PHP Класс OEModule\OphCiExamination\models\Element_OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex

The followings are the available columns in table:
Наследование: extends SplitEventTypeElement
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
answerValidation ( unknown $attribute, array $params ) validate that all the questions for the set diagnosis have been answered.
attributeLabels ( ) : array
canCopy ( )
delete ( ) extends standard delete method to remove any risk assignments made to it.
getAllDisorders ( )
getInjectionQuestionsForDisorderId ( integer $disorder_id, array $answered_question_ids = null ) return the questions for a given disorder id.
getInjectionQuestionsForSide ( string $side ) : OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_Question[] get the relevant questions for the given side.
getInjectionSide ( ) : integer | null return the side (Eye::BOTH, \Eye::LEFT or \Eye::RIGHT) that should be injected if one should be. null otherwise.
getInjectionTreatments ( $side ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug[] | null get the treatments list to select from for this element on the given side.
getLeftDiagnosisString ( ) : string get the diagnosis string for the left.
getLeftNoTreatmentReasonName ( ) : string get the no treatment reason name for the left side.
getLetter_string ( ) : string get the string of this element for use in correspondence.
getLevel1Disorders ( ) : Disorder[] Get a list of level 1 disorders for this element (appends any level 1 disorder that has been selected for this element but aren't part of the default list).
getLevel2Disorders ( $disorder ) : Disorder[] retrieve a list of disorders that are defined as level 2 disorders for the given disorder.
getNoTreatmentReasons ( ) : OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_NoTreatmentReason[] get the list of no treatment reasons that should be used for this element.
getQuestionAnswer ( unknown $side, unknown $question_id ) get the answer that has been set for the $side and $question_id.
getRightDiagnosisString ( ) : string get the diagnosis string for the right.
getRightNoTreatmentReasonName ( ) : string get the no treatment reason name for the right side.
getRiskValues ( ) get the risk ids currently in use by the element.
getRisksForSide ( $side ) : array get the risk options for a given side.
getleft_treatment ( ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null return the treatment drug for the left side if defined.
getright_treatment ( ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null return the treatment drug for the right side if defined.
ifInjectionInstalled ( $attribute, $params ) pass through validation function that will run the 'check' attribute method if the injection module is installed.
injectionInstalled ( ) : boolean returns boolean to indicate if the injection module is installed (and therefore whether we can pick treatments from that module).
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
relations ( ) : array
requiredIfNoTreatment ( $attribute, $params ) checks value defined when no treatment is set on the element.
requiredIfNoTreatmentOther ( $attribute, $params ) checks $attribute defined when the no treatment reason is an 'other' type.
requiredIfSecondary ( $attribute, $params ) check a level 2 diagnosis is provided for level 1 diagnoses that require it (need to check the side as well though).
requiredIfTreatment ( string $attribute, array $params ) simple wrapper around requiredIfSide that checks the no treatment status flag before checking the side required attribute.
rules ( ) : array
search ( ) : CActiveDataProvider Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
sidedFields ( )
tableName ( ) : string
updateQuestionAnswers ( string $side, array $update_answers ) store the answers for the questions asked for the $side diagnosis.
updateRisks ( string $side, int[] $risk_ids ) update the risks for the given side.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getDiagnosisString ( string $side ) : string get the diagnosis string for the give side.
getLetterStringForSide ( $side ) : string gets a string of the information contained in this element for the given side.
getNoTreatmentReasonName ( string $side ) : string get the reason for no treatment as a string for given side.

Описание методов

answerValidation() публичный Метод

validate that all the questions for the set diagnosis have been answered.
public answerValidation ( unknown $attribute, array $params )
$attribute unknown
$params array

attributeLabels() публичный Метод

public attributeLabels ( ) : array
Результат array customized attribute labels (name=>label)

canCopy() публичный Метод

public canCopy ( )

delete() публичный Метод

См. также: CActiveRecord::delete()
public delete ( )

getAllDisorders() публичный Метод

public getAllDisorders ( )

getDiagnosisString() защищенный Метод

get the diagnosis string for the give side.
protected getDiagnosisString ( string $side ) : string
$side string - left or right
Результат string string

getInjectionQuestionsForDisorderId() публичный Метод

return the questions for a given disorder id.
public getInjectionQuestionsForDisorderId ( integer $disorder_id, array $answered_question_ids = null )
$disorder_id integer
$answered_question_ids array

getInjectionQuestionsForSide() публичный Метод

get the relevant questions for the given side.
public getInjectionQuestionsForSide ( string $side ) : OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_Question[]
$side string - 'left' or 'right'
Результат OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_Question[]

getInjectionSide() публичный Метод

return the side (Eye::BOTH, \Eye::LEFT or \Eye::RIGHT) that should be injected if one should be. null otherwise.
public getInjectionSide ( ) : integer | null
Результат integer | null

getInjectionTreatments() публичный Метод

get the treatments list to select from for this element on the given side.
public getInjectionTreatments ( $side ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug[] | null
Результат OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug[] | null

getLeftDiagnosisString() публичный Метод

get the diagnosis string for the left.
public getLeftDiagnosisString ( ) : string
Результат string

getLeftNoTreatmentReasonName() публичный Метод

get the no treatment reason name for the left side.
public getLeftNoTreatmentReasonName ( ) : string
Результат string

getLetterStringForSide() защищенный Метод

gets a string of the information contained in this element for the given side.
protected getLetterStringForSide ( $side ) : string
Результат string

getLetter_string() публичный Метод

get the string of this element for use in correspondence.
public getLetter_string ( ) : string
Результат string

getLevel1Disorders() публичный Метод

Get a list of level 1 disorders for this element (appends any level 1 disorder that has been selected for this element but aren't part of the default list).
public getLevel1Disorders ( ) : Disorder[]
Результат Disorder[]

getLevel2Disorders() публичный Метод

retrieve a list of disorders that are defined as level 2 disorders for the given disorder.
public getLevel2Disorders ( $disorder ) : Disorder[]
Результат Disorder[]

getNoTreatmentReasonName() защищенный Метод

get the reason for no treatment as a string for given side.
protected getNoTreatmentReasonName ( string $side ) : string
$side string
Результат string

getNoTreatmentReasons() публичный Метод

get the list of no treatment reasons that should be used for this element.
public getNoTreatmentReasons ( ) : OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_NoTreatmentReason[]
Результат OphCiExamination_InjectionManagementComplex_NoTreatmentReason[]

getQuestionAnswer() публичный Метод

get the answer that has been set for the $side and $question_id.
public getQuestionAnswer ( unknown $side, unknown $question_id )
$side unknown
$question_id unknown

getRightDiagnosisString() публичный Метод

get the diagnosis string for the right.
public getRightDiagnosisString ( ) : string
Результат string

getRightNoTreatmentReasonName() публичный Метод

get the no treatment reason name for the right side.
public getRightNoTreatmentReasonName ( ) : string
Результат string

getRiskValues() публичный Метод

get the risk ids currently in use by the element.
public getRiskValues ( )

getRisksForSide() публичный Метод

get the risk options for a given side.
public getRisksForSide ( $side ) : array
Результат array

getleft_treatment() публичный Метод

defines relation to external model, hence not using the yii magic relations definition
public getleft_treatment ( ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null
Результат OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null

getright_treatment() публичный Метод

defines relation to external model, hence not using the yii magic relations definition
public getright_treatment ( ) : OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null
Результат OphTrIntravitrealinjection_Treatment_Drug | null

ifInjectionInstalled() публичный Метод

pass through validation function that will run the 'check' attribute method if the injection module is installed.
public ifInjectionInstalled ( $attribute, $params )

injectionInstalled() публичный Метод

returns boolean to indicate if the injection module is installed (and therefore whether we can pick treatments from that module).
public injectionInstalled ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

model() публичный статический Метод

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the
Результат the static model class

relations() публичный Метод

public relations ( ) : array
Результат array relational rules.

requiredIfNoTreatment() публичный Метод

checks value defined when no treatment is set on the element.
public requiredIfNoTreatment ( $attribute, $params )

requiredIfNoTreatmentOther() публичный Метод

checks $attribute defined when the no treatment reason is an 'other' type.
public requiredIfNoTreatmentOther ( $attribute, $params )

requiredIfSecondary() публичный Метод

check a level 2 diagnosis is provided for level 1 diagnoses that require it (need to check the side as well though).
public requiredIfSecondary ( $attribute, $params )

requiredIfTreatment() публичный Метод

simple wrapper around requiredIfSide that checks the no treatment status flag before checking the side required attribute.
public requiredIfTreatment ( string $attribute, array $params )
$attribute string
$params array

rules() публичный Метод

public rules ( ) : array
Результат array validation rules for model attributes.

sidedFields() публичный Метод

public sidedFields ( )

tableName() публичный Метод

public tableName ( ) : string
Результат string the associated database table name

updateQuestionAnswers() публичный Метод

store the answers for the questions asked for the $side diagnosis.
public updateQuestionAnswers ( string $side, array $update_answers )
$side string
$update_answers array - associate array of question id to answer value

updateRisks() публичный Метод

update the risks for the given side.
public updateRisks ( string $side, int[] $risk_ids )
$side string
$risk_ids int[] - array of risk ids to assign to the element

Описание свойств

$_injection_installed защищенное свойство

protected $_injection_installed