PHP Класс yii\sphinx\QueryBuilder

QueryBuilder can also be used to build SQL statements such as INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, DELETE, from a Query object.
С версии: 2.0
Автор: Paul Klimov ([email protected])
Наследование: extends yii\base\Object
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$db the Sphinx connection.
$querySeparator separator between different SQL queries. This is mainly used by QueryBuilder::build when generating a SQL statement.
$separator the separator between different fragments of a SQL statement. Defaults to an empty space. This is mainly used by QueryBuilder::build when generating a SQL statement.

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$conditionBuilders map of query condition to builder methods. These methods are used by [[buildCondition]] to build SQL conditions from array syntax.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( Connection $connection, array $config = [] ) Constructor.
batchInsert ( string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string Generates a batch INSERT SQL statement.
batchReplace ( string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string Generates a batch REPLACE SQL statement.
build ( Query $query, array $params = [] ) : array Generates a SELECT SQL statement from a Query object.
buildAndCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Connects two or more SQL expressions with the AND or OR operator.
buildBetweenCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Creates an SQL expressions with the BETWEEN operator.
buildColumns ( string | array $columns ) : string Processes columns and properly quote them if necessary.
buildCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params ) : string Parses the condition specification and generates the corresponding SQL expression.
buildFrom ( array $indexes, array &$params ) : string
buildGroupBy ( array $columns, integer $limit ) : string
buildHashCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, array $condition, array &$params ) : string Creates a condition based on column-value pairs.
buildHaving ( string[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params ) : string
buildInCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Creates an SQL expressions with the IN operator.
buildLikeCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Creates an SQL expressions with the LIKE operator.
buildLimit ( integer $limit, integer $offset ) : string
buildMatch ( string | yii\db\Expression | MatchExpression $match, array &$params ) : string
buildNotCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Inverts an SQL expressions with NOT operator.
buildOption ( array $options, array &$params ) : string
buildOrderBy ( array $columns ) : string
buildOrderByAndLimit ( string $sql, array $orderBy, integer $limit, integer $offset ) : string Builds the ORDER BY and LIMIT/OFFSET clauses and appends them to the given SQL.
buildSelect ( array $columns, array &$params, boolean $distinct = false, string $selectOption = null ) : string
buildSimpleCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string Creates an SQL expressions like "column" operator value.
buildWhere ( string[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params, string | yii\db\Expression | null $match = null ) : string
buildWithin ( array $columns ) : string
callKeywords ( string $index, string $text, boolean $fetchStatistic, array &$params ) : string Builds a SQL statement for returning tokenized and normalized forms of the keywords, and, optionally, keyword statistics.
callSnippets ( string $index, string | array $source, string $match, array $options, array &$params ) : string Builds a SQL statement for call snippet from provided data and query, using specified index settings.
delete ( string $index, array | string $condition, array &$params ) : string Creates a DELETE SQL statement.
getMatchBuilder ( ) : MatchBuilder
insert ( string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string Creates an INSERT SQL statement.
replace ( string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string Creates an REPLACE SQL statement.
truncateIndex ( string $index ) : string Builds a SQL statement for truncating an index.
update ( string $index, array $columns, array | string $condition, array &$params, array $options ) : string Creates an UPDATE SQL statement.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
buildCompositeInCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $columns, array $values, array &$params ) : string
buildFacets ( array $facets, array &$params ) : string
buildShowMeta ( boolean | string | yii\db\Expression $showMeta, array &$params ) : string Builds SHOW META query.
composeColumnValue ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $columnName, mixed $value, array &$params ) : string Composes column value for SQL, taking in account the column type.
generateBatchInsertReplace ( string $statement, string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string Generates a batch INSERT/REPLACE SQL statement.
generateInsertReplace ( string $statement, string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string Generates INSERT/REPLACE SQL statement.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
buildSelectFields ( array $columns, array &$params ) : string
getIndexSchemas ( array $indexes ) : IndexSchema[]

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

public __construct ( Connection $connection, array $config = [] )
$connection Connection the Sphinx connection.
$config array name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties

batchInsert() публичный метод

For example, php $sql = $queryBuilder->batchInsert('idx_user', ['id', 'name', 'age'], [ [1, 'Tom', 30], [2, 'Jane', 20], [3, 'Linda', 25], ], $params); Note that the values in each row must match the corresponding column names.
public batchInsert ( string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string
$index string the index that new rows will be inserted into.
$columns array the column names
$rows array the rows to be batch inserted into the index
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method. They should be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the batch INSERT SQL statement

batchReplace() публичный метод

For example, php $sql = $queryBuilder->batchReplace('idx_user', ['id', 'name', 'age'], [ [1, 'Tom', 30], [2, 'Jane', 20], [3, 'Linda', 25], ], $params); Note that the values in each row must match the corresponding column names.
public batchReplace ( string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string
$index string the index that new rows will be replaced.
$columns array the column names
$rows array the rows to be batch replaced in the index
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method. They should be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the batch INSERT SQL statement

build() публичный метод

Generates a SELECT SQL statement from a Query object.
public build ( Query $query, array $params = [] ) : array
$query Query the [[Query]] object from which the SQL statement will be generated
$params array the parameters to be bound to the generated SQL statement. These parameters will be included in the result with the additional parameters generated during the query building process.
Результат array the generated SQL statement (the first array element) and the corresponding parameters to be bound to the SQL statement (the second array element). The parameters returned include those provided in `$params`.

buildAndCondition() публичный метод

Connects two or more SQL expressions with the AND or OR operator.
public buildAndCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use for connecting the given operands
$operands array the SQL expressions to connect.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildBetweenCondition() публичный метод

Creates an SQL expressions with the BETWEEN operator.
public buildBetweenCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use (e.g. `BETWEEN` or `NOT BETWEEN`)
$operands array the first operand is the column name. The second and third operands describe the interval that column value should be in.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildColumns() публичный метод

It will join all columns into a string with comma as separators.
public buildColumns ( string | array $columns ) : string
$columns string | array the columns to be processed
Результат string the processing result

buildCompositeInCondition() защищенный метод

protected buildCompositeInCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $columns, array $values, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use (e.g. `IN` or `NOT IN`)
$columns array
$values array
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildCondition() публичный метод

Parses the condition specification and generates the corresponding SQL expression.
public buildCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$condition string | array the condition specification. Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify a condition.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildFacets() защищенный метод

protected buildFacets ( array $facets, array &$params ) : string
$facets array facet specifications
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the FACET clause build from [[query]]

buildFrom() публичный метод

public buildFrom ( array $indexes, array &$params ) : string
$indexes array
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the FROM clause built from [[query]].

buildGroupBy() публичный метод

public buildGroupBy ( array $columns, integer $limit ) : string
$columns array group columns
$limit integer group limit
Результат string the GROUP BY clause

buildHashCondition() публичный метод

Creates a condition based on column-value pairs.
public buildHashCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, array $condition, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$condition array the condition specification.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildHaving() публичный метод

public buildHaving ( string[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params ) : string
$indexes string[] list of index names, which affected by query
$condition string | array
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the HAVING clause built from [[Query::$having]].

buildInCondition() публичный метод

Creates an SQL expressions with the IN operator.
public buildInCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use (e.g. `IN` or `NOT IN`)
$operands array the first operand is the column name. If it is an array a composite IN condition will be generated. The second operand is an array of values that column value should be among. If it is an empty array the generated expression will be a `false` value if operator is `IN` and empty if operator is `NOT IN`.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildLikeCondition() публичный метод

Creates an SQL expressions with the LIKE operator.
public buildLikeCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use (e.g. `LIKE`, `NOT LIKE`, `OR LIKE` or `OR NOT LIKE`)
$operands array an array of two or three operands - The first operand is the column name. - The second operand is a single value or an array of values that column value should be compared with. If it is an empty array the generated expression will be a `false` value if operator is `LIKE` or `OR LIKE`, and empty if operator is `NOT LIKE` or `OR NOT LIKE`. - An optional third operand can also be provided to specify how to escape special characters in the value(s). The operand should be an array of mappings from the special characters to their escaped counterparts. If this operand is not provided, a default escape mapping will be used. You may use `false` or an empty array to indicate the values are already escaped and no escape should be applied. Note that when using an escape mapping (or the third operand is not provided), the values will be automatically enclosed within a pair of percentage characters.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildLimit() публичный метод

public buildLimit ( integer $limit, integer $offset ) : string
$limit integer
$offset integer
Результат string the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses built from [[query]].

buildMatch() публичный метод

public buildMatch ( string | yii\db\Expression | MatchExpression $match, array &$params ) : string
$match string | yii\db\Expression | MatchExpression match condition
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string generated MATCH expression

buildNotCondition() публичный метод

Inverts an SQL expressions with NOT operator.
public buildNotCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use for connecting the given operands
$operands array the SQL expressions to connect.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildOption() публичный метод

public buildOption ( array $options, array &$params ) : string
$options array query options in format: optionName => optionValue
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the OPTION clause build from [[query]]

buildOrderBy() публичный метод

public buildOrderBy ( array $columns ) : string
$columns array
Результат string the ORDER BY clause built from [[query]].

buildOrderByAndLimit() публичный метод

Builds the ORDER BY and LIMIT/OFFSET clauses and appends them to the given SQL.
public buildOrderByAndLimit ( string $sql, array $orderBy, integer $limit, integer $offset ) : string
$sql string the existing SQL (without ORDER BY/LIMIT/OFFSET)
$orderBy array the order by columns. See [[Query::orderBy]] for more details on how to specify this parameter.
$limit integer the limit number. See [[Query::limit]] for more details.
$offset integer the offset number. See [[Query::offset]] for more details.
Результат string the SQL completed with ORDER BY/LIMIT/OFFSET (if any)

buildSelect() публичный метод

public buildSelect ( array $columns, array &$params, boolean $distinct = false, string $selectOption = null ) : string
$columns array
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
$distinct boolean
$selectOption string
Результат string the SELECT clause built from [[query]].

buildShowMeta() защищенный метод

Builds SHOW META query.
protected buildShowMeta ( boolean | string | yii\db\Expression $showMeta, array &$params ) : string
$showMeta boolean | string | yii\db\Expression show meta specification.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string SHOW META query, if it does not required - empty string.

buildSimpleCondition() публичный метод

Creates an SQL expressions like "column" operator value.
public buildSimpleCondition ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $operator, array $operands, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$operator string the operator to use. Anything could be used e.g. `>`, `<=`, etc.
$operands array contains two column names.
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string the generated SQL expression

buildWhere() публичный метод

public buildWhere ( string[] $indexes, string | array $condition, array &$params, string | yii\db\Expression | null $match = null ) : string
$indexes string[] list of index names, which affected by query
$condition string | array
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
$match string | yii\db\Expression | null
Результат string the WHERE clause built from [[query]].

buildWithin() публичный метод

public buildWithin ( array $columns ) : string
$columns array
Результат string the ORDER BY clause built from [[query]].

callKeywords() публичный метод

Builds a SQL statement for returning tokenized and normalized forms of the keywords, and, optionally, keyword statistics.
public callKeywords ( string $index, string $text, boolean $fetchStatistic, array &$params ) : string
$index string the name of the index from which to take the text processing settings
$text string the text to break down to keywords.
$fetchStatistic boolean whether to return document and hit occurrence statistics
$params array the binding parameters that will be modified by this method so that they can be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the SQL statement for call keywords.

callSnippets() публичный метод

Builds a SQL statement for call snippet from provided data and query, using specified index settings.
public callSnippets ( string $index, string | array $source, string $match, array $options, array &$params ) : string
$index string name of the index, from which to take the text processing settings.
$source string | array is the source data to extract a snippet from. It could be either a single string or array of strings.
$match string the full-text query to build snippets for.
$options array list of options in format: optionName => optionValue
$params array the binding parameters that will be modified by this method so that they can be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the SQL statement for call snippets.

composeColumnValue() защищенный метод

Composes column value for SQL, taking in account the column type.
protected composeColumnValue ( IndexSchema[] $indexes, string $columnName, mixed $value, array &$params ) : string
$indexes IndexSchema[] list of indexes, which affected by query
$columnName string name of the column
$value mixed raw column value
$params array the binding parameters to be populated
Результат string SQL expression, which represents column value

delete() публичный метод

For example, php $sql = $queryBuilder->delete('idx_user', 'status = 0'); The method will properly escape the index and column names.
public delete ( string $index, array | string $condition, array &$params ) : string
$index string the index where the data will be deleted from.
$condition array | string the condition that will be put in the WHERE part. Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify condition.
$params array the binding parameters that will be modified by this method so that they can be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the DELETE SQL

generateBatchInsertReplace() защищенный метод

Generates a batch INSERT/REPLACE SQL statement.
protected generateBatchInsertReplace ( string $statement, string $index, array $columns, array $rows, array &$params ) : string
$statement string statement ot be generated.
$index string the affected index name.
$columns array the column data (name => value).
$rows array the rows to be batch inserted into the index
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method.
Результат string generated SQL

generateInsertReplace() защищенный метод

Generates INSERT/REPLACE SQL statement.
protected generateInsertReplace ( string $statement, string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string
$statement string statement ot be generated.
$index string the affected index name.
$columns array the column data (name => value).
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method.
Результат string generated SQL

getMatchBuilder() публичный метод

С версии: 2.0.6
public getMatchBuilder ( ) : MatchBuilder
Результат MatchBuilder match builder.

insert() публичный метод

For example, php $sql = $queryBuilder->insert('idx_user', [ 'name' => 'Sam', 'age' => 30, 'id' => 10, ], $params); The method will properly escape the index and column names.
public insert ( string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string
$index string the index that new rows will be inserted into.
$columns array the column data (name => value) to be inserted into the index.
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method. They should be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the INSERT SQL

replace() публичный метод

For example, php $sql = $queryBuilder->replace('idx_user', [ 'name' => 'Sam', 'age' => 30, 'id' => 10, ], $params); The method will properly escape the index and column names.
public replace ( string $index, array $columns, array &$params ) : string
$index string the index that new rows will be replaced.
$columns array the column data (name => value) to be replaced in the index.
$params array the binding parameters that will be generated by this method. They should be bound to the Sphinx command later.
Результат string the INSERT SQL

truncateIndex() публичный метод

Builds a SQL statement for truncating an index.
public truncateIndex ( string $index ) : string
$index string the index to be truncated. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
Результат string the SQL statement for truncating an index.

update() публичный метод

For example, php $params = []; $sql = $queryBuilder->update('idx_user', ['status' => 1], 'age > 30', $params); The method will properly escape the index and column names.
public update ( string $index, array $columns, array | string $condition, array &$params, array $options ) : string
$index string the index to be updated.
$columns array the column data (name => value) to be updated.
$condition array | string the condition that will be put in the WHERE part. Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify condition.
$params array the binding parameters that will be modified by this method so that they can be bound to the Sphinx command later.
$options array list of options in format: optionName => optionValue
Результат string the UPDATE SQL

Описание свойств

$conditionBuilders защищенное свойство

map of query condition to builder methods. These methods are used by [[buildCondition]] to build SQL conditions from array syntax.
protected $conditionBuilders

$db публичное свойство

the Sphinx connection.
public $db

$querySeparator публичное свойство

separator between different SQL queries. This is mainly used by QueryBuilder::build when generating a SQL statement.
public $querySeparator

$separator публичное свойство

the separator between different fragments of a SQL statement. Defaults to an empty space. This is mainly used by QueryBuilder::build when generating a SQL statement.
public $separator