PHP Класс Ouzo\Utilities\Arrays

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
all ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : boolean Returns true if every element in array satisfies the predicate.
any ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : boolean Returns true if at least one element in the array satisfies the predicate.
combine ( array $keys, array $values ) : array Returns a new array with $keys as array keys and $values as array values.
concat ( array $arrays ) : array Merges array of arrays into one array.
contains ( array $array, mixed $element ) : boolean Returns true if array contains given element. Comparison is based on the following rules: - same type + same type = strict check - object + object = loose check - array + array = goes through all elements and invokes Arrays::contains - string + integer = loose check - boolean + string ('true' or 'false') = loose check - false in other cases Example: $result = Arrays::contains(array(1, 2, 3), 2); Result: true
count ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : integer Returns the number of elements for which the predicate returns true.
filter ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array This method filters array using function. Result contains all elements for which function returns true.
filterByAllowedKeys ( array $elements, array $allowedKeys ) : array Returns an array containing only the given keys.
filterByKeys ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : array Filters array by keys using the predicate.
filterNotBlank ( array $elements ) : array This method filter array will remove all values that are blank.
find ( array $elements, callable $function ) : mixed Finds first element in array that is matched by function.
findKeyByValue ( array $elements, string $value ) : boolean | integer | string This method returns a key for the given value.
first ( array $elements ) : mixed This method returns the first value in the given array.
firstOrNull ( array $elements ) : mixed | null This method returns the first value or null if array is empty.
flatten ( array $array ) : array Returns a new array that is a one-dimensional flattening of the given array.
flattenKeysRecursively ( array $array ) : array Returns maps of the flatten keys with corresponding values.
getNestedValue ( array $array, array $keys ) : array | mixed | null Return nested value when found, otherwise return null value.
getValue ( array $elements, string | integer $key, mixed | null $default = null ) : mixed | null Returns the element for the given key or a default value otherwise.
groupBy ( array $elements, callable $keyFunction, string | null $orderField = null ) : array Group elements in array by result of the given function. If $orderField is set grouped elements will be also sorted.
hasNestedKey ( array $array, array $keys, null $flags = null ) : boolean Checks if array has nested key. It's possible to check array with null values using flag Arrays::TREAT_NULL_AS_VALUE.
intersect ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : array Computes the intersection of arrays.
isAssociative ( array $array ) : boolean Checks if the given array is associative. An array is considered associative when it has at least one string key.
keyExists ( array $elements, string | integer $key ) : boolean Checks is key exists in an array.
last ( array $elements ) : mixed This method returns the last value in the given array.
map ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array This method maps array values using the function.
mapEntries ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array This method maps array values using the function which takes key and value as parameters.
mapKeys ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array This method maps array keys using the function.
orderBy ( array $elements, string $orderField ) : array This method sorts elements in array using order field.
randElement ( array $elements ) : null Returns a random element from the given array.
recursiveDiff ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : array Returns a recursive diff of two arrays Example: $array1 = array('a' => array('b' => 'c', 'd' => 'e'), 'f'); $array2 = array('a' => array('b' => 'c')); $result = Arrays::recursiveDiff($array1, $array2); Result: array('a' => array('d' => 'e'), 'f')
reduce ( array $elements, callable $function ) : mixed Method to reduce an array elements to a string value.
removeNestedKey ( array &$array, array $keys, boolean $removeEmptyParents = false ) Removes nested keys in array.
removeNestedValue ( array &$array, array $keys )
setNestedValue ( array &$array, array $keys, $value ) Setting nested value.
shuffle ( array $array ) : array Returns shuffled array with retained key association.
sort ( array $array, $comparator ) : array Returns a new array with is sorted using given comparator.
toArray ( mixed $element ) : array Make array from element. Returns the given argument if it's already an array.
toMap ( array $elements, callable $keyFunction, callable | null $valueFunction = null ) : array This method creates associative array using key and value functions on array elements.
uniqueBy ( array $elements, $selector ) : array Removes duplicate values from an array. It uses the given expression to extract value that is compared.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
_flattenKeyRecursively ( $array, &$result, $parentKey )

Описание методов

all() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array(1, 2); $all = Arrays::all($array, function ($element) { return $element < 3; }); Result: true
public static all ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : boolean
$elements array
$predicate callable
Результат boolean

any() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('a', true, 'c'); $any = Arrays::any($array, function ($element) { return is_bool($element); }); Result: true
public static any ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : boolean
$elements array
$predicate callable
Результат boolean

combine() публичный статический метод

Example: $keys = array('id', 'name', 'surname'); $values = array(1, 'john', 'smith'); $combined = Arrays::combine($keys, $values); Result: Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => john [surname] => smith )
public static combine ( array $keys, array $values ) : array
$keys array
$values array
Результат array

concat() публичный статический метод

Unlike flatten, concat does not merge arrays that are nested more that once. Example: $result = Arrays::concat(array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4))); Result: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 )
public static concat ( array $arrays ) : array
$arrays array
Результат array

contains() публичный статический метод

Returns true if array contains given element. Comparison is based on the following rules: - same type + same type = strict check - object + object = loose check - array + array = goes through all elements and invokes Arrays::contains - string + integer = loose check - boolean + string ('true' or 'false') = loose check - false in other cases Example: $result = Arrays::contains(array(1, 2, 3), 2); Result: true
public static contains ( array $array, mixed $element ) : boolean
$array array
$element mixed expected value
Результат boolean

count() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array(1, 2, 3); $count = Arrays::count($array, function ($element) { return $element < 3; }); Result: 2
public static count ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : integer
$elements array
$predicate callable
Результат integer

filter() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4); $result = Arrays::filter($array, function ($value) { return $value > 2; }); Result: Array ( [2] => 3 [3] => 4 )
public static filter ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array
$elements array
$function callable
Результат array

filterByAllowedKeys() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3); $filtered = Arrays::filterByAllowedKeys($array, array('a', 'b')); Result: Array ( [a] => 1 [b] => 2 )
public static filterByAllowedKeys ( array $elements, array $allowedKeys ) : array
$elements array
$allowedKeys array
Результат array

filterByKeys() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('a1' => 1, 'a2' => 2, 'c' => 3); $filtered = Arrays::filterByKeys($array, function ($elem) { return $elem[0] == 'a'; }); Result: Array ( [a1] => 1 [b2] => 2 )
public static filterByKeys ( array $elements, callable $predicate ) : array
$elements array
$predicate callable
Результат array

filterNotBlank() публичный статический метод

This method filter array will remove all values that are blank.
public static filterNotBlank ( array $elements ) : array
$elements array
Результат array

find() публичный статический метод

Returns null if element was not found.
public static find ( array $elements, callable $function ) : mixed
$elements array
$function callable
Результат mixed

findKeyByValue() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array( 'k1' => 4, 'k2' => 'd', 'k3' => 0, 9 => 'p' ); $key = Arrays::findKeyByValue($array, 0); Result: k3
public static findKeyByValue ( array $elements, string $value ) : boolean | integer | string
$elements array
$value string
Результат boolean | integer | string

first() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('one', 'two' 'three'); $first = Arrays::first($array); Result: one
public static first ( array $elements ) : mixed
$elements array
Результат mixed

firstOrNull() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array(); $return = Arrays::firstOrNull($array); Result: null
public static firstOrNull ( array $elements ) : mixed | null
$elements array
Результат mixed | null

flatten() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array( 'names' => array( 'john', 'peter', 'bill' ), 'products' => array( 'cheese', array( 'natural' => 'milk', 'brie' ) ) ); $flatten = Arrays::flatten($array); Result: Array ( [0] => john [1] => peter [2] => bill [3] => cheese [4] => milk [5] => brie )
public static flatten ( array $array ) : array
$array array
Результат array

flattenKeysRecursively() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array( 'customer' => array( 'name' => 'Name', 'phone' => '123456789' ), 'other' => array( 'ids_map' => array( '1qaz' => 'qaz', '2wsx' => 'wsx' ), 'first' => array( 'second' => array( 'third' => 'some value' ) ) ) ); $flatten = Arrays::flattenKeysRecursively($array) Result: Array ( [] => Name [] => 123456789 [other.ids_map.1qaz] => qaz [other.ids_map.2wsx] => wsx [other.first.second.third] => some value )
public static flattenKeysRecursively ( array $array ) : array
$array array
Результат array

getNestedValue() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('1' => array('2' => array('3' => 'value'))); $value = Arrays::getNestedValue($array, array('1', '2', '3')); Result: value
public static getNestedValue ( array $array, array $keys ) : array | mixed | null
$array array
$keys array
Результат array | mixed | null

getValue() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'john'); $value = Arrays::getValue($array, 'name'); Result: john Example: $array = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'john'); $value = Arrays::getValue($array, 'surname', '--not found--'); Result: --not found--
public static getValue ( array $elements, string | integer $key, mixed | null $default = null ) : mixed | null
$elements array
$key string | integer
$default mixed | null
Результат mixed | null

groupBy() публичный статический метод

Example: $obj1 = new stdClass(); $obj1->name = 'a'; $obj1->description = '1'; $obj2 = new stdClass(); $obj2->name = 'b'; $obj2->description = '2'; $obj3 = new stdClass(); $obj3->name = 'b'; $obj3->description = '3'; $array = array($obj1, $obj2, $obj3); $grouped = Arrays::groupBy($array, Functions::extractField('name')); Result: Array ( [a] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => a [description] => 1 ) ) [b] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => b [description] => 2 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => b [description] => 3 ) ) )
public static groupBy ( array $elements, callable $keyFunction, string | null $orderField = null ) : array
$elements array
$keyFunction callable
$orderField string | null
Результат array

hasNestedKey() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('1' => array('2' => array('3' => 'value'))); $value = Arrays::hasNestedKey($array, array('1', '2', '3')); Result: true Example with null values: $array = array('1' => array('2' => array('3' => null))); $value = Arrays::hasNestedKey($array, array('1', '2', '3'), Arrays::TREAT_NULL_AS_VALUE); Result: true
public static hasNestedKey ( array $array, array $keys, null $flags = null ) : boolean
$array array
$keys array
$flags null
Результат boolean

intersect() публичный статический метод

Computes the intersection of arrays.
public static intersect ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : array
$array1 array
$array2 array
Результат array

isAssociative() публичный статический метод

Example: $result = Arrays::isAssociative(array(1, '2', 'abc')); Result: FALSE $result = Arrays::isAssociative(array(1 => 'b', 'a' => 2, 'abc')); Result: TRUE
public static isAssociative ( array $array ) : boolean
$array array
Результат boolean

keyExists() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'john'); $return = Arrays::keyExists($array, 'name'); Result: true
public static keyExists ( array $elements, string | integer $key ) : boolean
$elements array
$key string | integer
Результат boolean

last() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('a', 'b', 'c'); $last = Arrays::last($array); Result: c
public static last ( array $elements ) : mixed
$elements array
Результат mixed

map() публичный статический метод

Invokes the function for each value in the array. Creates a new array containing the values returned by the function. Example: $array = array('k1', 'k2', 'k3'); $result = Arrays::map($array, function ($value) { return 'new_' . $value; }); Result: Array ( [0] => new_k1 [1] => new_k2 [2] => new_k3 )
public static map ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array
$elements array
$function callable
Результат array

mapEntries() публичный статический метод

Invokes the function for each value in the array. Creates a new array containing the values returned by the function. Example: $array = array('a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '3'); $result = Arrays::mapEntries($array, function ($key, $value) { return $key . '_' . $value; }); Result: Array ( [a] => a_1 [b] => b_2 [c] => c_3 )
public static mapEntries ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array
$elements array
$function callable
Результат array

mapKeys() публичный статический метод

Invokes the function for each key in the array. Creates a new array containing the keys returned by the function. Example: $array = array( 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2', 'k3' => 'v3' ); $arrayWithNewKeys = Arrays::mapKeys($array, function ($key) { return 'new_' . $key; }); Result: Array ( [new_k1] => v1 [new_k2] => v2 [new_k3] => v3 )
public static mapKeys ( array $elements, callable $function ) : array
$elements array
$function callable
Результат array

orderBy() публичный статический метод

Example: $obj1 = new stdClass(); $obj1->name = 'a'; $obj1->description = '1'; $obj2 = new stdClass(); $obj2->name = 'c'; $obj2->description = '2'; $obj3 = new stdClass(); $obj3->name = 'b'; $obj3->description = '3'; $array = array($obj1, $obj2, $obj3); $sorted = Arrays::orderBy($array, 'name'); Result: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => a [description] => 1 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => b [description] => 3 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [name] => c [description] => 2 ) )
public static orderBy ( array $elements, string $orderField ) : array
$elements array
$orderField string
Результат array

randElement() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('john', 'city', 'small'); $rand = Arrays::randElement($array); Result: rand element from array
public static randElement ( array $elements ) : null
$elements array
Результат null

recursiveDiff() публичный статический метод

Array ( [a] => Array ( [d] => e ) [0] => f )
public static recursiveDiff ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : array
$array1 array
$array2 array
Результат array

reduce() публичный статический метод

Method to reduce an array elements to a string value.
public static reduce ( array $elements, callable $function ) : mixed
$elements array
$function callable
Результат mixed

removeNestedKey() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array('1' => array('2' => array('3' => 'value'))); Arrays::removeNestedKey($array, array('1', '2')); Result: Array ( [1] => Array ( ) )
public static removeNestedKey ( array &$array, array $keys, boolean $removeEmptyParents = false )
$array array
$keys array
$removeEmptyParents boolean

removeNestedValue() публичный статический метод

public static removeNestedValue ( array &$array, array $keys )
$array array
$keys array

setNestedValue() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = array(); Arrays::setNestedValue($array, array('1', '2', '3'), 'value'); Result: Array ( [1] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [3] => value ) ) )
public static setNestedValue ( array &$array, array $keys, $value )
$array array
$keys array

shuffle() публичный статический метод

Example: $result = Arrays::shuffle(array(1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c')); Result: Array ( [1] => a [3] => c [2] => b )
public static shuffle ( array $array ) : array
$array array
Результат array

sort() публичный статический метод

The comparator function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second. To obtain comparator one may use Comparator class (for instance Comparator::natural() which yields ordering using comparison operators). Example: class Foo { private $value; function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } $values = array(new Foo(1), new Foo(3), new Foo(2)); $sorted = Arrays::sort($values, Comparator::compareBy('getValue()')); Result: Array ( [0] => class Foo (1) { private $value => int(1) } [1] => class Foo (1) { private $value => int(2) } [2] => class Foo (1) { private $value => int(3) } )
public static sort ( array $array, $comparator ) : array
$array array
Результат array sorted according to the comparator

toArray() публичный статический метод

Example: $result = Arrays::toArray('test'); Result: Array ( [0] => test )
public static toArray ( mixed $element ) : array
$element mixed
Результат array

toMap() публичный статический метод

Example: $array = range(1, 2); $map = Arrays::toMap($array, function ($elem) { return $elem * 10; }, function ($elem) { return $elem + 1; }); Result: Array ( [10] => 2 [20] => 3 )
public static toMap ( array $elements, callable $keyFunction, callable | null $valueFunction = null ) : array
$elements array
$keyFunction callable
$valueFunction callable | null
Результат array

uniqueBy() публичный статический метод

Example: $a = new stdClass(); $a->name = 'bob'; $b = new stdClass(); $b->name = 'bob'; $array = [$a, $b]; $result = Arrays::uniqueBy($array, 'name'); Result: Array ( [0] => $b )
public static uniqueBy ( array $elements, $selector ) : array
$elements array
Результат array