PHP Класс Neos\Neos\Fusion\ConvertUrisImplementation

Right now node:// and asset:// are supported URI schemes. Usage:: [email protected] = Neos.Neos:ConvertUris The optional property forceConversion can be used to have the links converted even when not rendering the live workspace. This is used for links that are not inline editable (for example links on images):: [email protected] = Neos.Neos:ConvertUris { forceConversion = true } The optional property externalLinkTarget can be modified to disable or change the target attribute of the link tag for links to external targets:: prototype(Neos.Neos:ConvertUris) { externalLinkTarget = '_blank' resourceLinkTarget = '_blank' } The optional property absolute can be used to convert node uris to absolute links:: [email protected] = Neos.Neos:ConvertUris { absolute = true }
Наследование: extends Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects\AbstractFusionObject
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$linkingService Neos\Neos\Service\LinkingService

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
evaluate ( ) : string Convert URIs matching a supported scheme with generated URIs

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
replaceLinkTargets ( string $processedContent ) : string Replace the target attribute of link tags in processedContent with the target specified by externalLinkTarget and resourceLinkTarget options.

Описание методов

evaluate() публичный Метод

If the workspace of the current node context is not live, no replacement will be done unless forceConversion is set. This is needed to show the editable links with metadata in the content module.
public evaluate ( ) : string
Результат string

replaceLinkTargets() защищенный Метод

Replace the target attribute of link tags in processedContent with the target specified by externalLinkTarget and resourceLinkTarget options.
protected replaceLinkTargets ( string $processedContent ) : string
$processedContent string
Результат string

Описание свойств

$linkingService защищенное свойство

protected LinkingService,Neos\Neos\Service $linkingService
Результат Neos\Neos\Service\LinkingService