PHP Класс Eloquent\Phony\Verification\IterableVerifierFactory

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( MatcherFactory $matcherFactory, Eloquent\Phony\Assertion\AssertionRecorder $assertionRecorder, AssertionRenderer $assertionRenderer ) Construct a new event order verifier factory.
create ( Eloquent\Phony\Spy\Spy | Eloquent\Phony\Call\Call $subject, array $calls ) : IterableVerifier Create a new iterable verifier.
instance ( ) : IterableVerifierFactory Get the static instance of this factory.
setCallVerifierFactory ( CallVerifierFactory $callVerifierFactory ) Set the call verifier factory.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

Construct a new event order verifier factory.
public __construct ( MatcherFactory $matcherFactory, Eloquent\Phony\Assertion\AssertionRecorder $assertionRecorder, AssertionRenderer $assertionRenderer )
$matcherFactory Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\MatcherFactory The matcher factory to use.
$assertionRecorder Eloquent\Phony\Assertion\AssertionRecorder The assertion recorder to use.
$assertionRenderer Eloquent\Phony\Assertion\AssertionRenderer The assertion renderer to use.

create() публичный Метод

Create a new iterable verifier.
public create ( Eloquent\Phony\Spy\Spy | Eloquent\Phony\Call\Call $subject, array $calls ) : IterableVerifier
$subject Eloquent\Phony\Spy\Spy | Eloquent\Phony\Call\Call The subject.
$calls array
Результат IterableVerifier The newly created iterable verifier.

instance() публичный статический Метод

Get the static instance of this factory.
public static instance ( ) : IterableVerifierFactory
Результат IterableVerifierFactory The static factory.

setCallVerifierFactory() публичный Метод

Set the call verifier factory.
public setCallVerifierFactory ( CallVerifierFactory $callVerifierFactory )
$callVerifierFactory Eloquent\Phony\Call\CallVerifierFactory The call verifier factory to use.