PHP Класс Voodoo\Core\Helpers

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CompressOutput ( $content, $print = true ) : To compress data in GZIP and print it.
TimeZoneList ( ) : Array All the timezone list by region
arrayExtend ( Array $a, Array $b ) : Array To extend an array with another array by merging the data and update them with new a
arrayFlatten ( array $ar, Array $f = [] ) : mixed To flatten multi dimensional array into a flat one. Also preserve the key
arrayToDotNotation ( type $Arr ) : type Convert an array to dot notation
array_merge_recursive_distinct ( ) Merges any number of arrays / parameters recursively, replacing entries with string keys with values from latter arrays.
array_msort ( $array, $cols ) : Array Array Multi sort wi $arr2 = array_msort($arr1, array('name'=>array(SORT_DESC,SORT_REGULAR), 'cat'=>SORT_ASC));
calculateDistance ( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit = "M" ) : To calculate distance between to coordinaces
camelize ( type $string, type $pascalCase = false ) : type Camelize
convertCm2In ( $val ) : Cm to inches
convertCm2M ( $val ) : Cm to meters
convertIn2Cm ( $val ) : inches to cm
convertIn2Ft_human ( $val, $dumb = false ) : Human inches value and convert it to a human readable
convertM2Cm ( $val ) : Meters to cm
countWords ( $str ) To count total words in a string
createTagCloud ( array $Tags, string $Link = "", INT $cloud_spread, $sort = "count", string $title = "%tag%", boolean $sizeTags = false ) : String To create a tag cloud based on the tags provided
curlRequest ( string $url, mixed $params = [], string $method = "GET", array $curlOptions = [] ) : Array To make a simple curl request For more advanced curl request, use the Guzzle library
dasherize ( type $str ) : type To dasherize HelloWorld = Hello-World
dateDifference ( $date1, $date2, $abs = true ) : Array(seconds,minutes,hours,days...) Calculate the date diff between 2 dates
excerpt ( string $text, integer $wordCount = 250 ) : string Will create an excerpt of the content. Will remove any html tags
filterDirtyWords ( $list, $hidden = "", $str = "" ) # CLEAN DIRTY WORD
formatDate ( $datetime, $format = "date" ) : To format a YYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS into a human readable
formatInvoice ( $n, $zeroPad = 9 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
formatPhoneNumber ( $phone = '', $returnRaw = false, $trim = true, $convert = false )
formatTweets ( $status, $targetBlank = true, $linkMaxLen = 250 ) : String formatTweets
generatePathFromSequencedNumber ( $str, $paddingLength = 12 ) : string To generate a path sequence from a number if str is 546372 It will create a 3 level path 000/000/546
generateRandomString ( INT $strLen = 7, INT $minLen = 5, BOOL $randomLen = false, BOOL $noCloseSameChar = true, $addZeroOne = false ) : STRING generateRandomString() To create a random string with a specific length.
getAge ( Datetime $dob ) : integer Calculate an age
getArrayDotNotationValue ( array $Data, String $dotNotationKeys = "", mixed $emptyValue = "" ) : Mixed: Read data in array, based on dotNotationKeys
getDomain ( $url ) * Return the domain name of a url
getJsonLastError ( ) : Array Get json last error after json_decode()
getNonce ( integer $size = 32 ) : string To generate a nonce token
getPastDateRange ( $date = "" ) : Array(INT To generarate date in the past. Will return an Array(0=>start time,1=>end time) Can be used when making a date range query, and would like to get the stat and the end
multiArraySearch ( $needle, $haystack, $index_starter )
number_format_HumanReadable ( $number, $decimals ) : To format a number and return it as K,M,T
paginationGetMaxLimit ( integer $pageNumber = 1, inte $itemsPerPage ) : integer Get the max limit in a pagination
paginationGetMinLimit ( integer $pageNumber = 1, inte $itemsPerPage ) : integer Get the min limit in a pagination
paginationGetTotalPages ( integer $totalItems, integer $itemsPerPage ) : integer To get the total pages from set values in pagination
recursiveCopy ( $src, $dest ) : Copy file recursively
recursiveDelete ( strin $dir ) : boolean Delete file recursively
removeRepetitiveChar ( $string, $charToRemove = "", $max, $replacement = "" ) : To remove repetitive chars in a string that are close to each other
removeUrl ( $data )
seconds2Time ( $secs ) : string To convert seconds into time -> HH:MM:SS. It will ommit the hours if not available
setArrayToDotNotation ( type &$root, type $dotNotationKeys, type $value ) To set value in array with dot notation
strPossessive ( string $string ) : string To create a possesive.
stripHtmlComments ( string $content ) : string To strip html comments.
time2Seconds ( string $time ) : integer Convert a time HH:MM:SS to seconds
timeSince ( $time ) : string To calculate a time since the $timestamp and will return it into a human readable date, like 2 hours ago, 7 weeks ago created for twitter and statuses
toCurrency ( $digit ) : Format number to currency
toFriendlyUrl ( $O ) # To make an URL Friendly
toUnderscore ( type $str ) : string To convert camelized case to underscore
truncate ( $str, $max_chars = 3000, $force = 1 ) # May 27 2005
validEmail ( $email )
validIP ( $str )
validLogin ( string $str, integer $min = 4, integer $max = 64 ) : boolean Check if a login is valid
validPassword ( string $str, integer $min = 6, integer $max = 32 ) : boolean Check if a password is valid
validUrl ( $str )
validZipCode ( $zip )

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
timeSince_read ( $num, $word ) : To return a the human readable time since of self:timeSince

Описание методов

CompressOutput() публичный статический Метод

Will send the the header etc Good when sending a lot of JSON to the browser
public static CompressOutput ( $content, $print = true ) :

TimeZoneList() публичный статический Метод

All the timezone list by region
public static TimeZoneList ( ) : Array
Результат Array

arrayExtend() публичный статический Метод

To extend an array with another array by merging the data and update them with new a
public static arrayExtend ( Array $a, Array $b ) : Array
$a Array - The original array
$b Array - The array to merge with
Результат Array

arrayFlatten() публичный Метод

To flatten multi dimensional array into a flat one. Also preserve the key
public arrayFlatten ( array $ar, Array $f = [] ) : mixed
$ar array
$f Array - am array to extend to
Результат mixed Arr- boolean

arrayToDotNotation() публичный статический Метод

Convert an array to dot notation
public static arrayToDotNotation ( type $Arr ) : type
$Arr type
Результат type

array_merge_recursive_distinct() публичный статический Метод

If the entry or the next value to be assigned is an array, then it automagically treats both arguments as an array. Numeric entries are appended, not replaced, but only if they are unique calling: result = array_merge_recursive_distinct(a1, a2, ... aN)
public static array_merge_recursive_distinct ( )

array_msort() публичный статический Метод

Array Multi sort wi $arr2 = array_msort($arr1, array('name'=>array(SORT_DESC,SORT_REGULAR), 'cat'=>SORT_ASC));
public static array_msort ( $array, $cols ) : Array
Результат Array

calculateDistance() публичный статический Метод

To calculate distance between to coordinaces
public static calculateDistance ( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit = "M" ) :

camelize() публичный статический Метод

public static camelize ( type $string, type $pascalCase = false ) : type
$string type
$pascalCase type - if true = CamelCase, else camelCase
Результат type

convertCm2In() публичный статический Метод

Cm to inches
public static convertCm2In ( $val ) :

convertCm2M() публичный статический Метод

Cm to meters
public static convertCm2M ( $val ) :

convertIn2Cm() публичный статический Метод

inches to cm
public static convertIn2Cm ( $val ) :

convertIn2Ft_human() публичный статический Метод

Human inches value and convert it to a human readable
public static convertIn2Ft_human ( $val, $dumb = false ) :

convertM2Cm() публичный статический Метод

Meters to cm
public static convertM2Cm ( $val ) :

countWords() публичный статический Метод

To count total words in a string
public static countWords ( $str )

createTagCloud() публичный Метод

To create a tag cloud based on the tags provided
public createTagCloud ( array $Tags, string $Link = "", INT $cloud_spread, $sort = "count", string $title = "%tag%", boolean $sizeTags = false ) : String
$Tags array - array($tagName=>$tagCount)
$Link string - Link to connect to the tags
$cloud_spread INT - max tags to show
$title string - the title to enter in the link. Can be formatted with %tag% | %count% to add the tag and count respectively in the a href title
$sizeTags boolean - to allow multiple size of fonts
Результат String LI

curlRequest() публичный статический Метод

To make a simple curl request For more advanced curl request, use the Guzzle library
public static curlRequest ( string $url, mixed $params = [], string $method = "GET", array $curlOptions = [] ) : Array
$url string
$params mixed
$method string (GET | POST | DELETE | PUT)
$curlOptions array
Результат Array [(string)response, (array)response_json, (array)headers]

dasherize() публичный статический Метод

To dasherize HelloWorld = Hello-World
public static dasherize ( type $str ) : type
$str type
Результат type

dateDifference() публичный статический Метод

Calculate the date diff between 2 dates
public static dateDifference ( $date1, $date2, $abs = true ) : Array(seconds,minutes,hours,days...)
Результат Array(seconds,minutes,hours,days...)

excerpt() публичный статический Метод

Will create an excerpt of the content. Will remove any html tags
public static excerpt ( string $text, integer $wordCount = 250 ) : string
$text string
$wordCount integer
Результат string plain text

filterDirtyWords() публичный статический Метод

public static filterDirtyWords ( $list, $hidden = "", $str = "" )

formatDate() публичный статический Метод

To format a YYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS into a human readable
public static formatDate ( $datetime, $format = "date" ) :

formatInvoice() публичный статический Метод

public static formatInvoice ( $n, $zeroPad = 9 )

formatPhoneNumber() публичный статический Метод

public static formatPhoneNumber ( $phone = '', $returnRaw = false, $trim = true, $convert = false )

formatTweets() публичный статический Метод

To convert links on a twitter status to a clickable url. Also convert @ to follow link, and # to search
Автор: : Mardix -,
public static formatTweets ( $status, $targetBlank = true, $linkMaxLen = 250 ) : String
Результат String

generatePathFromSequencedNumber() публичный статический Метод

To generate a path sequence from a number if str is 546372 It will create a 3 level path 000/000/546
public static generatePathFromSequencedNumber ( $str, $paddingLength = 12 ) : string
Результат string new path

generateRandomString() публичный статический Метод

Can also generate a random number by providing the minLen and randomLen=true
Автор: : Mardix
public static generateRandomString ( INT $strLen = 7, INT $minLen = 5, BOOL $randomLen = false, BOOL $noCloseSameChar = true, $addZeroOne = false ) : STRING
$strLen INT : the maximum length of the new string
$minLen INT : The minimum length to generate the $randomLen
$randomLen BOOL : to generate random length between $strLen and $minLen
$noCloseSameChar BOOL : If you don't want two same chars to be close to each other
Результат STRING : a new length of string

getAge() публичный статический Метод

Calculate an age
public static getAge ( Datetime $dob ) : integer
$dob Datetime
Результат integer

getArrayDotNotationValue() публичный статический Метод

Read data in array, based on dotNotationKeys
public static getArrayDotNotationValue ( array $Data, String $dotNotationKeys = "", mixed $emptyValue = "" ) : Mixed:
$Data array
$dotNotationKeys String - the dot notation, i.e, "key.subkey.subsubkey"
$emptyValue mixed - A value to return if dotNotArg doesnt find any match
Результат Mixed:

getDomain() публичный статический Метод

* Return the domain name of a url
public static getDomain ( $url )

getJsonLastError() публичный статический Метод

Get json last error after json_decode()
public static getJsonLastError ( ) : Array
Результат Array if error or FALSE

getNonce() публичный статический Метод

To generate a nonce token
public static getNonce ( integer $size = 32 ) : string
$size integer - 32bytes = 256bit
Результат string

getPastDateRange() публичный статический Метод

To generarate date in the past. Will return an Array(0=>start time,1=>end time) Can be used when making a date range query, and would like to get the stat and the end
public static getPastDateRange ( $date = "" ) : Array(INT
Результат Array(INT

multiArraySearch() публичный статический Метод

public static multiArraySearch ( $needle, $haystack, $index_starter )

number_format_HumanReadable() публичный статический Метод

To format a number and return it as K,M,T
public static number_format_HumanReadable ( $number, $decimals ) :

paginationGetMaxLimit() публичный статический Метод

Get the max limit in a pagination
public static paginationGetMaxLimit ( integer $pageNumber = 1, inte $itemsPerPage ) : integer
$pageNumber integer
$itemsPerPage inte
Результат integer

paginationGetMinLimit() публичный статический Метод

Get the min limit in a pagination
public static paginationGetMinLimit ( integer $pageNumber = 1, inte $itemsPerPage ) : integer
$pageNumber integer
$itemsPerPage inte
Результат integer

paginationGetTotalPages() публичный статический Метод

To get the total pages from set values in pagination
public static paginationGetTotalPages ( integer $totalItems, integer $itemsPerPage ) : integer
$totalItems integer
$itemsPerPage integer
Результат integer

recursiveCopy() публичный статический Метод

Copy file recursively
public static recursiveCopy ( $src, $dest ) :

recursiveDelete() публичный статический Метод

Delete file recursively
public static recursiveDelete ( strin $dir ) : boolean
$dir strin
Результат boolean

removeRepetitiveChar() публичный статический Метод

To remove repetitive chars in a string that are close to each other
public static removeRepetitiveChar ( $string, $charToRemove = "", $max, $replacement = "" ) :

removeUrl() публичный статический Метод

public static removeUrl ( $data )

seconds2Time() публичный статический Метод

To convert seconds into time -> HH:MM:SS. It will ommit the hours if not available
public static seconds2Time ( $secs ) : string
Результат string HH:MM:SS

setArrayToDotNotation() публичный статический Метод

To set value in array with dot notation
public static setArrayToDotNotation ( type &$root, type $dotNotationKeys, type $value )
$root type
$dotNotationKeys type
$value type

strPossessive() публичный статический Метод

echo strPossessive("Chris"); //returns Chris' echo strPossessive("David"); //returns David's
public static strPossessive ( string $string ) : string
$string string
Результат string

stripHtmlComments() публичный статический Метод

But will leave conditionals comments such as
public static stripHtmlComments ( string $content ) : string
$content string
Результат string

time2Seconds() публичный статический Метод

Convert a time HH:MM:SS to seconds
public static time2Seconds ( string $time ) : integer
$time string -> HH:MM:SS
Результат integer

timeSince() публичный статический Метод

To calculate a time since the $timestamp and will return it into a human readable date, like 2 hours ago, 7 weeks ago created for twitter and statuses
public static timeSince ( $time ) : string
Результат string : the time since date

toCurrency() публичный статический Метод

Format number to currency
public static toCurrency ( $digit ) :

toFriendlyUrl() публичный статический Метод

# To make an URL Friendly
public static toFriendlyUrl ( $O )

toUnderscore() публичный статический Метод

To convert camelized case to underscore
public static toUnderscore ( type $str ) : string
$str type - ie: HelloWorld = Hello_World
Результат string

truncate() публичный статический Метод

# May 27 2005
public static truncate ( $str, $max_chars = 3000, $force = 1 )

validEmail() публичный статический Метод

public static validEmail ( $email )

validIP() публичный статический Метод

public static validIP ( $str )

validLogin() публичный статический Метод

Check if a login is valid
public static validLogin ( string $str, integer $min = 4, integer $max = 64 ) : boolean
$str string
$min integer
$max integer
Результат boolean

validPassword() публичный статический Метод

Check if a password is valid
public static validPassword ( string $str, integer $min = 6, integer $max = 32 ) : boolean
$str string
$min integer
$max integer
Результат boolean

validUrl() публичный статический Метод

public static validUrl ( $str )

validZipCode() публичный статический Метод

public static validZipCode ( $zip )