PHP Класс Ojs\CoreBundle\Controller\OjsController

Наследование: extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller
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Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
errorFlashBag ( $text ) : boolean
isGranted ( mixed $attributes, mixed $object = null, $field = null ) : boolean Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied object.
isGrantedForPublisher ( Publisher $publisher )
successFlashBag ( $text ) : boolean
throw404IfNotFound ( mixed $entity, string $message = 'Not Found' ) : boolean

Описание методов

errorFlashBag() защищенный метод

protected errorFlashBag ( $text ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isGranted() защищенный метод

Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied object.
protected isGranted ( mixed $attributes, mixed $object = null, $field = null ) : boolean
$attributes mixed The attributes
$object mixed The object
Результат boolean

isGrantedForPublisher() защищенный метод

protected isGrantedForPublisher ( Publisher $publisher )
$publisher Ojs\JournalBundle\Entity\Publisher

successFlashBag() защищенный метод

protected successFlashBag ( $text ) : boolean
Результат boolean

throw404IfNotFound() защищенный метод

protected throw404IfNotFound ( mixed $entity, string $message = 'Not Found' ) : boolean
$entity mixed
$message string custom not found message
Результат boolean