Метод |
Описание |
abort ( integer $statusCode, string $message = '', array $headers = [] ) |
Shortcut to abort the current request by sending a proper HTTP error. |
accessControl ( ) : AccessChecker |
Returns the Authentication object. |
addRoutes ( Silex\ControllerCollection $c ) |
createForm ( string | Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface $type = FormType::class, mixed $data = null, array $options = [] ) : Form |
Creates and returns a Form instance from the type of the form. |
createFormBuilder ( string | Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface $type = FormType::class, mixed $data = null, array $options = [] ) : Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface |
Returns a form builder. |
createQueryBuilder ( ) : Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder |
Return a new Query Builder. |
extensions ( ) : Manager |
Gets the \Bolt\Extensions object. |
filesystem ( ) : Bolt\Filesystem\Manager |
Gets the Bolt\Filesystem\Manager object. |
flashes ( ) : Bolt\Logger\FlashLoggerInterface |
Gets the flash logger |
generateUrl ( string $name, array $params = [], integer $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH ) : string |
Shortcut for {@see UrlGeneratorInterface::generate} |
getContent ( string $textquery, array $parameters = [], array &$pager = [], array $whereparameters = [] ) : Content | Content[] |
Shortcut for {@see \Bolt\Legacy\Storage::getContent()} |
getContentType ( string $slug ) : boolean | array |
Get the contenttype as an array, based on the given slug. |
getContentTypeUserPermissions ( string $contentTypeSlug, array | Bolt\Storage\Entity\Users $user = null ) : boolean[] |
Helper to get a user's permissions for a ContentType. |
getOption ( string $path, mixed $default = null ) : string | integer | array | null |
Shortcut for {@see \Bolt\Config::get}. |
getRefererQueryParameters ( Request $request ) : array |
Get an array of query parameters used in the request. |
getRepository ( string $repository ) : Repository |
Return a repository. |
getUser ( integer | string | null $userId = null ) : Bolt\Storage\Entity\Users | false |
Return current user or user by ID. |
hasUsers ( ) : boolean |
Check to see if the user table exists and has records. |
isAllowed ( string $what, mixed $user = null, string | null $contenttype = null, integer | null $contentid = null ) : boolean |
Shortcut for {@see \Bolt\AccessControl\Permissions::isAllowed} |
isCsrfTokenValid ( string | null $value = null, string $id = 'bolt' ) : boolean |
Check if csrf token is valid. |
json ( mixed $data = [], integer $status = 200, array $headers = [] ) : Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse |
Convert some data into a JSON response. |
redirect ( string $url, integer $status = 302 ) : RedirectResponse |
Redirects the user to another URL. |
redirectToRoute ( string $route, array $parameters = [], integer $status = 302 ) : RedirectResponse |
Returns a RedirectResponse to the given route with the given parameters. |
render ( string $template, array $context = [], array $globals = [] ) : TemplateResponse |
Renders a template |
resources ( ) : ResourceManager |
session ( ) : Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session |
Returns the session. |
storage ( ) : EntityManager | Storage |
Returns the Entity Manager. |
templateChooser ( ) : TemplateChooser |
Return the Bolt\TemplateChooser provider. |
users ( ) : Users |
Returns the Users object. |
validateCsrfToken ( string | null $value = null, string $id = 'bolt' ) |
Validates CSRF token and throws HttpException if not. |