Свойство | Тип | Описание | |
$class_cash | string | CSS class for auto-linked cashtag URLs. | |
$class_hash | string | CSS class for auto-linked hashtag URLs. | |
$class_list | string | CSS class for auto-linked list URLs. | |
$class_url | string | CSS class for auto-linked URLs. | |
$class_user | string | CSS class for auto-linked username URLs. | |
$external | boolean | Often this is used to be matched on in JavaScript for dynamically adding the 'target' attribute which is deprecated in HTML 4.01. In HTML 5 it has been undeprecated and thus the 'target' attribute can be used. If this is set to false then the 'target' attribute will be output. | |
$nofollow | boolean | Whether to include the value 'nofollow' in the 'rel' attribute. | |
$target | string | Support for the 'target' attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01 but has since been reinstated in HTML 5. To output the 'target' attribute you must disable the adding of the string 'external' to the 'rel' attribute. | |
$url_base_cash | string | URL base for cashtag links (the hashtag without the $ will be appended). | |
$url_base_hash | string | URL base for hashtag links (the hashtag without the # will be appended). | |
$url_base_list | string | URL base for list links (the username/list without the @ will be appended). | |
$url_base_user | string | URL base for username links (the username without the @ will be appended). |
Метод | Описание | |
__construct ( string $tweet, boolean $escape = true, boolean $full_encode = false ) | Reads in a tweet to be parsed and converted to contain links. | |
addLinks ( ) : string | Adds links to all elements in the tweet. | |
addLinksToCashtags ( ) : string | Adds links to cashtag elements in the tweet. | |
addLinksToHashtags ( ) : string | Adds links to hashtag elements in the tweet. | |
addLinksToURLs ( ) : string | Adds links to URL elements in the tweet. | |
addLinksToUsernamesAndLists ( ) : string | Adds links to username/list elements in the tweet. | |
create ( string $tweet, boolean $full_encode = false ) : Twitter_Autolink | Provides fluent method chaining. | |
getCashtagClass ( ) : string | CSS class for auto-linked cashtag URLs. | |
getExternal ( ) : boolean | Whether to include the value 'external' in the 'rel' attribute. | |
getHashtagClass ( ) : string | CSS class for auto-linked hashtag URLs. | |
getListClass ( ) : string | CSS class for auto-linked username/list URLs. | |
getNoFollow ( ) : boolean | Whether to include the value 'nofollow' in the 'rel' attribute. | |
getTarget ( ) : string | The scope to open the link in. | |
getURLClass ( ) : string | CSS class for auto-linked URLs. | |
getUsernameClass ( ) : string | CSS class for auto-linked username URLs. | |
setCashtagClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | CSS class for auto-linked cashtag URLs. | |
setExternal ( boolean $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | Whether to include the value 'external' in the 'rel' attribute. | |
setHashtagClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | CSS class for auto-linked hashtag URLs. | |
setListClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | CSS class for auto-linked username/list URLs. | |
setNoFollow ( boolean $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | Whether to include the value 'nofollow' in the 'rel' attribute. | |
setTarget ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | The scope to open the link in. | |
setURLClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | CSS class for auto-linked URLs. | |
setUsernameClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | CSS class for auto-linked username URLs. |
Метод | Описание | |
_addLinksToCashtags ( array $matches ) : string | Callback used by the method that adds links to cashtags. | |
_addLinksToHashtags ( array $matches ) : string | Callback used by the method that adds links to hashtags. | |
_addLinksToURLs ( array $matches ) : string | Callback used by the method that adds links to URLs. | |
_addLinksToUsernamesAndLists ( array $matches ) : string | Callback used by the method that adds links to username/list pairs. | |
wrap ( string $url, string $class, string $element ) : string | Wraps a tweet element in an HTML anchor tag using the provided URL. | |
wrapHash ( string $url, string $class, string $element ) : string | Wraps a tweet element in an HTML anchor tag using the provided URL. |
protected _addLinksToCashtags ( array $matches ) : string | ||
$matches | array | The regular expression matches. |
Результат | string | The link-wrapped cashtag. |
protected _addLinksToHashtags ( array $matches ) : string | ||
$matches | array | The regular expression matches. |
Результат | string | The link-wrapped hashtag. |
protected _addLinksToURLs ( array $matches ) : string | ||
$matches | array | The regular expression matches. |
Результат | string | The link-wrapped URL. |
protected _addLinksToUsernamesAndLists ( array $matches ) : string | ||
$matches | array | The regular expression matches. |
Результат | string | The link-wrapped username/list pair. |
public addLinksToCashtags ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | The modified tweet. |
public addLinksToHashtags ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | The modified tweet. |
public addLinksToURLs ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | The modified tweet. |
public addLinksToUsernamesAndLists ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | The modified tweet. |
public getCashtagClass ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | CSS class for cashtag links. |
public getExternal ( ) : boolean | ||
Результат | boolean | Whether to add 'external' to the 'rel' attribute. |
public getHashtagClass ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | CSS class for hashtag links. |
public getListClass ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | CSS class for username/list links. |
public getNoFollow ( ) : boolean | ||
Результат | boolean | Whether to add 'nofollow' to the 'rel' attribute. |
public getURLClass ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | CSS class for URL links. |
public getUsernameClass ( ) : string | ||
Результат | string | CSS class for username links. |
public setCashtagClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | string | CSS class for cashtag links. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setExternal ( boolean $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | boolean | The value to add to the 'target' attribute. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setHashtagClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | string | CSS class for hashtag links. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setListClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | string | CSS class for username/list links. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setNoFollow ( boolean $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | boolean | The value to add to the 'target' attribute. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setURLClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | string | CSS class for URL links. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
public setUsernameClass ( string $v ) : Twitter_Autolink | ||
$v | string | CSS class for username links. |
Результат | Twitter_Autolink | Fluid method chaining. |
protected string $class_cash | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $class_hash | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $class_list | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $class_url | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $class_user | ||
Результат | string |
protected bool $external | ||
Результат | boolean |
protected bool $nofollow | ||
Результат | boolean |
protected string $target | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $url_base_cash | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $url_base_hash | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $url_base_list | ||
Результат | string |
protected string $url_base_user | ||
Результат | string |