PHP Класс Box\Spout\Writer\ODS\Helper\StyleHelper

Наследование: extends Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Helper\AbstractStyleHelper
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$usedFontsSet [FONT_NAME] => [] Map whose keys contain all the fonts used

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getContentXmlAutomaticStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "content.xml" file.
getContentXmlFontFaceSectionContent ( ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "content.xml" file.
getStylesXMLFileContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string Returns the content of the "styles.xml" file, given a list of styles.
registerStyle ( Style $style ) : Style Registers the given style as a used style.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getAutomaticStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
getFontFaceSectionContent ( ) : string Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
getMasterStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
getStyleSectionContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "" section
getStylesSectionContent ( ) : string Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
getUsedFonts ( ) : string[]

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
getBackgroundColorXMLContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the background color definition for the "" section
getBorderXMLContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the borders definition for the "" section
getFontSectionContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "" section
getTableCellPropertiesSectionContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "" section
getTextPropertiesSectionContent ( Style $style ) : string Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "" section
getWrapTextXMLContent ( ) : string Returns the contents of the wrap text definition for the "" section

Описание методов

getAutomaticStylesSectionContent() защищенный метод

Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
protected getAutomaticStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string
$numWorksheets integer Number of worksheets created
Результат string

getContentXmlAutomaticStylesSectionContent() публичный метод

Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "content.xml" file.
public getContentXmlAutomaticStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string
$numWorksheets integer Number of worksheets created
Результат string

getContentXmlFontFaceSectionContent() публичный метод

Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "content.xml" file.
public getContentXmlFontFaceSectionContent ( ) : string
Результат string

getFontFaceSectionContent() защищенный метод

Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
protected getFontFaceSectionContent ( ) : string
Результат string

getMasterStylesSectionContent() защищенный метод

Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
protected getMasterStylesSectionContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string
$numWorksheets integer Number of worksheets created
Результат string

getStyleSectionContent() защищенный метод

Returns the contents of the "" section, inside "" section
protected getStyleSectionContent ( Style $style ) : string
$style Box\Spout\Writer\Style\Style
Результат string

getStylesSectionContent() защищенный метод

Returns the content of the "" section, inside "styles.xml" file.
protected getStylesSectionContent ( ) : string
Результат string

getStylesXMLFileContent() публичный метод

Returns the content of the "styles.xml" file, given a list of styles.
public getStylesXMLFileContent ( integer $numWorksheets ) : string
$numWorksheets integer Number of worksheets created
Результат string

getUsedFonts() защищенный метод

protected getUsedFonts ( ) : string[]
Результат string[] List of used fonts name

registerStyle() публичный метод

Duplicate styles won't be registered more than once.
public registerStyle ( Style $style ) : Style
$style Box\Spout\Writer\Style\Style The style to be registered
Результат Box\Spout\Writer\Style\Style The registered style, updated with an internal ID.

Описание свойств

$usedFontsSet защищенное свойство

[FONT_NAME] => [] Map whose keys contain all the fonts used
protected $usedFontsSet