PHP Класс Neos\Neos\Tests\Functional\Domain\NodeUriTest

Наследование: extends Neos\Neos\Tests\Functional\AbstractNodeTest
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$fixtureFileName the Nodes fixture
$nodeContextPath the context path of the node to load initially

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
hiddenNodeGetsNewUriSegmentOnMoveIfUriAlreadyExists ( ) Note: You cannot hide a node in a context that doesn't show invisible content and afterwards move it because moving breaks then.
nodeInNonDefaultDimensionGetsNewUriSegmentOnMoveIfUriAlreadyExists ( )

Описание методов

hiddenNodeGetsNewUriSegmentOnMoveIfUriAlreadyExists() публичный Метод

The context used in this test therefor needs to be able to show hidden nodes. TODO: Investigate this behavior, currently it executes without problems but the result is wrong.

nodeInNonDefaultDimensionGetsNewUriSegmentOnMoveIfUriAlreadyExists() публичный Метод

Описание свойств

$fixtureFileName защищенное свойство

the Nodes fixture
protected $fixtureFileName

$nodeContextPath защищенное свойство

the context path of the node to load initially
protected $nodeContextPath