PHP Класс Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Landing\Crew

Наследование: extends AdminOnly, use trait Airship\Engine\Bolt\Get
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$account Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint\UserAccounts

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
airshipLand ( ) This function is called after the dependencies have been injected by AutoPilot. Think of it as a user-land constructor.
createGroup ( ) Create a new group for users
createUser ( string $userId = '' ) Create a new user
deleteGroup ( string $groupId = '' )
deleteUser ( string $userId = '' )
editGroup ( string $groupId = '' ) Edit a group's information
editUser ( string $userId = '' ) Edit a user's information
groups ( ) List the groups
index ( ) List the main crew page
users ( ) List the users

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getOffsetAndLimit ( string $page = null, integer $per_page = 50 ) : int[] Gets [offset, limit] based on configuration

Описание методов

airshipLand() публичный Метод

This function is called after the dependencies have been injected by AutoPilot. Think of it as a user-land constructor.
public airshipLand ( )

createGroup() публичный Метод

Create a new group for users
public createGroup ( )

createUser() публичный Метод

Create a new user
public createUser ( string $userId = '' )
$userId string

deleteGroup() публичный Метод

public deleteGroup ( string $groupId = '' )
$groupId string

deleteUser() публичный Метод

public deleteUser ( string $userId = '' )
$userId string

editGroup() публичный Метод

Edit a group's information
public editGroup ( string $groupId = '' )
$groupId string

editUser() публичный Метод

Edit a user's information
public editUser ( string $userId = '' )
$userId string

getOffsetAndLimit() защищенный Метод

Gets [offset, limit] based on configuration
protected getOffsetAndLimit ( string $page = null, integer $per_page = 50 ) : int[]
$page string
$per_page integer
Результат int[]

groups() публичный Метод

List the groups
public groups ( )

index() публичный Метод

List the main crew page
public index ( )

users() публичный Метод

List the users
public users ( )

Описание свойств

$account защищенное свойство

protected UserAccounts,Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint $account
Результат Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint\UserAccounts