PHP Класс LdapTools\Security\Ace\AceRights

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Автор: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Наследование: extends LdapTools\Security\Flags, use trait LdapTools\Security\FlagsSddlTrait
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
accessSacl ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to access the SACL of an object.
controlAccess ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set control access rights. These control specific actions/operations on an object or attribute.
createChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to create child objects.
deleteChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to delete child objects.
deleteObject ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to delete the object.
deleteTree ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to perform a delete-tree operation on the object.
execute ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to read permissions on, and list the contents of, a container object.
fullControl ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to create or delete child objects, delete a subtree, read and write properties, examine child objects and the object itself, add and remove the object from the directory, and read or write with an extended right.
listChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to list child objects.
listObject ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to list objects of a specific type.
readAll ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to read permissions on this object, read all the properties on this object, list this object name when the parent container is listed, and list the contents of this object if it is a container.
readProperty ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to read a specific property.
readSecurity ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to read data from the security descriptor (minus the SACL).
synchronize ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to use the object for synchronization. This enables a thread to wait until the object is in the signaled state.
validatedWrite ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to perform a validated write for a property.
writeAll ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to read permissions on this object, write all the properties on this object, and perform all validated writes to this object.
writeDacl ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to write the DACL of an object.
writeOwner ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to assume ownership of the object. The user must be an object trustee. The user cannot transfer the ownership to other users.
writeProperty ( null | boolean $action = null ) Check or set the ability to write a specific property.

Описание методов

accessSacl() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to access the SACL of an object.
public accessSacl ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

controlAccess() публичный метод

Check or set control access rights. These control specific actions/operations on an object or attribute.
См. также:
public controlAccess ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

createChildObject() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to create child objects.
public createChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

deleteChildObject() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to delete child objects.
public deleteChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

deleteObject() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to delete the object.
public deleteObject ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

deleteTree() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to perform a delete-tree operation on the object.
public deleteTree ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

execute() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to read permissions on, and list the contents of, a container object.
public execute ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

fullControl() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to create or delete child objects, delete a subtree, read and write properties, examine child objects and the object itself, add and remove the object from the directory, and read or write with an extended right.
public fullControl ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

listChildObject() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to list child objects.
public listChildObject ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

listObject() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to list objects of a specific type.
public listObject ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

readAll() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to read permissions on this object, read all the properties on this object, list this object name when the parent container is listed, and list the contents of this object if it is a container.
public readAll ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

readProperty() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to read a specific property.
public readProperty ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

readSecurity() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to read data from the security descriptor (minus the SACL).
public readSecurity ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

synchronize() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to use the object for synchronization. This enables a thread to wait until the object is in the signaled state.
public synchronize ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

validatedWrite() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to perform a validated write for a property.
public validatedWrite ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

writeAll() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to read permissions on this object, write all the properties on this object, and perform all validated writes to this object.
public writeAll ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

writeDacl() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to write the DACL of an object.
public writeDacl ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

writeOwner() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to assume ownership of the object. The user must be an object trustee. The user cannot transfer the ownership to other users.
public writeOwner ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean

writeProperty() публичный метод

Check or set the ability to write a specific property.
public writeProperty ( null | boolean $action = null )
$action null | boolean