PHP Класс LdapTools\Security\Ace\Ace

Автор: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Наследование: use trait LdapTools\Utilities\NumberUtilitiesTrait
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$aceRights AceRights
$applciationData Any application specific data for the ACE (in binary string format).
$flags AceFlags
$inheritedObjectType The inherited object GUID, if present.
$objectFlags When this is an object type ACE, these flags describe what GUID objects are present.
$objectType The object GUID, if present.
$trustee The trustee SID this ACE relates to.
$type AceType

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( null | string | AceType $ace = null )
__toString ( ) : string
getApplicationData ( ) : string Get the binary string form of the application data contained in this ACE.
getFlags ( ) : AceFlags Get the AceFlags object that contains all the flags set for this ACE.
getInheritedObjectType ( ) : GUID | null Get the inherited GUID object type this ACE applies to.
getObjectFlags ( ) : AceObjectFlags Get the object flags that apply to the object type GUIDs.
getObjectType ( ) : GUID | null Get the GUID object type this ACE applies to.
getRights ( ) : AceRights Get the AceRights object that contains all the rights flags set against this ACE.
getTrustee ( ) : SID Get the trustee SID this ACE applies to.
getType ( ) : AceType | null Get the AceType.
isAllowAce ( ) : boolean A convenience method to check whether this is an ace to allow access.
isDenyAce ( ) : boolean A convenience method to check whether this is an ace to deny access.
isObjectAce ( ) : boolean A convenience method to check whether this is an object type ACE.
setApplicationData ( string $appData ) Set the binary string application data for this ACE. You MUST pass the binary form of the data.
setFlags ( AceFlags $aceFlags ) Set the AceFlags object that contains all the flags set for this ACE.
setInheritedObjectType ( GUID | string | null $guid ) Set the inherited GUID object type this ACE applies to.
setObjectFlags ( AceObjectFlags $objectFlags = null ) Set the object flags that apply to the object type GUIDs.
setObjectType ( GUID | string | null $guid ) Set the GUID object type this ACE applies to.
setRights ( AceRights $aceRights ) Set the AceRights for this ACE.
setTrustee ( SID | string $sid ) Set the trustee SID this ACE applies to.
setType ( AceType $type ) Set the AceType.
toBinary ( ) : string Get the binary string representation of this ACE.
toSddl ( ) : string Get the SDDL string format that represents this ACE.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
decodeFromBinary ( string $ace )
endsWith ( string $needle, string $haystack ) : boolean
startsWith ( string $needle, string $haystack ) : boolean
toggleObjectStatus ( GUID | null $object, integer $type )
validateSid ( ) Some quick checks before going to SDDL or binary.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

public __construct ( null | string | AceType $ace = null )
$ace null | string | AceType

__toString() публичный метод

public __toString ( ) : string
Результат string

decodeFromBinary() защищенный метод

protected decodeFromBinary ( string $ace )
$ace string

endsWith() защищенный метод

protected endsWith ( string $needle, string $haystack ) : boolean
$needle string
$haystack string
Результат boolean

getApplicationData() публичный метод

Get the binary string form of the application data contained in this ACE.
public getApplicationData ( ) : string
Результат string

getFlags() публичный метод

Get the AceFlags object that contains all the flags set for this ACE.
public getFlags ( ) : AceFlags
Результат AceFlags

getInheritedObjectType() публичный метод

Get the inherited GUID object type this ACE applies to.
public getInheritedObjectType ( ) : GUID | null
Результат LdapTools\Security\GUID | null

getObjectFlags() публичный метод

Get the object flags that apply to the object type GUIDs.
public getObjectFlags ( ) : AceObjectFlags
Результат AceObjectFlags

getObjectType() публичный метод

Get the GUID object type this ACE applies to.
public getObjectType ( ) : GUID | null
Результат LdapTools\Security\GUID | null

getRights() публичный метод

Get the AceRights object that contains all the rights flags set against this ACE.
public getRights ( ) : AceRights
Результат AceRights

getTrustee() публичный метод

Get the trustee SID this ACE applies to.
public getTrustee ( ) : SID
Результат LdapTools\Security\SID

getType() публичный метод

Get the AceType.
public getType ( ) : AceType | null
Результат AceType | null

isAllowAce() публичный метод

A convenience method to check whether this is an ace to allow access.
public isAllowAce ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isDenyAce() публичный метод

A convenience method to check whether this is an ace to deny access.
public isDenyAce ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isObjectAce() публичный метод

A convenience method to check whether this is an object type ACE.
public isObjectAce ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

setApplicationData() публичный метод

Set the binary string application data for this ACE. You MUST pass the binary form of the data.
public setApplicationData ( string $appData )
$appData string

setFlags() публичный метод

Set the AceFlags object that contains all the flags set for this ACE.
public setFlags ( AceFlags $aceFlags )
$aceFlags AceFlags

setInheritedObjectType() публичный метод

Set the inherited GUID object type this ACE applies to.
public setInheritedObjectType ( GUID | string | null $guid )
$guid LdapTools\Security\GUID | string | null

setObjectFlags() публичный метод

Set the object flags that apply to the object type GUIDs.
public setObjectFlags ( AceObjectFlags $objectFlags = null )
$objectFlags AceObjectFlags

setObjectType() публичный метод

Set the GUID object type this ACE applies to.
public setObjectType ( GUID | string | null $guid )
$guid LdapTools\Security\GUID | string | null

setRights() публичный метод

Set the AceRights for this ACE.
public setRights ( AceRights $aceRights )
$aceRights AceRights

setTrustee() публичный метод

Set the trustee SID this ACE applies to.
public setTrustee ( SID | string $sid )
$sid LdapTools\Security\SID | string

setType() публичный метод

Set the AceType.
public setType ( AceType $type )
$type AceType

startsWith() защищенный метод

protected startsWith ( string $needle, string $haystack ) : boolean
$needle string
$haystack string
Результат boolean

toBinary() публичный метод

Get the binary string representation of this ACE.
public toBinary ( ) : string
Результат string

toSddl() публичный метод

Get the SDDL string format that represents this ACE.
public toSddl ( ) : string
Результат string

toggleObjectStatus() защищенный метод

protected toggleObjectStatus ( GUID | null $object, integer $type )
$object LdapTools\Security\GUID | null
$type integer

validateSid() защищенный метод

Some quick checks before going to SDDL or binary.
protected validateSid ( )

Описание свойств

$aceRights защищенное свойство

protected AceRights,LdapTools\Security\Ace $aceRights
Результат AceRights

$applciationData защищенное свойство

Any application specific data for the ACE (in binary string format).
protected $applciationData

$flags защищенное свойство

protected AceFlags,LdapTools\Security\Ace $flags
Результат AceFlags

$inheritedObjectType защищенное свойство

The inherited object GUID, if present.
protected $inheritedObjectType

$objectFlags защищенное свойство

When this is an object type ACE, these flags describe what GUID objects are present.
protected $objectFlags

$objectType защищенное свойство

The object GUID, if present.
protected $objectType

$trustee защищенное свойство

The trustee SID this ACE relates to.
protected $trustee

$type защищенное свойство

protected AceType,LdapTools\Security\Ace $type
Результат AceType