PHP Класс ReportService, googleads-php-lib

Наследование: extends DfpSoapClient
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$classmap array Default class map for wsdl=>php
$endpoint string The endpoint of the service

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user ) Constructor using wsdl location and options array
getReportDownloadURL ( $reportJobId, $exportFormat ) : the Returns the URL at which the report file can be downloaded.
getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions ( $reportJobId, $reportDownloadOptions ) : the Returns the URL at which the report file can be downloaded, and allows for customization of the downloaded report.
getReportJobStatus ( $reportJobId ) Returns the {@link ReportJobStatus} of the report job with the specified ID.
runReportJob ( $reportJob ) : the Initiates the execution of a {@link ReportQuery} on the server.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

Constructor using wsdl location and options array
public __construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user )
$wsdl string WSDL location for this service
$options array Options for the SoapClient

getReportDownloadURL() публичный метод

The report will be generated as a gzip archive, containing the report file itself.

public getReportDownloadURL ( $reportJobId, $exportFormat ) : the
Результат the URL for report file download

getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions() публичный метод

By default, the report will be generated as a gzip archive, containing the report file itself. This can be changed by setting {@link ReportDownloadOptions#useGzipCompression} to false.

public getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions ( $reportJobId, $reportDownloadOptions ) : the
Результат the URL for report file download

getReportJobStatus() публичный метод

Returns the {@link ReportJobStatus} of the report job with the specified ID.
public getReportJobStatus ( $reportJobId )

runReportJob() публичный метод

The following fields are required:

  • {@link ReportJob#reportQuery}
public runReportJob ( $reportJob ) : the
Результат the report job with its ID filled in

Описание свойств

$classmap публичное статическое свойство

Default class map for wsdl=>php
public static array $classmap
Результат array

$endpoint публичное статическое свойство

The endpoint of the service
public static string $endpoint
Результат string