PHP Класс Mollie_API_Client, mollie-api-php

All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Автор: Mollie B.V. ([email protected])
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$customers Mollie_API_Resource_Customers RESTful Customers resource.
$customers_mandates Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Mandates RESTful Customers Mandates resource.
$customers_payments Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Payments RESTful Customers Payments resource.
$customers_subscriptions Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Subscriptions RESTful Customers Subscriptions resource.
$issuers Mollie_API_Resource_Issuers RESTful Issuers resource.
$methods Mollie_API_Resource_Methods RESTful Methods resource.
$organizations Mollie_API_Resource_Organizations RESTful Organizations resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
$payments Mollie_API_Resource_Payments RESTful Payments resource.
$payments_refunds Mollie_API_Resource_Payments_Refunds RESTful Payments Refunds resource.
$permissions Mollie_API_Resource_Permissions RESTful Permissions resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
$profiles Mollie_API_Resource_Profiles RESTful Profiles resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
$refunds Mollie_API_Resource_Refunds If you wish to create / get / list / cancel refunds with an API key, use the payment_refunds resource
$settlements Mollie_API_Resource_Settlements RESTful Settlements resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$api_endpoint string
$api_key string
$ch resource
$last_http_response_status_code integer
$oauth_access boolean True if an OAuth access token is set as API key.
$pem_path string
$version_strings array

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( )
__destruct ( ) Close any cURL handles, if we have them.
__get ( string $resource_path ) : Mollie_API_Resource_Undefined
addVersionString ( string $version_string )
getApiEndpoint ( ) : string
getLastHttpResponseStatusCode ( ) : integer
performHttpCall ( $http_method, $api_method, $http_body = NULL ) : string Perform an http call. This method is used by the resource specific classes. Please use the $payments property to perform operations on payments.
setAccessToken ( string $access_token )
setApiEndpoint ( string $url )
setApiKey ( string $api_key )
setPemPath ( string $pem_path ) Overwrite the default path to the PEM file. Should only be used by advanced users.
usesOAuth ( ) : boolean

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getCompatibilityChecker ( ) : Mollie_API_CompatibilityChecker

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( )

__destruct() публичный Метод

Close any cURL handles, if we have them.
public __destruct ( )

__get() публичный Метод

public __get ( string $resource_path ) : Mollie_API_Resource_Undefined
$resource_path string
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Undefined

addVersionString() публичный Метод

public addVersionString ( string $version_string )
$version_string string

getApiEndpoint() публичный Метод

public getApiEndpoint ( ) : string
Результат string

getCompatibilityChecker() защищенный Метод

protected getCompatibilityChecker ( ) : Mollie_API_CompatibilityChecker
Результат Mollie_API_CompatibilityChecker

getLastHttpResponseStatusCode() публичный Метод

Устаревший: Do not use this method, it should only be used internally
public getLastHttpResponseStatusCode ( ) : integer
Результат integer

performHttpCall() публичный Метод

Perform an http call. This method is used by the resource specific classes. Please use the $payments property to perform operations on payments.
public performHttpCall ( $http_method, $api_method, $http_body = NULL ) : string
Результат string

setAccessToken() публичный Метод

public setAccessToken ( string $access_token )
$access_token string OAuth access token, starting with 'access_'

setApiEndpoint() публичный Метод

public setApiEndpoint ( string $url )
$url string

setApiKey() публичный Метод

public setApiKey ( string $api_key )
$api_key string The Mollie API key, starting with 'test_' or 'live_'

setPemPath() публичный Метод

Overwrite the default path to the PEM file. Should only be used by advanced users.
public setPemPath ( string $pem_path )
$pem_path string

usesOAuth() публичный Метод

public usesOAuth ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

Описание свойств

$api_endpoint защищенное свойство

protected string $api_endpoint
Результат string

$api_key защищенное свойство

protected string $api_key
Результат string

$ch защищенное свойство

protected resource $ch
Результат resource

$customers публичное свойство

RESTful Customers resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Customers $customers
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Customers

$customers_mandates публичное свойство

RESTful Customers Mandates resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Mandates $customers_mandates
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Mandates

$customers_payments публичное свойство

RESTful Customers Payments resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Payments $customers_payments
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Payments

$customers_subscriptions публичное свойство

RESTful Customers Subscriptions resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Subscriptions $customers_subscriptions
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Customers_Subscriptions

$issuers публичное свойство

RESTful Issuers resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Issuers $issuers
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Issuers

$last_http_response_status_code защищенное свойство

protected int $last_http_response_status_code
Результат integer

$methods публичное свойство

RESTful Methods resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Methods $methods
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Methods

$oauth_access защищенное свойство

True if an OAuth access token is set as API key.
protected bool $oauth_access
Результат boolean

$organizations публичное свойство

RESTful Organizations resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Organizations $organizations
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Organizations

$payments публичное свойство

RESTful Payments resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Payments $payments
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Payments

$payments_refunds публичное свойство

RESTful Payments Refunds resource.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Payments_Refunds $payments_refunds
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Payments_Refunds

$pem_path защищенное свойство

protected string $pem_path
Результат string

$permissions публичное свойство

RESTful Permissions resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Permissions $permissions
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Permissions

$profiles публичное свойство

RESTful Profiles resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Profiles $profiles
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Profiles

$refunds публичное свойство

If you wish to create / get / list / cancel refunds with an API key, use the payment_refunds resource
public Mollie_API_Resource_Refunds $refunds
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Refunds

$settlements публичное свойство

RESTful Settlements resource. NOTE: requires OAuth access token.
public Mollie_API_Resource_Settlements $settlements
Результат Mollie_API_Resource_Settlements

$version_strings защищенное свойство

protected array $version_strings
Результат array