PHP Класс Smalot\Magento\Catalog\Product

Наследование: extends Smalot\Magento\MagentoModuleAbstract
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
create ( string $type, string $set, string $sku, array $productData, string $storeView = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to create a new product and return ID of the created product.
delete ( string $productId, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to delete the required product.
getInfo ( string $productId, string $storeView = null, string $attributes = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve information about the required product.
getList ( array $filters, string $storeView = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve the list of products.
getListOfAdditionalAttributes ( string $productType, string $attributeSetId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Get the list of additional attributes.
getSpecialPrice ( string $productId, string $storeView = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to get the product special price data.
setCurrentStore ( string $storeView ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to set/get the current store view.
setSpecialPrice ( string $productId, string $specialPrice, string $fromDate, string $toDate, string $storeView = null, string $productIdentifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to set the product special price.
update ( string $productId, array $productData, string $storeView = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to update the required product.

Описание методов

create() публичный Метод

Allows you to create a new product and return ID of the created product.
public create ( string $type, string $set, string $sku, array $productData, string $storeView = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$type string
$set string
$sku string
$productData array
$storeView string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

delete() публичный Метод

Allows you to delete the required product.
public delete ( string $productId, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productId string
$identifierType string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getInfo() публичный Метод

Allows you to retrieve information about the required product.
public getInfo ( string $productId, string $storeView = null, string $attributes = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productId string
$storeView string
$attributes string
$identifierType string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getList() публичный Метод

Allows you to retrieve the list of products.
public getList ( array $filters, string $storeView = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$filters array
$storeView string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getListOfAdditionalAttributes() публичный Метод

Additional attributes are attributes that are not in the default set of attributes.
public getListOfAdditionalAttributes ( string $productType, string $attributeSetId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productType string
$attributeSetId string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getSpecialPrice() публичный Метод

Allows you to get the product special price data.
public getSpecialPrice ( string $productId, string $storeView = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productId string
$storeView string
$identifierType string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

setCurrentStore() публичный Метод

Allows you to set/get the current store view.
public setCurrentStore ( string $storeView ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$storeView string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

setSpecialPrice() публичный Метод

Allows you to set the product special price.
public setSpecialPrice ( string $productId, string $specialPrice, string $fromDate, string $toDate, string $storeView = null, string $productIdentifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productId string
$specialPrice string
$fromDate string
$toDate string
$storeView string
$productIdentifierType string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

update() публичный Метод

Note that you should specify only those parameters which you want to be updated.
public update ( string $productId, array $productData, string $storeView = null, string $identifierType = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$productId string
$productData array
$storeView string
$identifierType string
Результат Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface