PHP Класс Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\Scaffold\TScaffoldBase

Provides common properties for all scaffold views (such as, TScaffoldListView, TScaffoldEditView, TScaffoldListView and TScaffoldView). During the OnPrRender stage the default css style file (filename style.css) is published and registered. To override the default style, provide your own stylesheet file explicitly.
С версии: 3.1
Наследование: extends Prado\Web\UI\TTemplateControl
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getDefaultStyle ( ) : string
getEnableDefaultStyle ( ) : boolean
getRecordClass ( ) : string Name of the Active Record class to be viewed or scaffolded.
onPreRender ( $param ) Publish the default stylesheet file.
setDefaultStyle ( $value )
setEnableDefaultStyle ( $value )
setRecordClass ( $value ) Name of the Active Record class to be viewed or scaffolded.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
clearRecordObject ( ) Unset the current record instance and table information.
copyFrom ( TScaffoldBase $obj ) Copy the view details from another scaffold view instance.
getRecordFinder ( ) : TActiveRecord
getRecordObject ( $pk = null ) : TActiveRecord Gets the current Active Record instance. Creates new instance if the primary key value is null otherwise the record is fetched from the db.
getRecordPkValues ( $record ) : array
getRecordPropertyValues ( $record ) : array
getTableInfo ( ) : TDbMetaData
setRecordObject ( TActiveRecord $value )

Описание методов

clearRecordObject() защищенный Метод

Unset the current record instance and table information.
protected clearRecordObject ( )

copyFrom() защищенный Метод

Copy the view details from another scaffold view instance.
protected copyFrom ( TScaffoldBase $obj )
$obj TScaffoldBase

getDefaultStyle() публичный Метод

public getDefaultStyle ( ) : string
Результат string default scaffold stylesheet name

getEnableDefaultStyle() публичный Метод

public getEnableDefaultStyle ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean enable default stylesheet, default is true.

getRecordClass() публичный Метод

Name of the Active Record class to be viewed or scaffolded.
public getRecordClass ( ) : string
Результат string Active Record class name.

getRecordFinder() защищенный Метод

protected getRecordFinder ( ) : TActiveRecord
Результат Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\TActiveRecord Active Record finder instance

getRecordObject() защищенный Метод

Gets the current Active Record instance. Creates new instance if the primary key value is null otherwise the record is fetched from the db.
protected getRecordObject ( $pk = null ) : TActiveRecord
Результат Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\TActiveRecord record instance

getRecordPkValues() защищенный Метод

protected getRecordPkValues ( $record ) : array
Результат array record primary key values.

getRecordPropertyValues() защищенный Метод

protected getRecordPropertyValues ( $record ) : array
Результат array record property values

getTableInfo() защищенный Метод

protected getTableInfo ( ) : TDbMetaData
Результат TDbMetaData table/view information

onPreRender() публичный Метод

Publish the default stylesheet file.
public onPreRender ( $param )

setDefaultStyle() публичный Метод

public setDefaultStyle ( $value )

setEnableDefaultStyle() публичный Метод

public setEnableDefaultStyle ( $value )

setRecordClass() публичный Метод

Name of the Active Record class to be viewed or scaffolded.
public setRecordClass ( $value )

setRecordObject() защищенный Метод

protected setRecordObject ( TActiveRecord $value )
$value Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\TActiveRecord