PHP Класс RoboFile, Robo

См. также:
Наследование: extends Robo\Tasks, use trait joomla_projects\robo\loadTasks
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
changed ( string $addition ) Update changelog.
docs ( ) Generate the Robo documentation files.
generateTask ( $className, $wrapperClassName = "" ) Generate a new Robo task that wraps an existing utility class.
pharBuild ( ) Build the Robo phar executable.
pharInstall ( ) Install Robo phar.
pharPublish ( ) Publish Robo phar.
publish ( ) Publish Robo.
release ( $opts = ['beta' => false] ) Release Robo.
sniff ( string $file = 'src/', $options = ['autofix' => false, 'strict' => false] ) Code sniffer.
test ( array $args, $options = ['coverage-html' => false, 'coverage' => false] ) Run the Robo unit tests.
versionBump ( string $version = '', $options = ['stage' => ''] ) Update the version of Robo.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
devDependenciesToRemoveFromPhar ( ) : array The phar:build command removes the project requirements from the 'require-dev' section that are not in the 'suggest' section.
incrementVersion ( string $version, string $stage = '' ) : string Advance to the next SemVer version.
writeVersion ( string $version ) Write the specified version string back into the Robo.php file.

Описание методов

changed() публичный Метод

Add an entry to the Robo file.
public changed ( string $addition )
$addition string The text to add to the change log.

devDependenciesToRemoveFromPhar() защищенный Метод

The phar:build command removes the project requirements from the 'require-dev' section that are not in the 'suggest' section.
protected devDependenciesToRemoveFromPhar ( ) : array
Результат array

docs() публичный Метод

Generate the Robo documentation files.
public docs ( )

generateTask() публичный Метод

Generate a new Robo task that wraps an existing utility class.
public generateTask ( $className, $wrapperClassName = "" )
$className The name of the existing utility class to wrap.
$wrapperClassName The name of the wrapper class to create. Optional.

incrementVersion() защищенный Метод

The behavior depends on the parameter $stage. - If $stage is empty, then the patch or minor version of $version is incremented - If $stage matches the current stage in the current version, then add one to the stage (e.g. alpha3 -> alpha4) - If $stage does not match the current stage in the current version, then reset to '1' (e.g. alpha4 -> beta1)
protected incrementVersion ( string $version, string $stage = '' ) : string
$version string A SemVer version
$stage string dev, alpha, beta, rc or an empty string for stable.
Результат string

pharBuild() публичный Метод

Build the Robo phar executable.
public pharBuild ( )

pharInstall() публичный Метод

Installs the Robo phar executable in /usr/bin. Uses 'sudo'.
public pharInstall ( )

pharPublish() публичный Метод

Commits the phar executable to Robo's GitHub pages site.
public pharPublish ( )

publish() публичный Метод

Builds a site in gh-pages branch. Uses mkdocs
public publish ( )

release() публичный Метод

Release Robo.
public release ( $opts = ['beta' => false] )

sniff() публичный Метод

Run the PHP Codesniffer on a file or directory.
public sniff ( string $file = 'src/', $options = ['autofix' => false, 'strict' => false] )
$file string A file or directory to analyze.

test() публичный Метод

Run the Robo unit tests.
public test ( array $args, $options = ['coverage-html' => false, 'coverage' => false] )
$args array

versionBump() публичный Метод

Update the version of Robo.
public versionBump ( string $version = '', $options = ['stage' => ''] )
$version string The new verison for Robo. Defaults to the next minor (bugfix) version after the current relelase.

writeVersion() защищенный Метод

Write the specified version string back into the Robo.php file.
protected writeVersion ( string $version )
$version string