PHP Класс LdapTools\Security\Ace\AceFlags

Автор: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Наследование: extends LdapTools\Security\Flags, use trait LdapTools\Security\FlagsSddlTrait
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
auditFailedAccess ( null | boolean $action = null ) Whether or not the ACE should generate audit messages for failed access attempts (only valid in the SACL).
auditSuccessfulAccess ( null | boolean $action = null ) Whether or not the ACE should generate audit messages for successful access attempts (only valid in the SACL).
containerInherit ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set whether containers should inherit this ACE.
inheritOnly ( null $action = null ) Check or set whether the ACE does not control access to the object to which it is attached. When this is true, the ACE only controls access on those objects which inherit it.
isInherited ( ) : boolean Check whether or not the ACE is inherited.
objectInherit ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set whether objects should inherit this ACE.
propagateInheritance ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set whether inheritance of this ACE should be propagated.

Описание методов

auditFailedAccess() публичный Метод

Whether or not the ACE should generate audit messages for failed access attempts (only valid in the SACL).
public auditFailedAccess ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

auditSuccessfulAccess() публичный Метод

Whether or not the ACE should generate audit messages for successful access attempts (only valid in the SACL).
public auditSuccessfulAccess ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

containerInherit() публичный Метод

Check or set whether containers should inherit this ACE.
public containerInherit ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

inheritOnly() публичный Метод

Check or set whether the ACE does not control access to the object to which it is attached. When this is true, the ACE only controls access on those objects which inherit it.
public inheritOnly ( null $action = null )
$action null

isInherited() публичный Метод

Check whether or not the ACE is inherited.
public isInherited ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

objectInherit() публичный Метод

Check or set whether objects should inherit this ACE.
public objectInherit ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

propagateInheritance() публичный Метод

Check or set whether inheritance of this ACE should be propagated.
public propagateInheritance ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean