PHP Класс MathPHP\Functions\Arithmetic

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
add ( variadic $args ) : callable Adds any number of single variable (callback) functions {f(x)}. Returns the sum as a callback function.
multiply ( variadic $args ) : callable Multiplies any number of single variable (callback) functions {f(x)}.

Описание методов

add() публичный статический метод

Adds any number of single variable (callback) functions {f(x)}. Returns the sum as a callback function.
public static add ( variadic $args ) : callable
$args variadic
Результат callable Sum of the input functions

multiply() публичный статический метод

Returns the product as a callback function.
public static multiply ( variadic $args ) : callable
$args variadic
Результат callable Product of the input functions