PHP Класс Common\Doctrine\ValueObject\AbstractImage
You need to implement the method getUploadDir.
When using this class in an entity certain life cycle callbacks should be called
prepareToUpload for @ORM\PrePersist() and @ORM\PreUpdate()
upload for @ORM\PostPersist() and @ORM\PostUpdate()
remove for @ORM\PostRemove()
The following things are optional
A fallback image can be set by setting the full path of the image to the FALLBACK_IMAGE constant
By default we will use the fork way for image sizes (source, 100X100 etc)
if you don't want it set GENERATE_THUMBNAILS to false
Показать файл
Открыть проект
Открытые методы
Защищенные методы
Описание методов
публичный Метод
публичный Метод
защищенный Метод
публичный Метод
This function should be called for the life cycle event @ORM\PostRemove()
защищенный Метод
This will remove the old image and if needed the generated thumbnails
This function should be called for the life cycle events @ORM\PostPersist() and @ORM\PostUpdate()
защищенный Метод