PHP Класс LdapTools\AttributeConverter\ConvertGroupMembership

Автор: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Наследование: extends ConvertValueToDn, implements LdapTools\AttributeConverter\OperationGeneratorInterface, use trait OperationGeneratorTrait
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getIsMultiValuedConverter ( )
getRemoveOriginalValue ( )
toLdap ( $values )

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
addOperation ( string $dn, integer $batchType ) Add the correct operation for the action as a post operation to the current operation.
createOperationsFromValues ( array $values ) Given the set of array values create the correct operation.
getBatchTypeForOperation ( ) : integer Get the batch type for the operation that was specified.
removeCurrentGroups ( ) Gets the current group membership and generates operations to remove them all.
shouldRemoveCurrentGroups ( ) : boolean

Описание методов

addOperation() защищенный метод

Add the correct operation for the action as a post operation to the current operation.
protected addOperation ( string $dn, integer $batchType )
$dn string
$batchType integer

createOperationsFromValues() защищенный метод

Given the set of array values create the correct operation.
protected createOperationsFromValues ( array $values )
$values array

getBatchTypeForOperation() защищенный метод

Get the batch type for the operation that was specified.
protected getBatchTypeForOperation ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getIsMultiValuedConverter() публичный метод

getRemoveOriginalValue() публичный метод

removeCurrentGroups() защищенный метод

Gets the current group membership and generates operations to remove them all.
protected removeCurrentGroups ( )

shouldRemoveCurrentGroups() защищенный метод

protected shouldRemoveCurrentGroups ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

toLdap() публичный метод

public toLdap ( $values )