PHP Класс Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerService

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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$dispatcher Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerInterface The one who are going to actually trigger the events to the rest of the application.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
fire ( string $event, mixed $payload, boolean $halt = false ) : mixed Triggers / Dispatches a new event to the registered event handlers if they have been registered.
registerEventDispatcher ( Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerInterface $dispatcher ) : void Registers a object that will have the responsibility of firing events to the rest of the application.

Описание методов

fire() публичный метод

Triggers / Dispatches a new event to the registered event handlers if they have been registered.
public fire ( string $event, mixed $payload, boolean $halt = false ) : mixed
$event string Identification of the event.
$payload mixed Data that is going to be sent to the event handler.
$halt boolean The output of the event handler will be used in a conditional inside the context of where the event is being fired. This means that, if the event handler returns false, it will probably stop the action being executed, for example, "saving".
Результат mixed Event handler return. The importance of this return is determined by $halt

registerEventDispatcher() публичный метод

Registers a object that will have the responsibility of firing events to the rest of the application.
public registerEventDispatcher ( Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerInterface $dispatcher ) : void
$dispatcher Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerInterface Event trigger object.
Результат void

Описание свойств

$dispatcher защищенное свойство

The one who are going to actually trigger the events to the rest of the application.
protected EventTriggerInterface,Mongolid\Event $dispatcher
Результат Mongolid\Event\EventTriggerInterface