PHP Класс Prado\Data\SqlMap\Configuration\TSqlMapXmlConfigBuilder

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Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
createObjectFromNode ( $node ) : Object Create an instance of an object give by the attribute named 'class' in the node and set the properties on the object given by attribute names and values.
getAbsoluteFilePath ( $basefile, $resource ) : string Gets the filename relative to the basefile.
getConfigFile ( ) : string
getElementByIdValue ( SimpleXmlDocument $document, $tag, $value ) : SimpleXmlElement Get element node by ID value (try for attribute name ID as case insensitive).
loadXmlDocument ( $filename, TSqlMapXmlConfiguration $config ) : SimpleXmlElement Load document using simple xml.
setObjectPropFromNode ( $obj, $node, $except = [] ) For each attributes (excluding attribute named in $except) set the property of the $obj given by the name of the attribute with the value of the attribute.

Описание методов

createObjectFromNode() защищенный Метод

Create an instance of an object give by the attribute named 'class' in the node and set the properties on the object given by attribute names and values.
protected createObjectFromNode ( $node ) : Object
Результат Object new instance of class with class name given by 'class' attribute value.

getAbsoluteFilePath() защищенный Метод

Gets the filename relative to the basefile.
protected getAbsoluteFilePath ( $basefile, $resource ) : string
Результат string absolute filename.

getConfigFile() абстрактный защищенный Метод

abstract protected getConfigFile ( ) : string
Результат string configuration file.

getElementByIdValue() защищенный Метод

Get element node by ID value (try for attribute name ID as case insensitive).
protected getElementByIdValue ( SimpleXmlDocument $document, $tag, $value ) : SimpleXmlElement
$document SimpleXmlDocument
Результат SimpleXmlElement node if found, null otherwise.

loadXmlDocument() защищенный Метод

Load document using simple xml.
protected loadXmlDocument ( $filename, TSqlMapXmlConfiguration $config ) : SimpleXmlElement
$config TSqlMapXmlConfiguration
Результат SimpleXmlElement xml document.

setObjectPropFromNode() защищенный Метод

For each attributes (excluding attribute named in $except) set the property of the $obj given by the name of the attribute with the value of the attribute.
protected setObjectPropFromNode ( $obj, $node, $except = [] )