PHP Класс ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Property\PropertyMetadata

Автор: Kévin Dunglas ([email protected])
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type = null, string $description = null, boolean $readable = null, boolean $writable = null, boolean $readableLink = null, boolean $writableLink = null, boolean $required = null, boolean $identifier = null, string $iri = null, $childInherited = null, array $attributes = null )
getAttributes ( ) : array | null Gets attributes.
getDescription ( ) : string | null Gets description.
getIri ( ) : string | null Gets IRI of this property.
getType ( ) : Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type | null Gets type.
isChildInherited ( ) : string | null Is the property inherited from a child class?
isIdentifier ( ) : boolean | null Is this attribute an identifier?
isReadable ( ) : boolean | null Is readable?
isReadableLink ( ) : boolean | null Is an IRI or an object generated in read context?
isRequired ( ) : boolean | null Is required?
isWritable ( ) : boolean | null Is writable?
isWritableLink ( ) : boolean | null Should an IRI or an object be provided in write context?
withAttributes ( array $attributes ) : self Returns a new instance with the given attribute.
withChildInherited ( string $childInherited ) : self Returns a new instance with the given child inherited class.
withDescription ( string $description ) : self Returns a new instance with the given description.
withIdentifier ( boolean $identifier ) : self Returns a new instance with the given identifier flag.
withIri ( string $iri = null ) : self Returns a new instance with the given IRI.
withReadable ( boolean $readable ) : self Returns a new instance of Metadata with the given readable flag.
withReadableLink ( boolean $readableLink ) : self Returns a new instance with the given readable link flag.
withRequired ( boolean $required ) : self Returns a new instance with the given required flag.
withType ( Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type ) : self Returns a new instance with the given type.
withWritable ( boolean $writable ) : self Returns a new instance with the given writable flag.
withWritableLink ( boolean $writableLink ) : self Returns a new instance with the given writable link flag.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

public __construct ( Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type = null, string $description = null, boolean $readable = null, boolean $writable = null, boolean $readableLink = null, boolean $writableLink = null, boolean $required = null, boolean $identifier = null, string $iri = null, $childInherited = null, array $attributes = null )
$type Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type
$description string
$readable boolean
$writable boolean
$readableLink boolean
$writableLink boolean
$required boolean
$identifier boolean
$iri string
$attributes array

getAttributes() публичный метод

Gets attributes.
public getAttributes ( ) : array | null
Результат array | null

getDescription() публичный метод

Gets description.
public getDescription ( ) : string | null
Результат string | null

getIri() публичный метод

Gets IRI of this property.
public getIri ( ) : string | null
Результат string | null

getType() публичный метод

Gets type.
public getType ( ) : Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type | null
Результат Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type | null

isChildInherited() публичный метод

Is the property inherited from a child class?
public isChildInherited ( ) : string | null
Результат string | null

isIdentifier() публичный метод

Is this attribute an identifier?
public isIdentifier ( ) : boolean | null
Результат boolean | null

isReadable() публичный метод

Is readable?
public isReadable ( ) : boolean | null
Результат boolean | null

isRequired() публичный метод

Is required?
public isRequired ( ) : boolean | null
Результат boolean | null

isWritable() публичный метод

Is writable?
public isWritable ( ) : boolean | null
Результат boolean | null

withAttributes() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given attribute.
public withAttributes ( array $attributes ) : self
$attributes array
Результат self

withChildInherited() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given child inherited class.
public withChildInherited ( string $childInherited ) : self
$childInherited string
Результат self

withDescription() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given description.
public withDescription ( string $description ) : self
$description string
Результат self

withIdentifier() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given identifier flag.
public withIdentifier ( boolean $identifier ) : self
$identifier boolean
Результат self

withIri() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given IRI.
public withIri ( string $iri = null ) : self
$iri string
Результат self

withReadable() публичный метод

Returns a new instance of Metadata with the given readable flag.
public withReadable ( boolean $readable ) : self
$readable boolean
Результат self

withRequired() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given required flag.
public withRequired ( boolean $required ) : self
$required boolean
Результат self

withType() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given type.
public withType ( Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type $type ) : self
$type Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type
Результат self

withWritable() публичный метод

Returns a new instance with the given writable flag.
public withWritable ( boolean $writable ) : self
$writable boolean
Результат self