PHP Класс Puli\Manager\Factory\FactoryManagerImpl

С версии: 1.0
Автор: Bernhard Schussek ([email protected])
Наследование: implements Puli\Manager\Api\Factory\FactoryManager
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( Puli\Manager\Api\Context\ProjectContext $context, Puli\Manager\Api\Factory\Generator\GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, Puli\Manager\Php\ClassWriter $classWriter, ModuleList $modules = null, Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection $servers = null ) Creates a new factory generator.
addCreateUrlGeneratorMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class ) Adds the createUrlGenerator() method.
addGetModuleOrderMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class ) Adds the getModuleOrder() method.
autoGenerateFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )
createFactory ( $path = null, $className = null )
generateFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )
isFactoryClassAutoGenerated ( )
refreshFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )
setModules ( ModuleList $modules ) Sets the modules included in the getModuleOrder() method.
setServers ( Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection $servers ) Sets the servers included in the createUrlGenerator() method.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
addCreateDiscoveryMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class ) Adds the createDiscovery() method.
addCreateRepositoryMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class ) Adds the createRepository() method.
camelize ( string $string ) : string Camelizes a string.
camelizeKeys ( array $array ) : array Recursively camelizes the keys of an array.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

Creates a new factory generator.
public __construct ( Puli\Manager\Api\Context\ProjectContext $context, Puli\Manager\Api\Factory\Generator\GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, Puli\Manager\Php\ClassWriter $classWriter, ModuleList $modules = null, Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection $servers = null )
$context Puli\Manager\Api\Context\ProjectContext The project context.
$generatorRegistry Puli\Manager\Api\Factory\Generator\GeneratorRegistry The registry providing the generators for the services returned by the factory.
$classWriter Puli\Manager\Php\ClassWriter The writer that writes the class to a file.
$modules Puli\Manager\Api\Module\ModuleList The loaded modules.
$servers Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection The configured servers.

addCreateUrlGeneratorMethod() публичный метод

Adds the createUrlGenerator() method.
public addCreateUrlGeneratorMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class )
$class Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz The factory class model.

addGetModuleOrderMethod() публичный метод

Adds the getModuleOrder() method.
public addGetModuleOrderMethod ( Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz $class )
$class Puli\Manager\Api\Php\Clazz The factory class model.

autoGenerateFactoryClass() публичный метод

public autoGenerateFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )

createFactory() публичный метод

public createFactory ( $path = null, $className = null )

generateFactoryClass() публичный метод

public generateFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )

isFactoryClassAutoGenerated() публичный метод

refreshFactoryClass() публичный метод

public refreshFactoryClass ( $path = null, $className = null )

setModules() публичный метод

Sets the modules included in the getModuleOrder() method.
public setModules ( ModuleList $modules )
$modules Puli\Manager\Api\Module\ModuleList The loaded modules.

setServers() публичный метод

Sets the servers included in the createUrlGenerator() method.
public setServers ( Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection $servers )
$servers Puli\Manager\Api\Server\ServerCollection The configured servers.