PHP Класс Omnipay\Common\CreditCard

This class defines and abstracts all of the credit card types used throughout the Omnipay system.
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$parameters Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag Internal storage of all of the card parameters.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( array $parameters = null ) Create a new CreditCard object using the specified parameters
addSupportedBrand ( string $name, string $expression ) : boolean Set a custom supported card brand with a regular expression to match it.
getAddress1 ( ) : string Get the billing address, line 1.
getAddress2 ( ) : string Get the billing address, line 2.
getBillingAddress1 ( ) : string Get the billing address, line 1.
getBillingAddress2 ( ) : string Get the billing address, line 2.
getBillingCity ( ) : string Get the billing city.
getBillingCompany ( ) : string Get the billing company name.
getBillingCountry ( ) : string Get the billing country name.
getBillingFax ( ) : string Get the billing fax number.
getBillingFirstName ( ) : string Get the first part of the card billing name.
getBillingLastName ( ) : string Get the last part of the card billing name.
getBillingName ( ) : string Get the card billing name.
getBillingPhone ( ) : string Get the billing phone number.
getBillingPhoneExtension ( ) : string Get the billing phone number extension.
getBillingPostcode ( ) : string Get the billing postcode.
getBillingState ( ) : string Get the billing state.
getBillingTitle ( ) : string Get the card billing title.
getBirthday ( $format = 'Y-m-d' ) : string Get the cardholder's birthday.
getBrand ( ) : string Credit Card Brand
getCity ( ) : string Get the billing city.
getCompany ( ) : string Get the card billing company name.
getCountry ( ) : string Get the billing country.
getCvv ( ) : string Get the card CVV.
getEmail ( ) : string Get the cardholder's email address.
getExpiryDate ( string $format ) : string Get the card expiry date, using the specified date format string.
getExpiryMonth ( ) : integer Get the card expiry month.
getExpiryYear ( ) : integer Get the card expiry year.
getFax ( ) : string Get the billing fax number.
getFirstName ( ) : string Get Card First Name.
getGender ( ) : string Get the cardholder's gender.
getIssueNumber ( ) : string Get the card issue number.
getLastName ( ) : string Get Card Last Name.
getName ( ) : string Get Card Name.
getNumber ( ) : string Get Card Number.
getNumberLastFour ( ) : string Get the last 4 digits of the card number.
getNumberMasked ( string $mask = 'X' ) : string Returns a masked credit card number with only the last 4 chars visible
getParameters ( ) : array Get all parameters.
getPhone ( ) : string Get the billing phone number.
getPhoneExtension ( ) : string Get the billing phone number extension.
getPostcode ( ) : string Get the billing postcode.
getShippingAddress1 ( ) : string Get the shipping address, line 1.
getShippingAddress2 ( ) : string Get the shipping address, line 2.
getShippingCity ( ) : string Get the shipping city.
getShippingCompany ( ) : string Get the shipping company name.
getShippingCountry ( ) : string Get the shipping country.
getShippingFax ( ) : string Get the shipping fax number.
getShippingFirstName ( ) : string Get the first part of the card shipping name.
getShippingLastName ( ) : string Get the last part of the card shipping name.
getShippingName ( ) : string Get the card shipping name.
getShippingPhone ( ) : string Get the shipping phone number.
getShippingPhoneExtension ( ) : string Get the shipping phone number extension.
getShippingPostcode ( ) : string Get the shipping postcode.
getShippingState ( ) : string Get the shipping state.
getShippingTitle ( ) : string Get the title of the card shipping name.
getStartDate ( string $format ) : string Get the card start date, using the specified date format string
getStartMonth ( ) : string Get the card start month.
getStartYear ( ) : integer Get the card start year.
getState ( ) : string Get the billing state.
getSupportedBrands ( ) : array All known/supported card brands, and a regular expression to match them.
getTitle ( ) : string Get Card Title.
getTrack1 ( ) : string Get raw data for track 1 on the credit card magnetic strip.
getTrack2 ( ) : string Get raw data for track 2 on the credit card magnetic strip.
getTracks ( ) : string Get raw data for all tracks on the credit card magnetic strip.
initialize ( array $parameters = null ) : CreditCard Initialize the object with parameters.
setAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping address, line 1.
setAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping address, line 2.
setBillingAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing address, line 1.
setBillingAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing address, line 2.
setBillingCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets billing city.
setBillingCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing company name.
setBillingCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing country name.
setBillingFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing fax number.
setBillingFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the first part of the card billing name.
setBillingLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the last part of the card billing name.
setBillingName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card billing name.
setBillingPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing phone number.
setBillingPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing phone number extension.
setBillingPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing postcode.
setBillingState ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing state.
setBillingTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card billing title.
setBirthday ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the cardholder's birthday.
setCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping city.
setCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping company name.
setCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping country.
setCvv ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card CVV.
setEmail ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the cardholder's email address.
setExpiryMonth ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card expiry month.
setExpiryYear ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card expiry year.
setFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping fax number.
setFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Set Card First Name (Billing and Shipping).
setGender ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the cardholder's gender.
setIssueNumber ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card issue number.
setLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Set Card Last Name (Billing and Shipping).
setName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Set Card Name (Billing and Shipping).
setNumber ( string $value ) : CreditCard Set Card Number
setPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping phone number.
setPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping phone number extension.
setPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping postcode.
setShippingAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping address, line 1.
setShippingAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping address, line 2.
setShippingCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping city.
setShippingCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping company name.
setShippingCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping country.
setShippingFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping fax number.
setShippingFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the first part of the card shipping name.
setShippingLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the last part of the card shipping name.
setShippingName ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card shipping name.
setShippingPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping phone number.
setShippingPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping phone number extension.
setShippingPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping postcode.
setShippingState ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the shipping state.
setShippingTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the title of the card shipping name.
setStartMonth ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card start month.
setStartYear ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the card start year.
setState ( string $value ) : CreditCard Sets the billing and shipping state.
setTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard Set Card Title.
setTracks ( $value ) : CreditCard Sets raw data from all tracks on the credit card magnetic strip. Used by gateways that support card-present transactions.
validate ( ) : void Validate this credit card. If the card is invalid, InvalidCreditCardException is thrown.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
getParameter ( $key ) : mixed Get one parameter.
setParameter ( string $key, mixed $value ) : CreditCard Set one parameter.
setYearParameter ( string $key, mixed $value ) : CreditCard Set the credit card year.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

Create a new CreditCard object using the specified parameters
public __construct ( array $parameters = null )
$parameters array An array of parameters to set on the new object

addSupportedBrand() публичный метод

Note: The fact that a particular card is known does not imply that your gateway supports it. Set $add_to_front to true if the key should be added to the front of the array
public addSupportedBrand ( string $name, string $expression ) : boolean
$name string The name of the new supported brand.
$expression string The regular expression to check if a card is supported.
Результат boolean success

getAddress1() публичный метод

Get the billing address, line 1.
public getAddress1 ( ) : string
Результат string

getAddress2() публичный метод

Get the billing address, line 2.
public getAddress2 ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingAddress1() публичный метод

Get the billing address, line 1.
public getBillingAddress1 ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingAddress2() публичный метод

Get the billing address, line 2.
public getBillingAddress2 ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingCity() публичный метод

Get the billing city.
public getBillingCity ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingCompany() публичный метод

Get the billing company name.
public getBillingCompany ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingCountry() публичный метод

Get the billing country name.
public getBillingCountry ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingFax() публичный метод

Get the billing fax number.
public getBillingFax ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingFirstName() публичный метод

Get the first part of the card billing name.
public getBillingFirstName ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingLastName() публичный метод

Get the last part of the card billing name.
public getBillingLastName ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingName() публичный метод

Get the card billing name.
public getBillingName ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingPhone() публичный метод

Get the billing phone number.
public getBillingPhone ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Get the billing phone number extension.
public getBillingPhoneExtension ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingPostcode() публичный метод

Get the billing postcode.
public getBillingPostcode ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingState() публичный метод

Get the billing state.
public getBillingState ( ) : string
Результат string

getBillingTitle() публичный метод

Get the card billing title.
public getBillingTitle ( ) : string
Результат string

getBirthday() публичный метод

Get the cardholder's birthday.
public getBirthday ( $format = 'Y-m-d' ) : string
Результат string

getBrand() публичный метод

Iterates through known/supported card brands to determine the brand of this card
public getBrand ( ) : string
Результат string

getCity() публичный метод

Get the billing city.
public getCity ( ) : string
Результат string

getCompany() публичный метод

Get the card billing company name.
public getCompany ( ) : string
Результат string

getCountry() публичный метод

Get the billing country.
public getCountry ( ) : string
Результат string

getCvv() публичный метод

Get the card CVV.
public getCvv ( ) : string
Результат string

getEmail() публичный метод

Get the cardholder's email address.
public getEmail ( ) : string
Результат string

getExpiryDate() публичный метод

Get the card expiry date, using the specified date format string.
public getExpiryDate ( string $format ) : string
$format string
Результат string

getExpiryMonth() публичный метод

Get the card expiry month.
public getExpiryMonth ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getExpiryYear() публичный метод

Get the card expiry year.
public getExpiryYear ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getFax() публичный метод

public getFax ( ) : string
Результат string

getFirstName() публичный метод

Get Card First Name.
public getFirstName ( ) : string
Результат string

getGender() публичный метод

Get the cardholder's gender.
public getGender ( ) : string
Результат string

getIssueNumber() публичный метод

Get the card issue number.
public getIssueNumber ( ) : string
Результат string

getLastName() публичный метод

Get Card Last Name.
public getLastName ( ) : string
Результат string

getName() публичный метод

Get Card Name.
public getName ( ) : string
Результат string

getNumber() публичный метод

Get Card Number.
public getNumber ( ) : string
Результат string

getNumberLastFour() публичный метод

Get the last 4 digits of the card number.
public getNumberLastFour ( ) : string
Результат string

getNumberMasked() публичный метод

Returns a masked credit card number with only the last 4 chars visible
public getNumberMasked ( string $mask = 'X' ) : string
$mask string Character to use in place of numbers
Результат string

getParameter() защищенный метод

Get one parameter.
protected getParameter ( $key ) : mixed
Результат mixed A single parameter value.

getParameters() публичный метод

Get all parameters.
public getParameters ( ) : array
Результат array An associative array of parameters.

getPhone() публичный метод

Get the billing phone number.
public getPhone ( ) : string
Результат string

getPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Get the billing phone number extension.
public getPhoneExtension ( ) : string
Результат string

getPostcode() публичный метод

Get the billing postcode.
public getPostcode ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingAddress1() публичный метод

Get the shipping address, line 1.
public getShippingAddress1 ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingAddress2() публичный метод

Get the shipping address, line 2.
public getShippingAddress2 ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingCity() публичный метод

Get the shipping city.
public getShippingCity ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingCompany() публичный метод

Get the shipping company name.
public getShippingCompany ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingCountry() публичный метод

Get the shipping country.
public getShippingCountry ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingFax() публичный метод

Get the shipping fax number.
public getShippingFax ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingFirstName() публичный метод

Get the first part of the card shipping name.
public getShippingFirstName ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingLastName() публичный метод

Get the last part of the card shipping name.
public getShippingLastName ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingName() публичный метод

Get the card shipping name.
public getShippingName ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingPhone() публичный метод

Get the shipping phone number.
public getShippingPhone ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Get the shipping phone number extension.
public getShippingPhoneExtension ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingPostcode() публичный метод

Get the shipping postcode.
public getShippingPostcode ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingState() публичный метод

Get the shipping state.
public getShippingState ( ) : string
Результат string

getShippingTitle() публичный метод

Get the title of the card shipping name.
public getShippingTitle ( ) : string
Результат string

getStartDate() публичный метод

Get the card start date, using the specified date format string
public getStartDate ( string $format ) : string
$format string
Результат string

getStartMonth() публичный метод

Get the card start month.
public getStartMonth ( ) : string
Результат string

getStartYear() публичный метод

Get the card start year.
public getStartYear ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getState() публичный метод

Get the billing state.
public getState ( ) : string
Результат string

getSupportedBrands() публичный метод

Note: The fact that this class knows about a particular card brand does not imply that your gateway supports it.
См. также: self::$supported_cards
public getSupportedBrands ( ) : array
Результат array

getTitle() публичный метод

Get Card Title.
public getTitle ( ) : string
Результат string

getTrack1() публичный метод

Get raw data for track 1 on the credit card magnetic strip.
public getTrack1 ( ) : string
Результат string

getTrack2() публичный метод

Get raw data for track 2 on the credit card magnetic strip.
public getTrack2 ( ) : string
Результат string

getTracks() публичный метод

Get raw data for all tracks on the credit card magnetic strip.
public getTracks ( ) : string
Результат string

initialize() публичный метод

If any unknown parameters passed, they will be ignored.
public initialize ( array $parameters = null ) : CreditCard
$parameters array An associative array of parameters
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setAddress1() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping address, line 1.
public setAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setAddress2() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping address, line 2.
public setAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingAddress1() публичный метод

Sets the billing address, line 1.
public setBillingAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingAddress2() публичный метод

Sets the billing address, line 2.
public setBillingAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingCity() публичный метод

Sets billing city.
public setBillingCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingCompany() публичный метод

Sets the billing company name.
public setBillingCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingCountry() публичный метод

Sets the billing country name.
public setBillingCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingFax() публичный метод

Sets the billing fax number.
public setBillingFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingFirstName() публичный метод

Sets the first part of the card billing name.
public setBillingFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingLastName() публичный метод

Sets the last part of the card billing name.
public setBillingLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingName() публичный метод

Sets the card billing name.
public setBillingName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingPhone() публичный метод

Sets the billing phone number.
public setBillingPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Sets the billing phone number extension.
public setBillingPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingPostcode() публичный метод

Sets the billing postcode.
public setBillingPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingState() публичный метод

Sets the billing state.
public setBillingState ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBillingTitle() публичный метод

Sets the card billing title.
public setBillingTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setBirthday() публичный метод

Sets the cardholder's birthday.
public setBirthday ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setCity() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping city.
public setCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setCompany() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping company name.
public setCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setCountry() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping country.
public setCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setCvv() публичный метод

Sets the card CVV.
public setCvv ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setEmail() публичный метод

Sets the cardholder's email address.
public setEmail ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setExpiryMonth() публичный метод

Sets the card expiry month.
public setExpiryMonth ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setExpiryYear() публичный метод

Sets the card expiry year.
public setExpiryYear ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setFax() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping fax number.
public setFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setFirstName() публичный метод

Set Card First Name (Billing and Shipping).
public setFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setGender() публичный метод

Sets the cardholder's gender.
public setGender ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setIssueNumber() публичный метод

Sets the card issue number.
public setIssueNumber ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setLastName() публичный метод

Set Card Last Name (Billing and Shipping).
public setLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setName() публичный метод

Set Card Name (Billing and Shipping).
public setName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setNumber() публичный метод

Non-numeric characters are stripped out of the card number, so it's safe to pass in strings such as "4444-3333 2222 1111" etc.
public setNumber ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setParameter() защищенный метод

Set one parameter.
protected setParameter ( string $key, mixed $value ) : CreditCard
$key string Parameter key
$value mixed Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setPhone() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping phone number.
public setPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping phone number extension.
public setPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setPostcode() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping postcode.
public setPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingAddress1() публичный метод

Sets the shipping address, line 1.
public setShippingAddress1 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingAddress2() публичный метод

Sets the shipping address, line 2.
public setShippingAddress2 ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingCity() публичный метод

Sets the shipping city.
public setShippingCity ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingCompany() публичный метод

Sets the shipping company name.
public setShippingCompany ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingCountry() публичный метод

Sets the shipping country.
public setShippingCountry ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingFax() публичный метод

Sets the shipping fax number.
public setShippingFax ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingFirstName() публичный метод

Sets the first part of the card shipping name.
public setShippingFirstName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingLastName() публичный метод

Sets the last part of the card shipping name.
public setShippingLastName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingName() публичный метод

Sets the card shipping name.
public setShippingName ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingPhone() публичный метод

Sets the shipping phone number.
public setShippingPhone ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingPhoneExtension() публичный метод

Sets the shipping phone number extension.
public setShippingPhoneExtension ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingPostcode() публичный метод

Sets the shipping postcode.
public setShippingPostcode ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingState() публичный метод

Sets the shipping state.
public setShippingState ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setShippingTitle() публичный метод

Sets the title of the card shipping name.
public setShippingTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setStartMonth() публичный метод

Sets the card start month.
public setStartMonth ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setStartYear() публичный метод

Sets the card start year.
public setStartYear ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setState() публичный метод

Sets the billing and shipping state.
public setState ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setTitle() публичный метод

Set Card Title.
public setTitle ( string $value ) : CreditCard
$value string Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

setTracks() публичный метод

Sets raw data from all tracks on the credit card magnetic strip. Used by gateways that support card-present transactions.
public setTracks ( $value ) : CreditCard
Результат CreditCard

setYearParameter() защищенный метод

The input value is normalised to a 4 digit number.
protected setYearParameter ( string $key, mixed $value ) : CreditCard
$key string Parameter key, e.g. 'expiryYear'
$value mixed Parameter value
Результат CreditCard provides a fluent interface.

validate() публичный метод

This method is called internally by gateways to avoid wasting time with an API call when the credit card is clearly invalid. Generally if you want to validate the credit card yourself with custom error messages, you should use your framework's validation library, not this method.
public validate ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

$parameters защищенное свойство

Internal storage of all of the card parameters.
protected ParameterBag,Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation $parameters
Результат Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag

$supported_cards защищенное свойство

protected $supported_cards