PHP Класс common, adsb-receiver

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
addSetting ( $name, $value )
cleanAndShortenString ( $string, $length ) Remove HTML from a string and shorten to the specified length.
deleteSetting ( $name )
extractString ( $string, $start, $end ) Function that returns the string contained between two strings.
getAdminstratorName ( $login ) Returns the name associated to the specified administrator login.
getBaseUrl ( ) Returns the base URL from the requested URL.
getDatabaseSize ( $measurment = "" ) Get the size of the database.
getSetting ( $name ) Returns the value for the specified setting name.
paginateArray ( $inArray, $page, $itemsPerPage ) Pagination.
pdoOpen ( ) Open a connection to the database.
postBack ( ) Check if page load is a post back.
randomString ( $length ) Generate a random string of the given length.
removeExtension ( $fileName ) Returns the supplied file name without an extension.
removeHtmlTags ( $string ) Remove all HTML tags from a string.
sendEmail ( $to, $subject, $message ) Send an email.
stringToBoolean ( $value ) Return a boolean from a string.
updateSetting ( $name, $value ) Updates the value for the specified setting name.

Описание методов

addSetting() публичный Метод

public addSetting ( $name, $value )

cleanAndShortenString() публичный Метод

Remove HTML from a string and shorten to the specified length.
public cleanAndShortenString ( $string, $length )

deleteSetting() публичный Метод

public deleteSetting ( $name )

extractString() публичный Метод

Function that returns the string contained between two strings.
public extractString ( $string, $start, $end )

getAdminstratorName() публичный Метод

Returns the name associated to the specified administrator login.
public getAdminstratorName ( $login )

getBaseUrl() публичный Метод

Returns the base URL from the requested URL.
public getBaseUrl ( )

getDatabaseSize() публичный Метод

Get the size of the database.
public getDatabaseSize ( $measurment = "" )

getSetting() публичный Метод

Returns the value for the specified setting name.
public getSetting ( $name )

paginateArray() публичный Метод

public paginateArray ( $inArray, $page, $itemsPerPage )

pdoOpen() публичный Метод

Open a connection to the database.
public pdoOpen ( )

postBack() публичный Метод

Check if page load is a post back.
public postBack ( )

randomString() публичный Метод

Generate a random string of the given length.
public randomString ( $length )

removeExtension() публичный Метод

Returns the supplied file name without an extension.
public removeExtension ( $fileName )

removeHtmlTags() публичный Метод

Remove all HTML tags from a string.
public removeHtmlTags ( $string )

sendEmail() публичный Метод

Send an email.
public sendEmail ( $to, $subject, $message )

stringToBoolean() публичный Метод

Return a boolean from a string.
public stringToBoolean ( $value )

updateSetting() публичный Метод

Updates the value for the specified setting name.
public updateSetting ( $name, $value )