PHP Класс Neos\Neos\TypoScript\Helper\CachingHelper

Наследование: implements Neos\Eel\ProtectedContextAwareInterface
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
allowsCallOfMethod ( string $methodName ) : boolean All methods are considered safe
descendantOfTag ( mixed $nodes ) : array Generate a @cache entry tag for descendants of a node, an array of nodes or a FlowQuery result A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever a node (for any variant) that is a descendant (child on any level) of one of the given nodes is updated.
nodeTag ( mixed $nodes ) : array Generate a @cache entry tag for a single node, array of nodes or a FlowQuery result A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever one of the given nodes (for any variant) is updated.
nodeTypeTag ( NodeType $nodeType ) : string Generate an @cache entry tag for a node type A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever a node (for any variant) that is of the given node type (including inheritance) is updated.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
convertArrayOfNodesToArrayOfNodeIdentifiersWithPrefix ( mixed $nodes, string $prefix ) : array Render a caching configuration for array of Nodes

Описание методов

allowsCallOfMethod() публичный Метод

All methods are considered safe
public allowsCallOfMethod ( string $methodName ) : boolean
$methodName string
Результат boolean

convertArrayOfNodesToArrayOfNodeIdentifiersWithPrefix() защищенный Метод

Render a caching configuration for array of Nodes
protected convertArrayOfNodesToArrayOfNodeIdentifiersWithPrefix ( mixed $nodes, string $prefix ) : array
$nodes mixed
$prefix string
Результат array

descendantOfTag() публичный Метод

Generate a @cache entry tag for descendants of a node, an array of nodes or a FlowQuery result A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever a node (for any variant) that is a descendant (child on any level) of one of the given nodes is updated.
public descendantOfTag ( mixed $nodes ) : array
$nodes mixed (A single Node or array or \Traversable of Nodes)
Результат array

nodeTag() публичный Метод

Generate a @cache entry tag for a single node, array of nodes or a FlowQuery result A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever one of the given nodes (for any variant) is updated.
public nodeTag ( mixed $nodes ) : array
$nodes mixed (A single Node or array or \Traversable of Nodes)
Результат array

nodeTypeTag() публичный Метод

Generate an @cache entry tag for a node type A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever a node (for any variant) that is of the given node type (including inheritance) is updated.
public nodeTypeTag ( NodeType $nodeType ) : string
$nodeType Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeType
Результат string