PHP Интерфейс Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface

Наследование: extends DateTimeInterfac\DateTimeInterface
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
addDay ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a day to the instance
addDays ( integer $value ) : static Add days to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addHour ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add an hour to the instance
addHours ( integer $value ) : static Add hours to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addMinute ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a minute to the instance
addMinutes ( integer $value ) : static Add minutes to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addMonth ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a month to the instance
addMonthWithOverflow ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a month with overflow to the instance
addMonths ( integer $value ) : static Add months to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addMonthsWithOverflow ( integer $value ) : static Add months with overflowing to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addSecond ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a second to the instance
addSeconds ( integer $value ) : static Add seconds to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addWeek ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a week to the instance
addWeekday ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a weekday to the instance
addWeekdays ( integer $value ) : static Add weekdays to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addWeeks ( integer $value ) : static Add weeks to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
addYear ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Add a year to the instance
addYears ( integer $value ) : static Add years to the instance. Positive $value travel forward while negative $value travel into the past.
average ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static Modify the current instance to the average of a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
between ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2, boolean $equal = true ) : boolean Determines if the instance is between two others
closest ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2 ) : static Get the closest date from the instance.
copy ( ) : static Get a copy of the instance
day ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's day
diffFiltered ( ChronosInterval $ci, callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference by the given interval using a filter callable
diffForHumans ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $other = null, boolean $absolute = false ) : string Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale.
diffInDays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in days
diffInDaysFiltered ( callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in days using a filter callable
diffInHours ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in hours
diffInHoursFiltered ( callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in hours using a filter callable
diffInMinutes ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in minutes
diffInMonths ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in months
diffInSeconds ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in seconds
diffInWeekdays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in weekdays
diffInWeekendDays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in weekend days using a filter
diffInWeeks ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in weeks
diffInYears ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer Get the difference in years
endOfCentury ( ) : static Resets the date to end of the century and time to 23:59:59
endOfDay ( ) : static Resets the time to 23:59:59
endOfDecade ( ) : static Resets the date to end of the decade and time to 23:59:59
endOfMonth ( ) : static Resets the date to end of the month and time to 23:59:59
endOfWeek ( ) : static Resets the date to end of week (defined in $weekEndsAt) and time to 23:59:59
endOfYear ( ) : static Resets the date to end of the year and time to 23:59:59
eq ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is equal to another
farthest ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2 ) : static Get the farthest date from the instance.
firstOfMonth ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current month. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
firstOfQuarter ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current quarter. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
firstOfYear ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current year. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
gt ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is greater (after) than another
gte ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is greater (after) than or equal to another
hour ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's hour
isBirthday ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Check if its the birthday. Compares the date/month values of the two dates.
isFriday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Friday.
isFuture ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is in the future, ie. greater (after) than now
isLeapYear ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is a leap year
isMonday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Monday.
isMutable ( ) : boolean Check if instance of ChronosInterface is mutable.
isPast ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is in the past, ie. less (before) than now
isSameDay ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Checks if the passed in date is the same day as the instance current day.
isSaturday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Saturday.
isSunday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Sunday.
isThisMonth ( ) : boolean Returns true if this object represents a date within the current month
isThisWeek ( ) : boolean Returns true if this object represents a date within the current week
isThisYear ( ) : boolean Returns true if this object represents a date within the current year
isThursday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Thursday.
isToday ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is today
isTomorrow ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is tomorrow
isTuesday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Tuesday.
isWednesday ( ) : boolean Checks if this day is a Wednesday.
isWeekday ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is a weekday
isWeekend ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is a weekend day
isWithinNext ( string | integer $timeInterval ) : boolean Returns true this instance will happen within the specified interval
isYesterday ( ) : boolean Determines if the instance is yesterday
lastOfMonth ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current month. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
lastOfQuarter ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current quarter. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
lastOfYear ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current year. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
lt ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is less (before) than another
lte ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is less (before) or equal to another
max ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static Get the maximum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
min ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static Get the minimum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
minute ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's minute
month ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's month
ne ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean Determines if the instance is not equal to another
next ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the next occurrence of a given day of the week.
nthOfMonth ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current month, then return false and no modifications are made.
nthOfQuarter ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current quarter, then return false and no modifications are made.
nthOfYear ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current year, then return false and no modifications are made.
previous ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed Modify to the previous occurrence of a given day of the week.
second ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's second
secondsSinceMidnight ( ) : integer The number of seconds since midnight.
secondsUntilEndOfDay ( ) : integer The number of seconds until 23:23:59.
setDateTime ( integer $year, integer $month, integer $day, integer $hour, integer $minute, integer $second ) : static Set the date and time all together
setTimeFromTimeString ( string $time ) : static Set the time by time string
setTimezone ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static Set the instance's timezone from a string or object
startOfCentury ( ) : static Resets the date to the first day of the century and the time to 00:00:00
startOfDay ( ) : static Resets the time to 00:00:00
startOfDecade ( ) : static Resets the date to the first day of the decade and the time to 00:00:00
startOfMonth ( ) : static Resets the date to the first day of the month and the time to 00:00:00
startOfWeek ( ) : static Resets the date to the first day of week (defined in $weekStartsAt) and the time to 00:00:00
startOfYear ( ) : static Resets the date to the first day of the year and the time to 00:00:00
subDay ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a day from the instance
subDays ( integer $value ) : static Remove days from the instance
subHour ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove an hour from the instance
subHours ( integer $value ) : static Remove hours from the instance
subMinute ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a minute from the instance
subMinutes ( integer $value ) : static Remove minutes from the instance
subMonth ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a month from the instance
subMonthWithOverflow ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a month with overflow from the instance
subMonths ( integer $value ) : static Remove months from the instance
subMonthsWithOverflow ( integer $value ) : static Remove months with overflow from the instance
subSecond ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a second from the instance
subSeconds ( integer $value ) : static Remove seconds from the instance
subWeek ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a week from the instance
subWeekday ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a weekday from the instance
subWeekdays ( integer $value ) : static Remove weekdays from the instance
subWeeks ( integer $value ) : static Remove weeks to the instance
subYear ( integer $value = 1 ) : static Remove a year from the instance
subYears ( integer $value ) : static Remove years from the instance.
timestamp ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's timestamp
timezone ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static Alias for setTimezone()
toAtomString ( ) : string Format the instance as ATOM
toCookieString ( ) : string Format the instance as COOKIE
toDateString ( ) : string Format the instance as date
toDateTimeString ( ) : string Format the instance as date and time
toDayDateTimeString ( ) : string Format the instance with day, date and time
toFormattedDateString ( ) : string Format the instance as a readable date
toIso8601String ( ) : string Format the instance as ISO8601
toRfc1036String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC1036
toRfc1123String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC1123
toRfc2822String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC2822
toRfc3339String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC3339
toRfc822String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC822
toRfc850String ( ) : string Format the instance as RFC850
toRssString ( ) : string Format the instance as RSS
toTimeString ( ) : string Format the instance as time
toW3cString ( ) : string Format the instance as W3C
tz ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static Alias for setTimezone()
wasWithinLast ( string | integer $timeInterval ) : boolean Returns true this instance happened within the specified interval
year ( integer $value ) : static Set the instance's year

Описание методов

addDay() публичный Метод

Add a day to the instance
public addDay ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of days to add.
Результат static

addDays() публичный Метод

Add days to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addDays ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of days to add.
Результат static

addHour() публичный Метод

Add an hour to the instance
public addHour ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of hours to add.
Результат static

addHours() публичный Метод

Add hours to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addHours ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of hours to add.
Результат static

addMinute() публичный Метод

Add a minute to the instance
public addMinute ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of minutes to add.
Результат static

addMinutes() публичный Метод

Add minutes to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addMinutes ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of minutes to add.
Результат static

addMonth() публичный Метод

When adding or subtracting months, if the resulting time is a date that does not exist, the result of this operation will always be the last day of the intended month. ### Example: (new Chronos('2015-01-03'))->addMonth(); // Results in 2015-02-03 (new Chronos('2015-01-31'))->addMonth(); // Results in 2015-02-28
public addMonth ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of months to add.
Результат static

addMonthWithOverflow() публичный Метод

Add a month with overflow to the instance
public addMonthWithOverflow ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of months to add.
Результат static

addMonths() публичный Метод

When adding or subtracting months, if the resulting time is a date that does not exist, the result of this operation will always be the last day of the intended month. ### Example: (new Chronos('2015-01-03'))->addMonths(1); // Results in 2015-02-03 (new Chronos('2015-01-31'))->addMonths(1); // Results in 2015-02-28
public addMonths ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of months to add.
Результат static

addMonthsWithOverflow() публичный Метод

Add months with overflowing to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addMonthsWithOverflow ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of months to add.
Результат static

addSecond() публичный Метод

Add a second to the instance
public addSecond ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of seconds to add.
Результат static

addSeconds() публичный Метод

Add seconds to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addSeconds ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of seconds to add.
Результат static

addWeek() публичный Метод

Add a week to the instance
public addWeek ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of weeks to add.
Результат static

addWeekday() публичный Метод

Add a weekday to the instance
public addWeekday ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of weekdays to add.
Результат static

addWeekdays() публичный Метод

Add weekdays to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addWeekdays ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of weekdays to add.
Результат static

addWeeks() публичный Метод

Add weeks to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
public addWeeks ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of weeks to add.
Результат static

addYear() публичный Метод

Add a year to the instance
public addYear ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of years to add.
Результат static

addYears() публичный Метод

Add years to the instance. Positive $value travel forward while negative $value travel into the past.
public addYears ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of years to add.
Результат static

average() публичный Метод

Modify the current instance to the average of a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
public average ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат static

between() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is between two others
public between ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2, boolean $equal = true ) : boolean
$dt1 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
$dt2 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
$equal boolean Indicates if a > and < comparison should be used or <= or >=
Результат boolean

closest() публичный Метод

Get the closest date from the instance.
public closest ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2 ) : static
$dt1 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
$dt2 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат static

copy() публичный Метод

Get a copy of the instance
public copy ( ) : static
Результат static

day() публичный Метод

Set the instance's day
public day ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The day value.
Результат static

diffFiltered() публичный Метод

Get the difference by the given interval using a filter callable
public diffFiltered ( ChronosInterval $ci, callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$ci ChronosInterval An interval to traverse by
$callback callable The callback to use for filtering.
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffForHumans() публичный Метод

When comparing a value in the past to default now: 1 hour ago 5 months ago When comparing a value in the future to default now: 1 hour from now 5 months from now When comparing a value in the past to another value: 1 hour before 5 months before When comparing a value in the future to another value: 1 hour after 5 months after
public diffForHumans ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $other = null, boolean $absolute = false ) : string
$other Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The datetime to compare with.
$absolute boolean Removes time difference modifiers ago, after, etc
Результат string

diffInDays() публичный Метод

Get the difference in days
public diffInDays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInDaysFiltered() публичный Метод

Get the difference in days using a filter callable
public diffInDaysFiltered ( callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$callback callable The callback to use for filtering.
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInHours() публичный Метод

Get the difference in hours
public diffInHours ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInHoursFiltered() публичный Метод

Get the difference in hours using a filter callable
public diffInHoursFiltered ( callable $callback, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$callback callable The callback to use for filtering.
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInMinutes() публичный Метод

Get the difference in minutes
public diffInMinutes ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInMonths() публичный Метод

Get the difference in months
public diffInMonths ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInSeconds() публичный Метод

Get the difference in seconds
public diffInSeconds ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInWeekdays() публичный Метод

Get the difference in weekdays
public diffInWeekdays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInWeekendDays() публичный Метод

Get the difference in weekend days using a filter
public diffInWeekendDays ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInWeeks() публичный Метод

Get the difference in weeks
public diffInWeeks ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

diffInYears() публичный Метод

Get the difference in years
public diffInYears ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null, boolean $abs = true ) : integer
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to difference from.
$abs boolean Get the absolute of the difference
Результат integer

endOfCentury() публичный Метод

Resets the date to end of the century and time to 23:59:59
public endOfCentury ( ) : static
Результат static

endOfDay() публичный Метод

Resets the time to 23:59:59
public endOfDay ( ) : static
Результат static

endOfDecade() публичный Метод

Resets the date to end of the decade and time to 23:59:59
public endOfDecade ( ) : static
Результат static

endOfMonth() публичный Метод

Resets the date to end of the month and time to 23:59:59
public endOfMonth ( ) : static
Результат static

endOfWeek() публичный Метод

Resets the date to end of week (defined in $weekEndsAt) and time to 23:59:59
public endOfWeek ( ) : static
Результат static

endOfYear() публичный Метод

Resets the date to end of the year and time to 23:59:59
public endOfYear ( ) : static
Результат static

eq() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is equal to another
public eq ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

farthest() публичный Метод

Get the farthest date from the instance.
public farthest ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt1, Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt2 ) : static
$dt1 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
$dt2 Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат static

firstOfMonth() публичный Метод

Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current month. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public firstOfMonth ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

firstOfQuarter() публичный Метод

Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current quarter. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public firstOfQuarter ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

firstOfYear() публичный Метод

Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current year. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public firstOfYear ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

gt() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is greater (after) than another
public gt ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

gte() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is greater (after) than or equal to another
public gte ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

hour() публичный Метод

Set the instance's hour
public hour ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The hour value.
Результат static

isBirthday() публичный Метод

Check if its the birthday. Compares the date/month values of the two dates.
public isBirthday ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

isFriday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Friday.
public isFriday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isFuture() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is in the future, ie. greater (after) than now
public isFuture ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isLeapYear() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is a leap year
public isLeapYear ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isMonday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Monday.
public isMonday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isMutable() публичный Метод

Check if instance of ChronosInterface is mutable.
public isMutable ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isPast() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is in the past, ie. less (before) than now
public isPast ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isSameDay() публичный Метод

Checks if the passed in date is the same day as the instance current day.
public isSameDay ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to check against.
Результат boolean

isSaturday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Saturday.
public isSaturday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isSunday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Sunday.
public isSunday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isThisMonth() публичный Метод

Returns true if this object represents a date within the current month
public isThisMonth ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isThisWeek() публичный Метод

Returns true if this object represents a date within the current week
public isThisWeek ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isThisYear() публичный Метод

Returns true if this object represents a date within the current year
public isThisYear ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isThursday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Thursday.
public isThursday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isToday() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is today
public isToday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isTomorrow() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is tomorrow
public isTomorrow ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isTuesday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Tuesday.
public isTuesday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isWednesday() публичный Метод

Checks if this day is a Wednesday.
public isWednesday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isWeekday() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is a weekday
public isWeekday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isWeekend() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is a weekend day
public isWeekend ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isWithinNext() публичный Метод

Returns true this instance will happen within the specified interval
public isWithinNext ( string | integer $timeInterval ) : boolean
$timeInterval string | integer the numeric value with space then time type. Example of valid types: 6 hours, 2 days, 1 minute.
Результат boolean

isYesterday() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is yesterday
public isYesterday ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

lastOfMonth() публичный Метод

Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current month. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public lastOfMonth ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

lastOfQuarter() публичный Метод

Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current quarter. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public lastOfQuarter ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

lastOfYear() публичный Метод

Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current year. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public lastOfYear ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

lt() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is less (before) than another
public lt ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

lte() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is less (before) or equal to another
public lte ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

max() публичный Метод

Get the maximum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
public max ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат static

min() публичный Метод

Get the minimum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
public min ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt = null ) : static
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат static

minute() публичный Метод

Set the instance's minute
public minute ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The minute value.
Результат static

month() публичный Метод

Set the instance's month
public month ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The month value.
Результат static

ne() публичный Метод

Determines if the instance is not equal to another
public ne ( Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface $dt ) : boolean
$dt Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface The instance to compare with.
Результат boolean

next() публичный Метод

If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the next occurrence of the current day of the week. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public next ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

nthOfMonth() публичный Метод

Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public nthOfMonth ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed
$nth integer The offset to use.
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

nthOfQuarter() публичный Метод

Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public nthOfQuarter ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed
$nth integer The offset to use.
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

nthOfYear() публичный Метод

Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public nthOfYear ( integer $nth, integer $dayOfWeek ) : mixed
$nth integer The offset to use.
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

previous() публичный Метод

If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the previous occurrence of the current day of the week. Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
public previous ( integer $dayOfWeek = null ) : mixed
$dayOfWeek integer The day of the week to move to.
Результат mixed

second() публичный Метод

Set the instance's second
public second ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The seconds value.
Результат static

secondsSinceMidnight() публичный Метод

The number of seconds since midnight.
public secondsSinceMidnight ( ) : integer
Результат integer

secondsUntilEndOfDay() публичный Метод

The number of seconds until 23:23:59.
public secondsUntilEndOfDay ( ) : integer
Результат integer

setDateTime() публичный Метод

Set the date and time all together
public setDateTime ( integer $year, integer $month, integer $day, integer $hour, integer $minute, integer $second ) : static
$year integer The year to set.
$month integer The month to set.
$day integer The day to set.
$hour integer The hour to set.
$minute integer The minute to set.
$second integer The second to set.
Результат static

setTimeFromTimeString() публичный Метод

Set the time by time string
public setTimeFromTimeString ( string $time ) : static
$time string Time as string.
Результат static

setTimezone() публичный Метод

Set the instance's timezone from a string or object
public setTimezone ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static
$value DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string The DateTimeZone object or timezone name to use.
Результат static

startOfCentury() публичный Метод

Resets the date to the first day of the century and the time to 00:00:00
public startOfCentury ( ) : static
Результат static

startOfDay() публичный Метод

Resets the time to 00:00:00
public startOfDay ( ) : static
Результат static

startOfDecade() публичный Метод

Resets the date to the first day of the decade and the time to 00:00:00
public startOfDecade ( ) : static
Результат static

startOfMonth() публичный Метод

Resets the date to the first day of the month and the time to 00:00:00
public startOfMonth ( ) : static
Результат static

startOfWeek() публичный Метод

Resets the date to the first day of week (defined in $weekStartsAt) and the time to 00:00:00
public startOfWeek ( ) : static
Результат static

startOfYear() публичный Метод

Resets the date to the first day of the year and the time to 00:00:00
public startOfYear ( ) : static
Результат static

subDay() публичный Метод

Remove a day from the instance
public subDay ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of days to remove.
Результат static

subDays() публичный Метод

Remove days from the instance
public subDays ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of days to remove.
Результат static

subHour() публичный Метод

Remove an hour from the instance
public subHour ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of hours to remove.
Результат static

subHours() публичный Метод

Remove hours from the instance
public subHours ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of hours to remove.
Результат static

subMinute() публичный Метод

Remove a minute from the instance
public subMinute ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of minutes to remove.
Результат static

subMinutes() публичный Метод

Remove minutes from the instance
public subMinutes ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of minutes to remove.
Результат static

subMonth() публичный Метод

When adding or subtracting months, if the resulting time is a date that does not exist, the result of this operation will always be the last day of the intended month. ### Example: (new Chronos('2015-03-01'))->subMonth(); // Results in 2015-02-01 (new Chronos('2015-03-31'))->subMonth(); // Results in 2015-02-28
public subMonth ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of months to remove.
Результат static

subMonthWithOverflow() публичный Метод

Remove a month with overflow from the instance
public subMonthWithOverflow ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of months to remove.
Результат static

subMonths() публичный Метод

When adding or subtracting months, if the resulting time is a date that does not exist, the result of this operation will always be the last day of the intended month. ### Example: (new Chronos('2015-03-01'))->subMonths(1); // Results in 2015-02-01 (new Chronos('2015-03-31'))->subMonths(1); // Results in 2015-02-28
public subMonths ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of months to remove.
Результат static

subMonthsWithOverflow() публичный Метод

Remove months with overflow from the instance
public subMonthsWithOverflow ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of months to remove.
Результат static

subSecond() публичный Метод

Remove a second from the instance
public subSecond ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of seconds to remove.
Результат static

subSeconds() публичный Метод

Remove seconds from the instance
public subSeconds ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of seconds to remove.
Результат static

subWeek() публичный Метод

Remove a week from the instance
public subWeek ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of weeks to remove.
Результат static

subWeekday() публичный Метод

Remove a weekday from the instance
public subWeekday ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of weekdays to remove.
Результат static

subWeekdays() публичный Метод

Remove weekdays from the instance
public subWeekdays ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of weekdays to remove.
Результат static

subWeeks() публичный Метод

Remove weeks to the instance
public subWeeks ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of weeks to remove.
Результат static

subYear() публичный Метод

Remove a year from the instance
public subYear ( integer $value = 1 ) : static
$value integer The number of years to remove.
Результат static

subYears() публичный Метод

Remove years from the instance.
public subYears ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The number of years to remove.
Результат static

timestamp() публичный Метод

Set the instance's timestamp
public timestamp ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The timestamp value to set.
Результат static

timezone() публичный Метод

Alias for setTimezone()
public timezone ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static
$value DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string The DateTimeZone object or timezone name to use.
Результат static

toAtomString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as ATOM
public toAtomString ( ) : string
Результат string

toCookieString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as COOKIE
public toCookieString ( ) : string
Результат string

toDateString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as date
public toDateString ( ) : string
Результат string

toDateTimeString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as date and time
public toDateTimeString ( ) : string
Результат string

toDayDateTimeString() публичный Метод

Format the instance with day, date and time
public toDayDateTimeString ( ) : string
Результат string

toFormattedDateString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as a readable date
public toFormattedDateString ( ) : string
Результат string

toIso8601String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as ISO8601
public toIso8601String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc1036String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC1036
public toRfc1036String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc1123String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC1123
public toRfc1123String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc2822String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC2822
public toRfc2822String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc3339String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC3339
public toRfc3339String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc822String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC822
public toRfc822String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRfc850String() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RFC850
public toRfc850String ( ) : string
Результат string

toRssString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as RSS
public toRssString ( ) : string
Результат string

toTimeString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as time
public toTimeString ( ) : string
Результат string

toW3cString() публичный Метод

Format the instance as W3C
public toW3cString ( ) : string
Результат string

tz() публичный Метод

Alias for setTimezone()
public tz ( DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string $value ) : static
$value DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string The DateTimeZone object or timezone name to use.
Результат static

wasWithinLast() публичный Метод

Returns true this instance happened within the specified interval
public wasWithinLast ( string | integer $timeInterval ) : boolean
$timeInterval string | integer the numeric value with space then time type. Example of valid types: 6 hours, 2 days, 1 minute.
Результат boolean

year() публичный Метод

Set the instance's year
public year ( integer $value ) : static
$value integer The year value.
Результат static