PHP Класс MetaModels\Filter\Rules\Comparing\LessThan

Наследование: implements MetaModels\Filter\IFilterRule
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$blnInclusive boolean Determination if the comparison shall be done inclusive or exclusive.
$objAttribute MetaModels\Attribute\IAttribute The attribute to search in.
$varValue mixed The value to compare with.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( MetaModels\Attribute\IAttribute $objAttribute, mixed $varValue, boolean $blnInclusive = false ) Creates an instance of this class.
getMatchingIds ( ) : string[] | null Fetch the ids for all items that hold a value that is less than the passed value.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

Creates an instance of this class.
public __construct ( MetaModels\Attribute\IAttribute $objAttribute, mixed $varValue, boolean $blnInclusive = false )
$objAttribute MetaModels\Attribute\IAttribute The attribute that shall be searched.
$varValue mixed The value to compare against.
$blnInclusive boolean If true, the passed value will be included in the check and therefore make the check an less-or-equal test.

getMatchingIds() публичный Метод

If no entries have been found, the result is an empty array.
public getMatchingIds ( ) : string[] | null
Результат string[] | null

Описание свойств

$blnInclusive защищенное свойство

Determination if the comparison shall be done inclusive or exclusive.
protected bool $blnInclusive
Результат boolean

$objAttribute защищенное свойство

The attribute to search in.
protected IAttribute,MetaModels\Attribute $objAttribute
Результат MetaModels\Attribute\IAttribute

$varValue защищенное свойство

The value to compare with.
protected mixed $varValue
Результат mixed