PHP Класс Neos\Fusion\Tests\Unit\Core\ParserTest

Наследование: extends Neos\Flow\Tests\UnitTestCase
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$mockObjectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface
$parser Neos\Fusion\Core\Parser

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
objectManagerCallback ( ) : object call back for mocking the object factory
objectManagerIsRegisteredCallback ( ) : boolean Call back for mocking the object manager's isRegistered() method
parserCorrectlyParsesComments01 ( ) Checks if comments in comments are parsed correctly
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture01 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 01
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture02 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 02
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture03 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 03
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture04 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 04
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture05 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 05
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture07 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 07
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture08 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 08
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture10 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 10
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture13 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 13
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture14 ( ) checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 14
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture15 ( )
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture16 ( )
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture17 ( )
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture18 ( ) Checks if namespace declarations are expanded correctly
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture19 ( ) Checks if simple values (string, boolean, integer) are parsed correctly
parserCorrectlyParsesFixture20 ( ) Checks if path with an underscore is parsed correctly
parserThrowsExceptionOnFixture16b ( )
parserThrowsTypoScriptExceptionIfNamespaceDeclarationIsInvalid ( ) Checks if a leading slash in the namespace declaration throws an exception

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getExpectedParseTreeForFixture16 ( )
readTypoScriptFixture ( string $fixtureName ) : string
setUp ( ) Sets up this test case

Описание методов

getExpectedParseTreeForFixture16() защищенный Метод

objectManagerCallback() публичный Метод

call back for mocking the object factory
public objectManagerCallback ( ) : object
Результат object fixture objects ...

objectManagerIsRegisteredCallback() публичный Метод

Call back for mocking the object manager's isRegistered() method
public objectManagerIsRegisteredCallback ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

parserCorrectlyParsesComments01() публичный Метод

Checks if comments in comments are parsed correctly

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture01() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 01

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture02() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 02

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture03() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 03

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture04() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 04

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture05() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 05

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture07() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 07

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture08() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 08

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture10() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 10

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture13() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 13

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture14() публичный Метод

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 14

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture15() публичный Метод

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture16() публичный Метод

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture17() публичный Метод

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture18() публичный Метод

Checks if namespace declarations are expanded correctly

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture19() публичный Метод

Checks if simple values (string, boolean, integer) are parsed correctly

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture20() публичный Метод

Checks if path with an underscore is parsed correctly

parserThrowsExceptionOnFixture16b() публичный Метод

parserThrowsTypoScriptExceptionIfNamespaceDeclarationIsInvalid() публичный Метод

Checks if a leading slash in the namespace declaration throws an exception

readTypoScriptFixture() защищенный Метод

protected readTypoScriptFixture ( string $fixtureName ) : string
$fixtureName string File name of the TypoScript fixture to be read (without .fusion)
Результат string The content of the fixture

setUp() защищенный Метод

Sets up this test case
protected setUp ( )

Описание свойств

$mockObjectManager защищенное свойство

protected ObjectManagerInterface,Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement $mockObjectManager
Результат Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface

$parser защищенное свойство

protected Parser,Neos\Fusion\Core $parser
Результат Neos\Fusion\Core\Parser