PHP Класс MathPHP\Probability\Distribution\Continuous\Uniform

Наследование: extends Continuous
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CDF ( number $a, number $b, number $x ) Continuous uniform distribution - cumulative distribution function
PDF ( number $a, number $b, number $x ) Continuous uniform distribution - probability desnsity function
mean ( number $a, number $b ) : number Mean of the distribution

Описание методов

CDF() публичный статический Метод

cdf = 0 for x < a x - a cdf = ----- for a ≤ x < b b - a cdf = 1 x ≥ b
public static CDF ( number $a, number $b, number $x )
$a number lower boundary of the distribution
$b number upper boundary of the distribution
$x number percentile

PDF() публичный статический Метод

1 pdf = ----- for a ≤ x ≤ b b - a pdf = 0 for x < a, x > b
public static PDF ( number $a, number $b, number $x )
$a number lower boundary of the distribution
$b number upper boundary of the distribution
$x number percentile

mean() публичный статический Метод

a + b μ = ----- 2
public static mean ( number $a, number $b ) : number
$a number lower boundary of the distribution
$b number upper boundary of the distribution
Результат number