PHP Класс Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect\SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter

Наследование: implements Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut\PointcutFilterInterface
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$objectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition ( ) : array Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut
hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition ( ) : boolean Returns TRUE if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut
injectObjectManager ( CompileTimeObjectManager $objectManager ) : void
matches ( string $className, string $methodName, string $methodDeclaringClassName, mixed $pointcutQueryIdentifier ) : boolean Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter
reduceTargetClassNames ( ClassNameIndex $classNameIndex ) : ClassNameIndex This method is used to optimize the matching process.

Описание методов

getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() публичный Метод

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut
public getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition ( ) : array
Результат array Runtime evaluations

hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() публичный Метод

Returns TRUE if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut
public hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean TRUE if this filter has runtime evaluations

injectObjectManager() публичный Метод

public injectObjectManager ( CompileTimeObjectManager $objectManager ) : void
$objectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\CompileTimeObjectManager
Результат void

matches() публичный Метод

Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter
public matches ( string $className, string $methodName, string $methodDeclaringClassName, mixed $pointcutQueryIdentifier ) : boolean
$className string Name of the class to check against
$methodName string Name of the method to check against
$methodDeclaringClassName string Name of the class the method was originally declared in
$pointcutQueryIdentifier mixed Some identifier for this query - must at least differ from a previous identifier. Used for circular reference detection.
Результат boolean TRUE if the class / method match, otherwise FALSE

reduceTargetClassNames() публичный Метод

This method is used to optimize the matching process.
public reduceTargetClassNames ( ClassNameIndex $classNameIndex ) : ClassNameIndex
$classNameIndex Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder\ClassNameIndex
Результат Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder\ClassNameIndex

Описание свойств

$objectManager защищенное свойство

protected ObjectManagerInterface,Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement $objectManager
Результат Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface