PHP Класс Themosis\Foundation\Application

Наследование: extends Illuminate\Container\Container
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$loadedProviders array The loaded service providers.
$paths array Same as $GLOBALS['themosis.paths'].

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( )
register ( ServiceProvider | string $provider, array $options = [], boolean $force = false ) : ServiceProvider Register a service provider with the application.
registerAllPaths ( array $paths ) : Application Register into the application instance, all project paths registered.
registerApplication ( ) Register the Application class into the container, so we can access it from the container itself.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( )

register() публичный Метод

Register a service provider with the application.
public register ( ServiceProvider | string $provider, array $options = [], boolean $force = false ) : ServiceProvider
$provider ServiceProvider | string
$options array
$force boolean
Результат ServiceProvider

registerAllPaths() публичный Метод

Setup this method to be called later on an 'init' hook only.
public registerAllPaths ( array $paths ) : Application
$paths array The registered paths.
Результат Application

registerApplication() публичный Метод

Register the Application class into the container, so we can access it from the container itself.
public registerApplication ( )

Описание свойств

$loadedProviders защищенное свойство

The loaded service providers.
protected array $loadedProviders
Результат array

$paths защищенное свойство

Same as $GLOBALS['themosis.paths'].
protected array $paths
Результат array