PHP Класс Modules, TastyIgniter

Наследование: extends Eloquent
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Открытые свойства

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
autoload ( $class ) Library base class autoload *
file_path ( $module = null, $folder = null, $file = null ) : string Find the path to a module's file.
files ( $module_name = NULL, $module_folder = NULL ) : array Return an associative array of files within one or more modules.
find ( $file, $module, $base ) Find a file Scans for files located within modules directories.
folders ( ) : array Returns an array of the folders in which modules may be stored.
list_modules ( ) : array Returns a list of all modules in the system.
load ( $module ) Load a module controller *
load_file ( $file, $path, $type = 'other', $result = TRUE ) Load a module file *
parse_routes ( $module, $uri ) Parse module routes *
path ( $module = null, $folder = null ) : string Return the path to the module and its specified folder.
run ( $module ) Run a module controller method Output from module is buffered and returned.

Описание методов

autoload() публичный статический Метод

Library base class autoload *
public static autoload ( $class )

file_path() публичный статический Метод

Find the path to a module's file.
public static file_path ( $module = null, $folder = null, $file = null ) : string
$module string The name of the module to find.
$folder string The folder within the module to search for the file (ie. controllers).
$file string The name of the file to search for.
Результат string The full path to the file.

files() публичный статический Метод

Return an associative array of files within one or more modules.
public static files ( $module_name = NULL, $module_folder = NULL ) : array
$module_name string If not null, will return only files from that module.
$module_folder string If not null, will return only files within that sub-folder of each module (ie 'views').
Результат array An associative array, like: array( 'module_name' => array( 'folder' => array('file1', 'file2') ) )

find() публичный статический Метод

Also scans application directories for models, plugins and views. Generates fatal error if file not found.
public static find ( $file, $module, $base )

folders() публичный статический Метод

Returns an array of the folders in which modules may be stored.
public static folders ( ) : array
Результат array The folders in which modules may be stored.

list_modules() публичный статический Метод

Returns a list of all modules in the system.
public static list_modules ( ) : array
Результат array A list of all modules in the system.

load() публичный статический Метод

Load a module controller *
public static load ( $module )

load_file() публичный статический Метод

Load a module file *
public static load_file ( $file, $path, $type = 'other', $result = TRUE )

parse_routes() публичный статический Метод

Parse module routes *
public static parse_routes ( $module, $uri )

path() публичный статический Метод

Return the path to the module and its specified folder.
public static path ( $module = null, $folder = null ) : string
$module string The name of the module (must match the folder name).
$folder string The folder name to search for (Optional).
Результат string The path, relative to the front controller.

run() публичный статический Метод

Run a module controller method Output from module is buffered and returned.
public static run ( $module )

Описание свойств

$locations публичное статическое свойство

public static $locations

$registry публичное статическое свойство

public static $registry

$routes публичное статическое свойство

public static $routes