PHP Класс Thread, ClearSky

Наследование: extends BaseThread, implements HistoricalObjectI
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getCreatorId ( ) : integer Will return the identity of the Thread that created the referenced Thread
getCurrentThread ( ) : static Will return the instance of currently executing thread
getCurrentThreadId ( ) : integer Will return the identity of the currently executing thread
getThreadId ( ) : integer Will return the identity of the referenced Thread
isJoined ( ) : boolean Tell if the referenced Thread has been joined by another context
isStarted ( ) : boolean Tell if the referenced Thread has been started
join ( ) : boolean Causes the calling context to wait for the referenced Thread to finish executing
start ( integer $options = PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL ) : boolean Will start a new Thread to execute the implemented run method

Описание методов

getCreatorId() публичный Метод

Will return the identity of the Thread that created the referenced Thread
public getCreatorId ( ) : integer
Результат integer A numeric identity

getCurrentThread() публичный статический Метод

Will return the instance of currently executing thread
public static getCurrentThread ( ) : static
Результат static

getCurrentThreadId() публичный статический Метод

Will return the identity of the currently executing thread
public static getCurrentThreadId ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getThreadId() публичный Метод

Will return the identity of the referenced Thread
public getThreadId ( ) : integer
Результат integer

isJoined() публичный Метод

Tell if the referenced Thread has been joined by another context
public isJoined ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean A boolean indication of state

isStarted() публичный Метод

Tell if the referenced Thread has been started
public isStarted ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean A boolean indication of state

join() публичный Метод

Causes the calling context to wait for the referenced Thread to finish executing
public join ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean A boolean indication of state

start() публичный Метод

Will start a new Thread to execute the implemented run method
public start ( integer $options = PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL ) : boolean
$options integer An optional mask of inheritance constants, by default PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL
Результат boolean A boolean indication of success