Метод |
Описание |
convertArrayToArrayObject ( &$arr ) : ArrayObject |
Converts an array into an ArrayObject. We use ArrayObjects when walking arrays in Inspekt |
escMySQL ( string $value, resource $conn ) : mixed |
Escapes the value given with mysql_real_escape_string |
escPgSQL ( mixed $value, resource $conn = null ) : mixed |
Escapes the value given with pg_escape_string |
escPgSQLBytea ( mixed $value, resource $conn = null ) : mixed |
Escapes the value given with pg_escape_bytea |
getAlnum ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns only the alphabetic characters and digits in value. |
getAlpha ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns only the alphabetic characters in value. |
getDigits ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns only the digits in value. |
getDir ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns dirname(value). |
getInt ( mixed $value ) : integer |
Returns (int) value. |
getPath ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns realpath(value). |
getROT13 ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns the value encoded as ROT13 (or decoded, if already was ROT13) |
isAlnum ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if every character is alphabetic or a digit,
false otherwise. |
isAlpha ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if every character is alphabetic, false
otherwise. |
isArrayObject ( $obj ) : boolean |
Checks to see if this is an ArrayObject |
isArrayOrArrayObject ( $arr ) : boolean |
Checks to see if this is an array or an ArrayObject |
isBetween ( mixed $value, mixed $min, mixed $max, boolean $inc = true ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is greater than or equal to $min and less
than or equal to $max, false otherwise. If $inc is set to
false, then the value must be strictly greater than $min and
strictly less than $max. |
isCcnum ( mixed $value, mixed $type = null ) : boolean |
Returns true if it is a valid credit card number format. The
optional second argument allows developers to indicate the
type. |
isDate ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid date, false otherwise. The
date is required to be in ISO 8601 format. |
isDigits ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if every character is a digit, false otherwise. |
isEmail ( string $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid email format, false otherwise. |
isFloat ( string $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid float value, false otherwise. |
isGreaterThan ( mixed $value, mixed $min ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is greater than $min, false otherwise. |
isHex ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid hexadecimal format, false
otherwise. |
isHostname ( mixed $value, integer $allow = self::ISPK_HOST_ALLOW_ALL ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid hostname, false otherwise. |
isInt ( string | array $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid integer value, false otherwise. |
isIp ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid IPV4 format, false otherwise. |
isLessThan ( mixed $value, mixed $max ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is less than $max, false otherwise. |
isOneOf ( mixed $value, array | string $allowed ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is one of $allowed, false otherwise. |
isPhone ( mixed $value, string $country = 'US' ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid phone number format, false
otherwise. The optional second argument indicates the country. |
isRegex ( mixed $value, mixed $pattern ) : mixed |
Returns true if value matches $pattern, false otherwise. Uses
preg_match() for the matching. |
isUri ( string $value, integer $mode = self::ISPK_URI_ALLOW_COMMON ) : boolean |
Enter description here. |
isZip ( mixed $value ) : boolean |
Returns true if value is a valid US ZIP, false otherwise. |
makeCookieCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_COOKIE data wrapped in an Cage object |
makeEnvCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_ENV data wrapped in an Cage object |
makeFilesCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_FILES data wrapped in an Cage object |
makeGetCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_GET data wrapped in an Cage object |
makePostCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_POST data wrapped in an Cage object |
makeServerCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : Cage |
Returns the $_SERVER data wrapped in an Cage object |
makeSuperCage ( string $config_file = null, boolean $strict = true ) : SuperglobalsCage |
Returns a SuperglobalsCage object, which wraps ALL input superglobals |
noPath ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns basename(value). |
noTags ( mixed $value ) : mixed |
Returns value with all tags removed. |
noTagsOrSpecial ( mixed $value ) : array | mixed | string |
returns value with tags stripped and the chars '"&<> and all ascii chars under 32 encoded as html entities |
useFilterExt ( boolean $state = null ) : boolean |
Sets and/or retrieves whether we should use the PHP filter extensions where possible
If a param is passed, it will set the state in addition to returning it |