

Modifies an existing note.
protected _modify ( string $noteId, string $desc, string $body, string $tags ) : string
$noteId string The note to modify.
$desc string The first line of the note.
$body string The whole note body.
$tags string The tags of the note.
Результат string The note's UID.

_move() защищенный Метод

Moves a note to a new notepad.
protected _move ( string $noteId, string $newNotepad ) : string
$noteId string The note to move.
$newNotepad string The new notepad.
Результат string The note's UID.

get() публичный Метод

Retrieves one note from the backend.
public get ( string $noteId, string $passphrase = null ) : array
$noteId string The ID of the note to retrieve.
$passphrase string A passphrase with which this note was supposed to be encrypted.
Результат array The array of note attributes.

getByUID() публичный Метод

Retrieves one note from the backend by UID.
public getByUID ( string $uid, string $passphrase = null ) : array
$uid string The UID of the note to retrieve.
$passphrase string A passphrase with which this note was supposed to be encrypted.
Результат array The array of note attributes.

retrieve() публичный Метод

Retrieves all of the notes of the current notepad from the backend.
public retrieve ( )

synchronize() публичный Метод

Synchronize with the Kolab backend.
public synchronize ( mixed $token = false )
$token mixed A value indicating the last synchronization point, if available.