PHP Класс TbButtonGroupColumn

Renders the buttons as a button group
Наследование: extends TbButtonColumn
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$buttonSize the button size ('mini','small','normal','large')
$deleteButtonType the delete button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'danger')
$updateButtonType the update button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'warning').
$viewButtonType the view button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'info').

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
initDefaultButtons ( ) ### .initDefaultButtons()
renderButton ( string $id, array $button, integer $row, mixed $data ) ### .renderButton()
renderDataCellContent ( integer $row, mixed $data ) ### .renderDataCellContent()

Описание методов

initDefaultButtons() защищенный Метод

Initializes the default buttons (view, update and delete).
protected initDefaultButtons ( )

renderButton() защищенный Метод

Renders a link button.
protected renderButton ( string $id, array $button, integer $row, mixed $data )
$id string the ID of the button
$button array the button configuration which may contain 'label', 'url', 'imageUrl' and 'options' elements.
$row integer the row number (zero-based)
$data mixed the data object associated with the row

renderDataCellContent() защищенный Метод

Renders the data cell content. This method renders the view, update and delete buttons in the data cell.
protected renderDataCellContent ( integer $row, mixed $data )
$row integer the row number (zero-based)
$data mixed the data associated with the row

Описание свойств

$buttonSize публичное свойство

the button size ('mini','small','normal','large')
public $buttonSize

$deleteButtonType публичное свойство

the delete button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'danger')
public $deleteButtonType

$updateButtonType публичное свойство

the update button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'warning').
public $updateButtonType

$viewButtonType публичное свойство

the view button type ('info','primary','warning','danger','success' defaults to 'info').
public $viewButtonType