PHP Класс PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetailsType

Наследование: extends PayPal\Core\PPXmlMessage
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$BillingAddress AddressType Customer's billing address. Optional If you have credit card mapped in your account then billing address of the credit card is returned otherwise your primary address is returned , PayPal returns this address in GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse.
$BillingAgreementAcceptedStatus boolean
$BuyerMarketingEmail string Information about the Buyer marketing email.
$CheckoutStatus string Returns the status of the EC checkout session. Values include 'PaymentActionNotInitiated', 'PaymentActionFailed', 'PaymentActionInProgress', 'PaymentCompleted'.
$ContactPhone string Payer's contact telephone number. PayPal returns a contact telephone number only if your Merchant account profile settings require that the buyer enter one.
$Custom string A free-form field for your own use, as set by you in the Custom element of SetExpressCheckoutRequest. Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$ExternalRememberMeStatusDetails ExternalRememberMeStatusDetailsType Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
$GiftMessage string Information about the Gift message.
$GiftReceiptEnable string Information about the Gift receipt enable.
$GiftWrapAmount PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType Information about the Gift Wrap amount.
$GiftWrapName string Information about the Gift Wrap name.
$IncentiveDetails IncentiveDetailsType Information about the incentives that were applied from Ebay RYP page and PayPal RYP page.
$InvoiceID string Your own invoice or tracking number, as set by you in the InvoiceID element of SetExpressCheckoutRequest. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
$Note string Text note entered by the buyer in PayPal flow.
$PayPalAdjustment PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType PayPal may offer a discount or gift certificate to the buyer, which will be represented by a negativeamount. If the buyer has a negative balance, PayPal will add that amount to the current charges, which will be represented as a positive amount.
$PayerInfo PayerInfoType Information about the payer
$PaymentDetails PaymentDetailsType Information about the individual purchased items.
$PaymentRequestInfo PaymentRequestInfoType Contains payment request information about each bucket in the cart.
$RedirectRequired string
$RefreshTokenStatusDetails RefreshTokenStatusDetailsType Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
$SurveyChoiceSelected string Information about the survey choice selected by the user.
$SurveyQuestion string Information about the survey question.
$Token string The timestamped token value that was returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse and passed on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters
$UserSelectedOptions UserSelectedOptionType Information about the user selected options.

Описание свойств

$BillingAddress публичное свойство

Customer's billing address. Optional If you have credit card mapped in your account then billing address of the credit card is returned otherwise your primary address is returned , PayPal returns this address in GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse.
public AddressType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $BillingAddress
Результат AddressType

$BillingAgreementAcceptedStatus публичное свойство

public bool $BillingAgreementAcceptedStatus
Результат boolean

$BuyerMarketingEmail публичное свойство

Information about the Buyer marketing email.
public string $BuyerMarketingEmail
Результат string

$CheckoutStatus публичное свойство

Returns the status of the EC checkout session. Values include 'PaymentActionNotInitiated', 'PaymentActionFailed', 'PaymentActionInProgress', 'PaymentCompleted'.
public string $CheckoutStatus
Результат string

$ContactPhone публичное свойство

Payer's contact telephone number. PayPal returns a contact telephone number only if your Merchant account profile settings require that the buyer enter one.
public string $ContactPhone
Результат string

$Custom публичное свойство

A free-form field for your own use, as set by you in the Custom element of SetExpressCheckoutRequest. Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $Custom
Результат string

$ExternalRememberMeStatusDetails публичное свойство

Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
public ExternalRememberMeStatusDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $ExternalRememberMeStatusDetails
Результат ExternalRememberMeStatusDetailsType

$GiftMessage публичное свойство

Information about the Gift message.
public string $GiftMessage
Результат string

$GiftReceiptEnable публичное свойство

Information about the Gift receipt enable.
public string $GiftReceiptEnable
Результат string

$GiftWrapAmount публичное свойство

Information about the Gift Wrap amount.
public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $GiftWrapAmount
Результат PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$GiftWrapName публичное свойство

Information about the Gift Wrap name.
public string $GiftWrapName
Результат string

$IncentiveDetails публичное свойство

Information about the incentives that were applied from Ebay RYP page and PayPal RYP page.
public IncentiveDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $IncentiveDetails
Результат IncentiveDetailsType

$InvoiceID публичное свойство

Your own invoice or tracking number, as set by you in the InvoiceID element of SetExpressCheckoutRequest. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
public string $InvoiceID
Результат string

$Note публичное свойство

Text note entered by the buyer in PayPal flow.
public string $Note
Результат string

$PayPalAdjustment публичное свойство

PayPal may offer a discount or gift certificate to the buyer, which will be represented by a negativeamount. If the buyer has a negative balance, PayPal will add that amount to the current charges, which will be represented as a positive amount.
public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $PayPalAdjustment
Результат PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$PayerInfo публичное свойство

Information about the payer
public PayerInfoType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $PayerInfo
Результат PayerInfoType

$PaymentDetails публичное свойство

Information about the individual purchased items.
public PaymentDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $PaymentDetails
Результат PaymentDetailsType

$PaymentRequestInfo публичное свойство

Contains payment request information about each bucket in the cart.
public PaymentRequestInfoType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $PaymentRequestInfo
Результат PaymentRequestInfoType

$RedirectRequired публичное свойство

public string $RedirectRequired
Результат string

$RefreshTokenStatusDetails публичное свойство

Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
public RefreshTokenStatusDetailsType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $RefreshTokenStatusDetails
Результат RefreshTokenStatusDetailsType

$SurveyChoiceSelected публичное свойство

Information about the survey choice selected by the user.
public string $SurveyChoiceSelected
Результат string

$SurveyQuestion публичное свойство

Information about the survey question.
public string $SurveyQuestion
Результат string

$Token публичное свойство

The timestamped token value that was returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse and passed on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters
public string $Token
Результат string

$UserSelectedOptions публичное свойство

Information about the user selected options.
public UserSelectedOptionType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $UserSelectedOptions
Результат UserSelectedOptionType