PHP Класс lib_fof30InstallerScript

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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$maximumJoomlaVersion string The maximum Joomla! version this extension can be installed on
$minimumJoomlaVersion string The minimum Joomla! version required to install this extension
$minimumPHPVersion string The minimum PHP version required to install this extension

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
postflight ( string $type, JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent ) Runs after install, update or discover_update. In other words, it executes after Joomla! has finished installing or updating your component. This is the last chance you've got to perform any additional installations, clean-up, database updates and similar housekeeping functions.
preflight ( string $type, JInstaller $parent ) : boolean Joomla! pre-flight event. This runs before Joomla! installs or updates the component. This is our last chance to tell Joomla! if it should abort the installation.
uninstall ( JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent ) Runs on uninstallation

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
addDependency ( string $package, string $dependency ) Adds a package dependency to #__akeeba_common
amIAnUpdate ( JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent ) : array Is this package an update to the currently installed FOF? If not (we're a downgrade) we will return false and prevent the installation from going on.
getDependencies ( string $package ) : array Get the dependencies for a package from the #__akeeba_common table
hasDependency ( string $package, string $dependency ) : boolean Do I have a dependency for a package in #__akeeba_common
loadFOF30 ( ) Loads FOF 3.0 if it's not already loaded
removeDependency ( string $package, string $dependency ) Removes a package dependency from #__akeeba_common
setDependencies ( string $package, array $dependencies ) Sets the dependencies for a package into the #__akeeba_common table

Описание методов

addDependency() защищенный Метод

Adds a package dependency to #__akeeba_common
protected addDependency ( string $package, string $dependency )
$package string The package
$dependency string The dependency to add

amIAnUpdate() защищенный Метод

Is this package an update to the currently installed FOF? If not (we're a downgrade) we will return false and prevent the installation from going on.
protected amIAnUpdate ( JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent ) : array
$parent JInstallerAdapterLibrary The parent object
Результат array The installation status

getDependencies() защищенный Метод

Get the dependencies for a package from the #__akeeba_common table
protected getDependencies ( string $package ) : array
$package string The package
Результат array The dependencies

hasDependency() защищенный Метод

Do I have a dependency for a package in #__akeeba_common
protected hasDependency ( string $package, string $dependency ) : boolean
$package string The package
$dependency string The dependency to check for
Результат boolean

loadFOF30() защищенный Метод

Loads FOF 3.0 if it's not already loaded
protected loadFOF30 ( )

postflight() публичный Метод

Runs after install, update or discover_update. In other words, it executes after Joomla! has finished installing or updating your component. This is the last chance you've got to perform any additional installations, clean-up, database updates and similar housekeeping functions.
public postflight ( string $type, JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent )
$type string install, update or discover_update
$parent JInstallerAdapterLibrary Parent object

preflight() публичный Метод

Joomla! pre-flight event. This runs before Joomla! installs or updates the component. This is our last chance to tell Joomla! if it should abort the installation.
public preflight ( string $type, JInstaller $parent ) : boolean
$type string Installation type (install, update, discover_install)
$parent JInstaller Parent object
Результат boolean True to let the installation proceed, false to halt the installation

removeDependency() защищенный Метод

Removes a package dependency from #__akeeba_common
protected removeDependency ( string $package, string $dependency )
$package string The package
$dependency string The dependency to remove

setDependencies() защищенный Метод

Sets the dependencies for a package into the #__akeeba_common table
protected setDependencies ( string $package, array $dependencies )
$package string The package
$dependencies array The dependencies list

uninstall() публичный Метод

Runs on uninstallation
public uninstall ( JInstallerAdapterLibrary $parent )
$parent JInstallerAdapterLibrary The parent object

Описание свойств

$maximumJoomlaVersion защищенное свойство

The maximum Joomla! version this extension can be installed on
protected string $maximumJoomlaVersion
Результат string

$minimumJoomlaVersion защищенное свойство

The minimum Joomla! version required to install this extension
protected string $minimumJoomlaVersion
Результат string

$minimumPHPVersion защищенное свойство

The minimum PHP version required to install this extension
protected string $minimumPHPVersion
Результат string