PHP Класс App\Tests\Auth\OAuthServerTest

Наследование: extends App\Tests\TestCase, use trait Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
itRefreshesTheToken ( ) Once a token is delivered, it can be refreshed by the server.
itRejectsAnExternalRequest ( ) A request to auth/login with no parameters in the body should return error
itRejectsInvalidClient ( ) A request to auth/login with wrong client and secret
itRejectsRequestWithIncompleteBody ( ) If there is an authorized client querying the API but incomplete body should respond with a 400 and the errors
itResolvesClientFromId ( )
itResolvesUserFromId ( )
itValidatesClientCredentials ( )
itValidatesCredentials ( ) If the authorized client request a login with valid credentials it should respond 200
itValidatesWrongCredentials ( ) If an authorized client makes a request with wrong user credentials it should return 401

Описание методов

itRefreshesTheToken() публичный Метод

Once a token is delivered, it can be refreshed by the server.
public itRefreshesTheToken ( )

itRejectsAnExternalRequest() публичный Метод

A request to auth/login with no parameters in the body should return error

itRejectsInvalidClient() публичный Метод

A request to auth/login with wrong client and secret

itRejectsRequestWithIncompleteBody() публичный Метод

If there is an authorized client querying the API but incomplete body should respond with a 400 and the errors

itResolvesClientFromId() публичный Метод

itResolvesUserFromId() публичный Метод

itValidatesClientCredentials() публичный Метод

itValidatesCredentials() публичный Метод

If the authorized client request a login with valid credentials it should respond 200

itValidatesWrongCredentials() публичный Метод

If an authorized client makes a request with wrong user credentials it should return 401