PHP Класс Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\Relations\TActiveRecordBelongsTo

+------+ +--------+ | Team | 1 <----- * | Player | +------+ +--------+ Where one team may have 0 or more players and each player belongs to only one team. We may model Team-Player object relationship as active record as follows. class TeamRecord extends TActiveRecord { see TActiveRecordHasMany for detailed definition. } class PlayerRecord extends TActiveRecord { const TABLE='player'; public $player_id; //primary key public $team_name; //foreign key player.team_name <-> public $age; public $team; //foreign object TeamRecord public static $RELATIONS = array ( 'team' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'TeamRecord') ); public static function finder($className=__CLASS__) { return parent::finder($className); } } The static $RELATIONS property of PlayerRecord defines that the property $team belongs to a TeamRecord. The team object may be fetched as follows. $players = PlayerRecord::finder()->with_team()->findAll(); The method with_xxx() (where xxx is the relationship property name, in this case, team) fetchs the corresponding TeamRecords using a second query (not by using a join). The with_xxx() accepts the same arguments as other finder methods of TActiveRecord, e.g. with_team('location = ?', 'Madrid').
С версии: 3.1
Наследование: extends TActiveRecordRelation
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getRelationForeignKeys ( ) : array
updateAssociatedRecords ( ) : boolean Updates the source object first.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
collectForeignObjects ( &$results ) Get the foreign key index values from the results and make calls to the database to find the corresponding foreign objects.
setObjectProperty ( $source, $properties, &$collections ) Sets the foreign objects to the given property on the source object.

Описание методов

collectForeignObjects() защищенный Метод

Get the foreign key index values from the results and make calls to the database to find the corresponding foreign objects.
protected collectForeignObjects ( &$results )

getRelationForeignKeys() публичный Метод

С версии: 3.1.2
public getRelationForeignKeys ( ) : array
Результат array foreign key field names as key and object properties as value.

setObjectProperty() защищенный Метод

Sets the foreign objects to the given property on the source object.
protected setObjectProperty ( $source, $properties, &$collections )

updateAssociatedRecords() публичный Метод

Updates the source object first.
public updateAssociatedRecords ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean true if all update are success (including if no update was required), false otherwise .