PHP Класс FOS\UserBundle\Controller\UserController

Наследование: extends Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
changePasswordAction ( ) Change user password: show form
changePasswordUpdateAction ( ) Change user password: submit form
checkConfirmationEmailAction ( ) Tell the user to check his email provider
checkResettingEmailAction ( ) Tell the user to check his email provider
confirmAction ( $token ) Receive the confirmation token from user email provider, login the user
confirmedAction ( ) Tell the user his account is now confirmed
createAction ( ) Create a user and send a confirmation email
deleteAction ( $username ) Delete one user
editAction ( $username ) Edit one user, show the edit form
listAction ( ) Show all users
newAction ( ) Show the new form
requestResetPasswordAction ( ) Request reset user password: show form
resetPasswordAction ( $token ) Reset user password: show form
resetPasswordUpdateAction ( $token ) Reset user password: submit form
sendResettingEmailAction ( ) Request reset user password: submit form and send email
showAction ( $username ) Show one user
updateAction ( $username ) Update a user

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
authenticateUser ( FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface $user, boolean $reAuthenticate = false ) : null Authenticate a user with Symfony Security
findUserBy ( string $key, mixed $value ) : User Find a user by a specific property
getEngine ( )
getPasswordRequestTtl ( )
getUser ( ) : User Get a user from the security context
setFlash ( $action, $value )

Описание методов

authenticateUser() защищенный метод

Authenticate a user with Symfony Security
protected authenticateUser ( FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface $user, boolean $reAuthenticate = false ) : null
$user FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface
$reAuthenticate boolean
Результат null

changePasswordAction() публичный метод

Change user password: show form

changePasswordUpdateAction() публичный метод

Change user password: submit form

checkConfirmationEmailAction() публичный метод

Tell the user to check his email provider

checkResettingEmailAction() публичный метод

Tell the user to check his email provider

confirmAction() публичный метод

Receive the confirmation token from user email provider, login the user
public confirmAction ( $token )

confirmedAction() публичный метод

Tell the user his account is now confirmed
public confirmedAction ( )

createAction() публичный метод

Create a user and send a confirmation email
public createAction ( )

deleteAction() публичный метод

Delete one user
public deleteAction ( $username )

editAction() публичный метод

Edit one user, show the edit form
public editAction ( $username )

findUserBy() защищенный метод

Find a user by a specific property
protected findUserBy ( string $key, mixed $value ) : User
$key string property name
$value mixed property value
Результат User

getEngine() защищенный метод

protected getEngine ( )

getPasswordRequestTtl() защищенный метод

protected getPasswordRequestTtl ( )

getUser() защищенный метод

Get a user from the security context
protected getUser ( ) : User
Результат User

listAction() публичный метод

Show all users
public listAction ( )

newAction() публичный метод

Show the new form
public newAction ( )

requestResetPasswordAction() публичный метод

Request reset user password: show form

resetPasswordAction() публичный метод

Reset user password: show form
public resetPasswordAction ( $token )

resetPasswordUpdateAction() публичный метод

Reset user password: submit form
public resetPasswordUpdateAction ( $token )

sendResettingEmailAction() публичный метод

Request reset user password: submit form and send email

setFlash() защищенный метод

protected setFlash ( $action, $value )

showAction() публичный метод

Show one user
public showAction ( $username )

updateAction() публичный метод

Update a user
public updateAction ( $username )