PHP Класс Cake\ElasticSearch\Association\Embedded

Subclassed for the various kinds of embedded document types.
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$alias string The alias this association uses.
$entityClass string The class to use for the embeded document.
$property string The property the embedded document is located under.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( string $alias, array $options = [] ) Constructor
alias ( ) : string Get the alias for this embed.
entityClass ( string | null $name = null ) : string Get/set the entity/document class used for this embed.
hydrate ( array $data, array $options ) : Document | array Hydrate instance(s) from the parent documents data.
property ( string | null $name = null ) : string Get/set the property this embed is attached to.
type ( ) : string Get the type of association this is.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( string $alias, array $options = [] )
$alias string The alias/name for the embedded document.
$options array The options for the embedded document.

alias() публичный Метод

Get the alias for this embed.
public alias ( ) : string
Результат string

entityClass() публичный Метод

Get/set the entity/document class used for this embed.
public entityClass ( string | null $name = null ) : string
$name string | null The class name to set.
Результат string The class name.

hydrate() абстрактный публичный Метод

Hydrate instance(s) from the parent documents data.
abstract public hydrate ( array $data, array $options ) : Document | array
$data array The data to use in the embedded document.
$options array The options to use in the new document.
Результат Cake\ElasticSearch\Document | array

property() публичный Метод

Get/set the property this embed is attached to.
public property ( string | null $name = null ) : string
$name string | null The property name to set.
Результат string The property name.

type() абстрактный публичный Метод

Returns one of the association type constants.
abstract public type ( ) : string
Результат string

Описание свойств

$alias защищенное свойство

The alias this association uses.
protected string $alias
Результат string

$entityClass защищенное свойство

The class to use for the embeded document.
protected string $entityClass
Результат string

$property защищенное свойство

The property the embedded document is located under.
protected string $property
Результат string