PHP Класс Turba_Data_Ldif, horde

Copyright 2007-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you did not receive this file, see
Автор: Rita Selsky ([email protected])
Наследование: extends Horde_Data_Base
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$_mozillaAttr array Useful Mozilla address book attribute names.
$_turbaAttr array Useful Turba address book attribute names.
$_turbaMozillaMap array Turba address book attribute names and the corresponding Mozilla name.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
exportData ( array $data, boolean $header = false ) : string Builds a LDIF file from a given data structure and returns it as a string.
exportFile ( string $filename, array $data, boolean $header = false ) Builds a LDIF file from a given data structure and triggers its download.
importData ( $contents, $header = false )
nextStep ( integer $action, array $param = [] ) : mixed Takes all necessary actions for the given import step, parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
_is_safe_string ( string $str ) : boolean Checks if a string is safe according to RFC 2849, or if it needs to be base64 encoded.

Описание методов

_is_safe_string() защищенный Метод

Checks if a string is safe according to RFC 2849, or if it needs to be base64 encoded.
protected _is_safe_string ( string $str ) : boolean
$str string The string to check.
Результат boolean True if the string is safe.

exportData() публичный Метод

Builds a LDIF file from a given data structure and returns it as a string.
public exportData ( array $data, boolean $header = false ) : string
$data array A two-dimensional array containing the data set.
$header boolean If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys.
Результат string The LDIF data.

exportFile() публичный Метод

It DOES NOT exit the current script but only outputs the correct headers and data.
public exportFile ( string $filename, array $data, boolean $header = false )
$filename string The name of the file to be downloaded.
$data array A two-dimensional array containing the data set.
$header boolean If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys.

importData() публичный Метод

public importData ( $contents, $header = false )

nextStep() публичный Метод

Takes all necessary actions for the given import step, parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.
public nextStep ( integer $action, array $param = [] ) : mixed
$action integer The current step. One of the IMPORT_* constants.
$param array An associative array containing needed parameters for the current step.
Результат mixed Either the next step as an integer constant or imported data set after the final step.

Описание свойств

$_contentType защищенное свойство

protected $_contentType

$_extension защищенное свойство

protected $_extension

$_mozillaAttr защищенное свойство

Useful Mozilla address book attribute names.
protected array $_mozillaAttr
Результат array

$_turbaAttr защищенное свойство

Useful Turba address book attribute names.
protected array $_turbaAttr
Результат array

$_turbaMozillaMap защищенное свойство

Turba address book attribute names and the corresponding Mozilla name.
protected array $_turbaMozillaMap
Результат array