PHP Класс Neos\Flow\Cli\Request

Наследование: implements Neos\Flow\Mvc\RequestInterface
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$arguments array The arguments for this request
$command Command
$commandLineArguments array
$controllerCommandName string
$controllerObjectName string
$dispatched boolean If this request has been changed and needs to be dispatched again
$exceedingArguments array

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getArgument ( string $argumentName ) : string Returns the value of the specified argument
getArguments ( ) : array Returns an ArrayObject of arguments and their values
getCommand ( ) : Command Returns the command object for this request
getControllerCommandName ( ) : string Returns the name of the command the controller is supposed to execute.
getControllerObjectName ( ) : string Returns the object name of the controller
getExceedingArguments ( ) : array Returns additional unnamed arguments (if any) which have been passed through the command line after all required arguments (if any) have been specified.
getMainRequest ( ) : Request Returns the this request, as CLI request nesting is not supported.
hasArgument ( string $argumentName ) : boolean Checks if an argument of the given name exists (is set)
isDispatched ( ) : boolean If this request has been dispatched and addressed by the responsible controller and the response is ready to be sent.
isMainRequest ( ) : boolean Returns true, as CLI request nesting is not supported.
setArgument ( string $argumentName, mixed $value ) : void Sets the value of the specified argument
setArguments ( array $arguments ) : void Sets the whole arguments array and therefore replaces any arguments which existed before.
setControllerCommandName ( string $commandName ) : void Sets the name of the command contained in this request.
setControllerObjectName ( string $controllerObjectName ) : void Sets the object name of the controller
setDispatched ( boolean $flag ) : void Sets the dispatched flag
setExceedingArguments ( array $exceedingArguments ) : void Sets the exceeding arguments

Описание методов

getArgument() публичный Метод

Returns the value of the specified argument
public getArgument ( string $argumentName ) : string
$argumentName string Name of the argument
Результат string Value of the argument

getArguments() публичный Метод

Returns an ArrayObject of arguments and their values
public getArguments ( ) : array
Результат array Array of arguments and their values (which may be arguments and values as well)

getCommand() публичный Метод

Returns the command object for this request
public getCommand ( ) : Command
Результат Command

getControllerCommandName() публичный Метод

Returns the name of the command the controller is supposed to execute.
public getControllerCommandName ( ) : string
Результат string Command name

getControllerObjectName() публичный Метод

Returns the object name of the controller
public getControllerObjectName ( ) : string
Результат string The controller's object name

getExceedingArguments() публичный Метод

For a command method with the signature ($argument1, $argument2) and for the command line ./flow acme:foo --argument1 Foo --argument2 Bar baz quux this method would return array(0 => 'baz', 1 => 'quux')
public getExceedingArguments ( ) : array
Результат array Numeric array of exceeding argument values

getMainRequest() публичный Метод

Returns the this request, as CLI request nesting is not supported.
public getMainRequest ( ) : Request
Результат Request

hasArgument() публичный Метод

Checks if an argument of the given name exists (is set)
public hasArgument ( string $argumentName ) : boolean
$argumentName string Name of the argument to check
Результат boolean TRUE if the argument is set, otherwise FALSE

isDispatched() публичный Метод

The dispatcher will try to dispatch the request again if it has not been addressed yet.
public isDispatched ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean TRUE if this request has been dispatched successfully

isMainRequest() публичный Метод

Returns true, as CLI request nesting is not supported.
public isMainRequest ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

setArgument() публичный Метод

Sets the value of the specified argument
public setArgument ( string $argumentName, mixed $value ) : void
$argumentName string Name of the argument to set
$value mixed The new value
Результат void

setArguments() публичный Метод

Sets the whole arguments array and therefore replaces any arguments which existed before.
public setArguments ( array $arguments ) : void
$arguments array An array of argument names and their values
Результат void

setControllerCommandName() публичный Метод

Note that the command name must start with a lower case letter and is case sensitive.
public setControllerCommandName ( string $commandName ) : void
$commandName string Name of the command to execute by the controller
Результат void

setControllerObjectName() публичный Метод

Sets the object name of the controller
public setControllerObjectName ( string $controllerObjectName ) : void
$controllerObjectName string Object name of the controller which processes this request
Результат void

setDispatched() публичный Метод

Sets the dispatched flag
public setDispatched ( boolean $flag ) : void
$flag boolean If this request has been dispatched
Результат void

setExceedingArguments() публичный Метод

Sets the exceeding arguments
public setExceedingArguments ( array $exceedingArguments ) : void
$exceedingArguments array Numeric array of exceeding arguments
Результат void

Описание свойств

$arguments защищенное свойство

The arguments for this request
protected array $arguments
Результат array

$command защищенное свойство

protected Command,Neos\Flow\Cli $command
Результат Command

$commandLineArguments защищенное свойство

protected array $commandLineArguments
Результат array

$controllerCommandName защищенное свойство

protected string $controllerCommandName
Результат string

$controllerObjectName защищенное свойство

protected string $controllerObjectName
Результат string

$dispatched защищенное свойство

If this request has been changed and needs to be dispatched again
protected bool $dispatched
Результат boolean

$exceedingArguments защищенное свойство

protected array $exceedingArguments
Результат array