PHP Класс Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\Scaffold\TScaffoldView

The {@link getListView ListView} property gives a TScaffoldListView for display the record data. The {@link getEditView EditView} is the TScaffoldEditView that renders the inputs for editing and adding records. The {@link getSearchControl SearchControl} is a TScaffoldSearch responsible to the search user interface. Set the {@link setRecordClass RecordClass} property to the name of the Active Record class to be displayed/edited/added.
С версии: 3.0
Наследование: extends TScaffoldBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
bubbleEvent ( $sender, $param ) Handle the "edit" and "new" commands by displaying the edit view.
getAddButton ( ) : TButton
getEditView ( ) : TScaffoldEditView
getListView ( ) : TScaffoldListView
getSearchControl ( ) : TScaffoldSearch
onPreRender ( $param ) Copy basic record details to the list/edit/search controls.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
showAddView ( $sender, $param ) Shows the add record view.
showEditView ( $sender, $param ) Shows the edit record view.
showListView ( $sender, $param ) Shows the view for listing the records.

Описание методов

bubbleEvent() публичный метод

Default command shows the list view.
public bubbleEvent ( $sender, $param )

getAddButton() публичный метод

public getAddButton ( ) : TButton
Результат TButton "Add new record" button.

getEditView() публичный метод

public getEditView ( ) : TScaffoldEditView
Результат TScaffoldEditView scaffold edit view.

getListView() публичный метод

public getListView ( ) : TScaffoldListView
Результат TScaffoldListView scaffold list view.

getSearchControl() публичный метод

public getSearchControl ( ) : TScaffoldSearch
Результат TScaffoldSearch scaffold search textbox and button.

onPreRender() публичный метод

Copy basic record details to the list/edit/search controls.
public onPreRender ( $param )

showAddView() защищенный метод

Shows the add record view.
protected showAddView ( $sender, $param )

showEditView() защищенный метод

Shows the edit record view.
protected showEditView ( $sender, $param )

showListView() защищенный метод

Shows the view for listing the records.
protected showListView ( $sender, $param )